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Hello, everyone. I'm updating quickly because people are on their toes. This chapter is going to be in Author's POV, but it's going to be describing how Millie feels while she's in this state. You don't know what happened to her, but I'll cover that, too! Bye!

Author's POV

Finn felt terrible for what he did and the look on her face was something he hadn't seen before. That 'gone dark' look. The teen literally felt every ounce of her pain. And knowing Millie, she's probably crying all over the floor or something like that. So, Finn decided to go over there and what not to sort out the issue and apologize for being a big baby today and the night before.

But what he didn't expect to find was her modern-day mansion being a total dump. It was freezing, pillows were everywhere, food was on the floor, ice cream was melting on the table, bottles and bottles of pill bottles were on the kitchen counter, and three bottles of Whiskey were empty and one broken and spilled on the floor. And there was blood on the stairs. Foot prints of blood.

"MILLIE! MILLIE! ARE YOU HERE?" Finn called out.

The boy was terrified, but he needed to be calm. He followed the prints up the stairs, and he swear he heard some water running. Finn opened the bathroom door to see Millie in her bra and underwear under the water. The bloody pinkish water.

Millie felt isolated. Many thoughts were running through the girl's head.

Is this limbo or something? What's going on? Am I dead? Am I dead yet? Oh, how bad she wanted to die. She read over twenty-something hate messages from Malina, Iris, Danielle C., Annie, and Loren. Things like, You know, I knew that one of your friends would turn on you eventually. You're not very good at keeping friends or a boyfriend. I pity you. You should just die!

That one was from Malina. You're a slut, a bitch, a whore, a thot, and everything else in the book. You just can't stick to one guy. Neither can I, but at least that want me. They want everything that I can give them. And anyway, Finn is my sloppy leftovers and he didn't even want you, bitch! That one was from Iris. You know that I hate you, right? You ruin everything. Everytime you talk, everyone gets so annoyed. They don't even want you around. Just die bitch! That was Loren.

Hahaha! You're a sloppy and messy bitch who can't even keep that trash in your pants to yourself. The only reason Finn wanted you was for that! And it's crazy that I'm right! After he got that from you, he left. He didn't want your ugly ass anyway. You're so disgusting and disappointing. Your dad didn't even want you, you stupid bitch! Danielle C.'s one. It was pretty creative and hurtful considering she's stupid and all, so that's progress.

The teen felt broken and alone. Isolation isn't fun, but she felt like that's what she had to do; Isolate herself from the people she loved. Dying is Isolation. You're born surrounded and you die alone. Millie walked around in the dark space and saw that their were no walls. Only water and mist on the floor. It didn't wet her shoes, but it wet her hands.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

There was a boy that came out of hiding. Millie backed up and looked at him. "Who are you and what are you doing here?" The brunette inquired. The blond boy helped her up and pulled her close. He whispered in her ear. "You don't belong here. You belong in the Land of the Living, Millie." He said. "How do you know my name?" She asked. "I've been watching you since you were born. I'm your Guardian Angel. Never seen, but always there. You don't go anywhere that I don't go. And what I know is that I love you and you're not dying."

"Yes, I am!" Millie argued. "Are you serious? You have so many things that other people don't. You have love, admiration, friendship, relationships! You have..." He trailed off. "I have...? Tell me." She said. "No. I can't tell you. You have to find out on your own. You'll find out very soon." He answered. "And let me ask you this. Are you really ready to die? That would be suicide. A sin that you can't come back from. God has given you so many chances to make it up to him and yourself, but you're really ready to die?"

The teen thought about it and she cried. "No... . I'm not ready to die."

"Well there's still time. There's a door in the floor that you can find. I'll lead you to it. And we can communicate under the water, so ask me whatever you like." The British boy explained. They dived on the count of three and in about 10 minutes that felt like 10 seconds, they found the door. They swam to the door and it opened. They saw Millie's body in the hospital bed and doctors trying to revive her.

"Before I go, I have one more question." Millie said. "Yeah. Anything." He replied. "What's your name?" She asked. He laughed with a smirk. "You'll find out soon, okay? It's a name that you'll love and want to be certain of. You'll love it just as much as I do." He whispered. They hugged and then Millie jumped through the portal. "I'll see you soon."
Millie's eyes opened and she started to cough. The nurses felt victorious that they were able to bring her back.  They let the brunette rest for a few hours before letting in any visitors. A while later, Finn bursts in, going to sit by her bedside. "Baby, I'm so sorry. I love you! I really do. Our relationship wasn't a normal relationship. But you are my partner and someone I care for. I love you more than I love myself. And it's been such a short time, but... I do love you. And I know you love me."

"And I take back what I said. I don't regret following you to that bathroom."

The curly-haired teen pushed back the brunette's hair and kissed her lips. Millie kissed back, tugging at his hair. "Were you awake this whole time?" Finn asked. Millie smiled and nodded, hugging him softly. The nurses walked back in with a smile. "Miss, there is some important news that cannot wait. You must know."

Millie sat up and looked st the nurse with anticipation. "Miss, ... you're pregnant. 3 months. I don't know how you didn't miscarry, but you didn't. You're very lucky. Congratulations." The female nurse walked out, leaving Finn and Millie alone. You'll find out very soon, okay? Those words rang in her head. He looked like Finn. Curly hair, freckles, his smile. "PREGNANT?"

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