Kuroko has a brother?!

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~I've been meaning to post this for a while now but my wifi decided to not work and my wattpad deleted this like 3 times but luckily I had it saved to my notes! I've also been busy with school, being an exchange student is pretty exhausting but fun! Anyways I want to pair Kiro with someone (a girl) and I'm thinking about putting him with Riko or I may have a contest later to see who can be in the story! Comment your thoughts! It will help me a lot and also don't be scared to tell me my mistakes (just don't be rude please) I'm not American and I don't know English the best so please don't be mean >-<

(Starts before the practice game with Kise's school)
"Tomorrow's the day..." Stated the bluenette as he stared at the calendar hanging on the wall. Tomorrow was his official first day at Seirin. Yesterday had been his last day at his old school. "Tch great." Usually he would of been okay with going to a new school but his brother, Kuroko Tetsuya, attended Seirin. He despised his brother Tetsuya. It was about noon when Kiro got a text from his brother Kuroko.
'I forgot my bag at home. Can you bring it with you when you come here? ~Kuroko'
"I forgot I still need to go look at the school." Kiro sighed. The only time the two brothers ever talked to each other is when one of them needs something's important. At first Kiro thought about telling Kuroko to come get the bag himself but he decided to be a good big brother for once.
'Sure. ~Kiro'
Kiro went up stairs and took a shower before he got dressed to go look at the school. After a few more hours he decided to go. He had an hour before he had to give Kuroko his bag. It didn't take him long to get there because he decided to drive and he spent and hour walking around the school to become familiar with the place. The bell rang to signal that it was time for after school clubs. It took Kiro 30minutes to actually find the gym. He opened the door to find that the Seirins basketball team already began their practice and Kuroko was siting all the way across the gym on the bench beside a girl with a clipboard in one hand and a whistle in the other. He felt like he belonged here like at any other basketball court. He quietly walked over to Kuroko so no one would notice him. However it didn't go as well as he planned. The ball that they were using flew out of the bounds to where he was standing. He didn't have to look at to realize that the ball was about to hit him. He held is hand up and caught it with one hand. It went completely silence as everyone stared at him in shock except for Kuroko who had no expression on his face like usual. Kiro throw the ball at Kagami, who caught it. "If you're going to pass, make sure your team mate is actually open before you do." He said in his monotone deep voice as he finally turned to look at them. This pissed off Kagami.
"Who the hell are you anyways? What makes you think you can come in here during our practice?!" Kagami stepped closer to him but soon stepped back away once he saw the deadly look that Kiro gave him. Kuroko quickly ran over to him before Kiro could do anything bad.
"You're late."
"Tch you shouldn't have left your bag at home in the first place. I'm late because i got lost." Kiro handed him the bag. "Do you want a ride home after practice?" Kuroko looked up at him shocked. His brother was actually talking to him for once and not just over text. Kuroko's face dropped once he remembered he was going to eat out with the team after practice.
"No. I'm going out to eat with them after practice."
Kiro looked over Kuroko's shoulder to see everyone still staring at them.
"The one time I'm nice to you Tetsuya and you turn me down. Typical." Kiro then turned around to walk out.
"Kiro..do you want to stay and watch our practice?" Kuroko asked hesitantly. He didn't want to make his brother upset by asking him to be here. Kiro turned back around and looked at the team again.
"N-" he was cut off by a short haired brunette standing in front of him.
"Do you come to this school?" She asked with a happy voice that annoyed Kiro slightly.
"I will be tomorrow. Why is it any of your business?" He asked rudely as he leaned down to her height.
"You seem like y-"
"No." He said flatly as he moved around her to walk out.
"Hey baka! You don't even know what I was going to say!"
"You were going to ask me exactly what every other coach asks me." Kiro simply said as he turned his head back to them. He held his hand up and did a slight wave to his brother. "Bye little brother." And with that he was gone.
Everyone in the gym looked at Kuroko in shock. "Y-YOU HAVE A BROTHER AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US?!" Riko put Kuroko in a chock hold.
"I-...can...explain...p-please..let go.." Kuroko said as he struggled to break free until she finally let go. "I didn't say anything about him because we aren't on good terms with each other."
" Why not?" Izuki asked.
Kuroko sighed. "Well before we were in middle school together, we had always played basketball together. He was the one who showed me it and all I wanted to do was help him become the best. He loved basketball more than anyone I've ever meet. He still is."
"What do you mean by 'loved'?" Junpei asked.
"I was getting there. He joined the basketball team when he got to Teiko and every day I could tell that he was hating basketball more and more. He slowly stopped playing basketball outside of practice and games. My first year in middle school, I told him that I wanted to join the team with him so he stayed and started to act happy but I could tell by the look in his eyes that he wasn't happy. His eyes lost the spark whenever he was even near a ball." Kuroko sat down on the bench and looked down at his feet. "The coach always had him in games but then the generation of miracles was created and he wasn't at his full potential then so he wasn't apart of it. Everyone knew he should of been but the team didn't like the idea of it. He would talk less. Eat less. Sleep less. He even started to miss practice then it eventually turned into missing games then missing school. And when he was there I ignored him and I guess that broke him even more. He told me he hated me and that was the last thing that he actually ever said to me. Any other time we would just text each other if we had to say something important. I tried apologizing but he barely even looks at me." Kuroko didn't want to look up to see there faces. He just stared down at his feet. He couldn't even tell them about Kiro's accident. No one said anything. Kuroko got up and changed his clothes as they went back to practice. Everyone thought about Kiro for the rest of the day. They were all wondering how a boy that used to love basketball so much would just suddenly hate it more than anything.

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