32 | 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠

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"I swear, she's perfect sweetheart." The tall man cooed while crying happy tears beside the love of his life on the hospital bed, before the woman held his strong hand tenderly with a weak smile, and intertwining their fingers together shortly after.

"Is she okay?" The woman croaked out in a raspy voice, making the man frown before shushing her to not talk that much, before nodding his head softly.

"Of course she is, she's better than okay. She's perfectly healthy, and even you'll be okay soon." He assured with a comforting grin, making the woman sigh in relief before feeling someone else climb her bed excitedly.

"Mommy mommy I'm here—Oh my God! What happened to your belly?! No no no, where did it go? I can't find it." A small boy frowned while crawling towards his mother cautiously after eyeing the smaller stomach of her body, while the man chuckled at his words and captured him in his arms.

"The belly is gone, your mother will not have a small one from now on. Is that okay champ?" The man chuckled while bouncing him up and down.

"No! That's not okay! Where is she? Where did she go? Wasn't she in her belly? Why did she leave?" The boy whined while throwing his arms in the air as a struggle, making the woman snicker in secret before calming him down with her touch.

"She didn't leave baby, it's okay. She's going to wake up soon, are you excited to meet your baby sister?" The woman gushed, making the small boy twinkle his eyes in excitement before nodding happily before eyeing the small bed in the distance containing their most prized treasure.

"Can I hold her and tell her bed time stories before cuddling with her to bed?" The boy insisted while grabbing the man's shirt desperately, reminding himself about the time he would be tucked in every night without fail, before the man sighed and nodded his head in agreement before kissing the top of his head.

"You can tell her all the bed time stories like I told you when you were a baby, even mommy and daddy will also be there, okay?" His father promised while connecting their pinkies, making the little boy clap happily before hugging him tightly.

"She looks exactly like you Ella, I can't believe I got a mini version of you as a gift from the universe. You just made my life complete." The man cried while kissing his wife's forehead with so much adoration, making her giggle just like how she would when they met in high school, before returning a kiss to his cheek.

"You complete me instead Stark, I wouldn't have this any other way." She smiled while caressing his cheek, before the little boy cheered after seeing his mother okay after a whole half day of labour, before she adjusted herself properly on the pillow.

"So this marks this day huh, 22nd February 2000, the best day for a princess like her to enter the world." The man sighed in content.

"Seems so, but we still haven't decided a name for her Star." She frowned while looking at her rugged husband, before he was deep in thought while rubbing his son's back.

"We can decide that later sweetheart, right now you should rest okay? I'll go check on her—"

"BOSS! GET DOWN!" A rippling scream shot through the walls of the hospital before the sounds of bloody gunshots flooded the surroundings, making everyone go into panic mode before the man grabbed his scared son properly.

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