Our Sleepovers

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Shouto Todoroki had always been observant, it was a talent that had been forced upon him by his father. That being said, he began to notice Izuku Midoriya's odd behavior right as it started, the way he fidgeted more often than usual, the way his rambling and mumbling continued on longer than normal. Those were very few of the things Shouto noticed but it seemed the youngest Todoroki was the only one out of the class who did.

Every time Shouto had asked anyone else about his observation he was met with confusion, the person he asked would say that they hadn't seen anything wrong. Some would even go as far as to say he was being paranoid, it upset the tall male that no one had even offered to check on him. Why did everyone assume that Midoriya was okay? It was clear that something was bothering the smaller boy.

While Todoroki and Midoriya had grown close and had developed an even closer relationship, he still felt as if it wasn't his place to ask beyond a simple 'are you okay?', no matter how concerned he was. Maybe some of his classmates were correct, that he was paranoid, it didn't help that the dual-haired boy had a fat crush on the green-haired teen.

Todoroki just wanted to help the freckled boy as he had helped the taller male, pay him back for all his kindness and care. The quiet teen felt as if Midoriya had been giving all of himself to others and was leaving nothing for himself, that teen was selfless to a fault. It was a strength and a weakness all at once, incredibly charming but incredibly alarming as well. People tended to take advantage, on purpose or not, forgetting that behind all the kindness going their way that there was a human who felt things too.


Shouto's concern soon turned valid in his eyes when his crush came in with eyebags, the poor teen looked utterly exhausted. The class seemed to notice too when asked if everything was alright Izuku would say he didn't get much sleep but he was okay. The class didn't buy it but didn't prod any further, but Shouto wasn't going to leave it at that.


Later that night Todoroki pulled aside a still very tired Izuku, who was clearly on the verge of passing out. This didn't hinder the taller male's resolve to get to the bottom of the shorter male's behavior if he didn't ask how he could lose his opportunity. With this thought in mind, he led the shorter teen to his room, they both took a seat on the taller's bed.

"Is something the matter, Todoroki?" Izuku asked as he attempted to rub the exhaustion out of his eyes, it was very cute.

"Yes, you have been acting odd for a while, are you okay?" Todoroki already knew the answer but decided to ask anyway, he just wanted to make sure the other would answer honestly.

Izuku gave him a small face of surprise, "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" The way he feigned confusion and lied about his well being broke the taller teen's heart but angered him too, this resulted in a soft glare.

"I know you aren't telling the truth, something is wrong," Shouto stated firmly, concern laced every word. Midoriya's face shifted to frustration, but not an overwhelming amount.

"Todoroki, please, I'm fine," irritation took to the shorter boy's tone lightly. Shouto could tell that very little of the irritation was his fault, but it still surprised him somewhat.

"Please, we both know that's a lie, you know you can talk to me," Todoroki let his desperation poison his voice. The dual-eyed teen softly took the other teen's hand into his own two, Shoto was surprised by his own action not used to offering such physical comfort. But it seemed to do the trick because in front of him was a watery-eyed teenager.

"I'm sorry," the green-haired boy let out a strangled sob, "I'm sorry, I just don't want to be a burden. It's just- lately, I've been having nightmares about my father, I don't know what to do, they're only getting worse."

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