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Stampy reached for his old friend, "Squid, help me!"

Hit the Target turned to look at Stampy's outstretched paw, he stared at Squid standing there, looking at the cat, and he smiled. He walked up to Squid, dropping Stampy, and nodded. Stampy looked at his friend, "Squid?"

The blue character looked at the orange cat. He stared, and then Stampy saw many feelings go through the many legged creature's head. Stampy stared, was Sauid wondering whether or not to save him? Really? Stampy felt tears welling up in his eyes, Squid was supposed to be his friend! How could he do this? How? Stampy got up, his tail hurting, he got ready to draw his sword, glaring at the two people. He turned away, and ran toward the town, but Hit the Target shot his leg, causing Stampy to drop and crumple in pain. He opened his eyes to see Squid standing a little ways away, holding his bow drawn, at Stampy. Stampy hobbled toward the town, but was shot again, and he crumpled, he looked back, it was still Hit the Target shooting. Stampy looked at the two of them. "Squid, please..." Squid narrowed his eyes, and shot. Stampy was going to be killed by his best friend. He closed his eyes, and his videos started flashing before his eyes. Smiling characters, happy fans, times with Squid, times fighting Hit the Target. He let a single tear leak, and then smiled sadly.

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