Back to normal

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Erin walked up to the 21st district and stared at the department that she once worked in before New York. She whispered under her breath"finally back to normal." She opened the big wooden door that she once walked through every day. As Erin walked up the stairs trudy looked up from her papers on her desk and her eyes widened "Erin?!" She walked around the desk and hugged Erin as tight as she could " what are you doing here?!" Trudy said surprisingly. "Oh surprise I'm coming back!" Erin said. "What?! I thought you were never coming back?! Why didn't you tell me?!" Trudy said. "Well like I said it's a surprise!" Erin laughed. "Well I'm going to go surprise the rest! Erin said happily. Trudy said " see you soon!"  Erin asked "oh yeah does my hand still work on the scanner?" Trudy looked up and said "of course it does and it will always stay like that." As she smiled warmly at Erin. Erin scanned her hand and walked up the stairs to the intelligence unit. The unit was working on a case as she walked in.  Jay looked up from the case files he was reading. "Erin?!" Jay said as she took his breath away. The rest of the crew looked up in aw. Antonio turn around "ayyy I thought I would never see this girl again!" Hank was coming from the interrogation room "hey look who decided to come back,welcome back Erin." Jay raised his eyebrow and said "w-wait you knew about this Voight? Why didn't you tell me?!" Voight laughed "well I didn't tell you cause I didn't what you to piss your pants over it." Jay frowned and said "haha,very funny. Oh yeah your desk is still here just like way back then." Erin sat down and said "  yeah... now catch me up on this case."

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