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Your POV

A usual day at the house, breakfast, bath, clothes, car and work...

Then at work, file some reports, make coffee for my boss, talk with my coworkers, do more work and eat...

And at last! Friday night, a night where I could go out with myself to drink. Even mingle if possible. I got in the pub as a band began to play with such a sweet melody. "Doing alright..." The slow beat continues as I got to a nearby seat getting a drink from my ordered beer, beer for now don't want to be all out crazy. "Roger is as handsome as always..." A girl from the further front squeals with her friends. Wondering to myself on who the man is, is it the one with the guitar? "The drums are a much more killer move!" "Much for say is that wink from him!" They squeal more as the so called drummer winks to them, so that's Roger...

After my three and a half empty beers the band finished off to blend in with the crowd, all of the girls awhile ago squeals more as Roger began to go to our way. I on the other hand got my fourth beer finished to the brim, a man sat beside my couch like chair with a unknowingly cocky aura. "Excuse me but I don't believe this seat is taken?" The much thicker accent than mine got me to look up at the man beside me only to meet with the blonde drummer the girls where rooting for. My eyes bulged out in annoyance and confusion, I look as the girls who are now boring holes at me lightly. "You know that they want you right Mr. Roger?" I wave my hands to the bar tender as he got more beers for me to chug on, the blonde only chuckled and settled more into the couch. Hands resting above the back cushion a little behind my back. "That's the point Ms?" He asks looking down at me his hair lightly bops as the lights in the stage dances. "Y/N, Y/F/N..." The four beers got settled in my table as I got one for me and for Roger, he thanks me with a cheeky smile.

"Roger, Roger Meadows Taylor..." He smiles down to his beer after, opening our drink at the same time. "Hard to get is pretty rough and bad Mr. Taylor you should got get them, that is if you're manly enough..." I smirk after taking a sip off my beer, flicking my brows and lashes up to him in challenge. He only laughed lightly and took a sip himself. "I think you're a pretty good catch if I say so myself Ms. L/N, just got to remove the brain and mouth out..." We laughed and shook our heads in half of our drinks down our system already. A long silence came after our laugh and yet our smile continued to stay. A much more comfortable silence as the pub continues to produce it's own noise. "We should be friends, yeah?" Roger nods to his drink then to me after we finished our first bottle together, I nodded back holding off my grin. "Aren't we already?" We laughed more as time got by, talked more through our last bottle of beer before his other members got to him to talk with me. Brian as their guitarist and Tim as their lead. "This'll be a new family then!" Tim raised off his third bottle and to mine is the eighth.

I suddenly hiccup after we finished out the bottle in one gulp, feeling the hit of the beer making me slightly spin. "I think I need help..." They only laughed as Brian offered to drive me home and so did he. What a friendship to discover in just a day, I wonder as I blabber on things I love and hate to the laughing Brian in the drivers seat. "You sure are your own opposite when you're pissed!" He laughs shaking his head a little stopping by at the front door of my house. "You work as a what again?" Brian asks before opening his own door to escort me out. "A bloody secretary!" I screamed as my hands gesture like writing in paper, my hands to be exact. We laughed as we got to my front door, Brian got a paper out of his own and wrote down each of their home and group number. I thanked him as we separated our own way.

Days past and everything turned as perfect as ever, they got another member. A exotic looking man named Farrokh preferred to be called Freddie and so we did, really good singer for my own opinion and a great guy to be all naughty and nasty with. Jokes here and there, boasts here and there even if in reality he was as insecure as all of us, except for Roger's boasting. Not everything is perfect and as time did go by with nothing but the pub, Tim grew hesitant for their own band and decided to go to another group having a name with Bong. "You said we're family..." I stood silent behind the three fighting men at the red van they use. Brian and Roger's eyes stood still at Tim, growing wide as they've heard my voice. Tim on the other hand looked back at me a frown made it's way to his face as he looks down at his clenching hands. "Stupid Tim... Stupid me..." I began to tear up, finding that a member of my family is going away. Roger began to speak up that I should be reasonable and see why Tim got the decision but all I heard was nothing but my rapid heartbeat.

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