☆ Valerie ☆

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A girl; age about 17 stood, leaning, in the doorway. She had white skin, red eyes and beautiful flowing brown hair. Clad in full black, except for a few menicing silver chains and buckles. The young woman was by far the most powerful looking out of the five.

"Isn't it a bit bright?" she said, with such violence that Brook wanted to dive under the table.

"Sorry Val but I managed to chip a piece of my leg off stumbling around in the dark. Look," Primrose said as she lifted her tutu up a little bit to show a knash on her wooden leg, "besides, Brook was arriving. She would have thought us all mad if it was pitch black like usual."

The haughty girl just huffed, grabbed a sandwich and stormed back to her room.

"Whats up with her then? Val ain't usually like that..." muttered Ibis.

"She didn't get much sleep last night, I could hear her walking around," replied Holly.

"She always gets upset when theres a new comer. Don't take it to heart Brook," smiled Prim.

"Ok," Brook didn't like her one bit, "Not to be rude, but why was her skin white? And Why did she think it was bright? I mean, I can barely see."

"Its because she's a vampire," said Holly, taking her third sandwich.

"A- ...wait what?!?"

Ibis giggled, "Our 'ittle Brook has-a lotta learn."

"Don't call me little Ibis."

"Manners, manners!"

"Please, dont call me little Ibis."

"Good," she said grinning in a chessure cat style.

"Alright, haave you finished eating all those sandwitches..?" asked Primrose.
"What? No way! There still be plate fulls!" yelped Ibis, genuinly hurt by the fact that Primrose might throw away food.

"Well then hurry up, I want to do the dishes before this evening please."

Picking up and entire plate of sandwiches (and with one in her mouth), Holly made her great escape up the stairs to her room.

"Holly!" yelled Prim, dashing after her.

"Quick Brook," hissed Ibis, snatching up two plates and nodding for Brook to do the same. Laughing, Brook grabed the last two plates and followed Ibis as they ran up the stairs and down a corridor Brook hadn't seen before. Not far down the corridor took a bend to the right and this is where Ibis kicked open a door.

"Welcome to me room las!" Ibis grinned, placing the plates down on her chest of draws. Her room was full of ropes that criss crossed the ceiling and pullies that hung down at random places. A pirates flag hung mornfully from a flag pole, wishing that the wind would rip it about again. A hammock was the substitute for a bed and swords were used as wall decoration. She had no wardrobe, and seemed to throw things on the floor or over the ropes. She had a rag rug on the floor and it was a world way from the dark, plain universe that Brook had beeen thrown into.

"Wow! This is amazing! Will I be allowed to do this to my room?"

"No, coz it's copyrighted. By me," she gave a hearty chortle.

"Ibis, you know what I mean. Will I be able to decorate my room in my style?" asked Brook.

"Well, it depends on what ye want ta do. Valerie will allow ya to do anythin' other than burn yer room."

"Oh, so I can flood it then?" Brook said teasingly.

Ibis laughed, "I like ya, las."

Brook grinned and sat on the floor, reaching for a sandwich to nom on. Ibis pulled out a meter rule (a long ruler, if u dont know :P) and spun the plate around so that it slid across the chest of draws towards her.

Just as she was about to take a bite of it, her dorm room door slammed open. A pair of black, sliver studded, boots entered the room. "Was it you that was making all the racket?"

"Relax Valerie. I was just runnin' away with me plunder of these yummy sandwiches," Ibis said.

Unimpressed, Valerie marched over to the where the plates were and took them all.

"Val! Nooo! Don't take 'em! Please no!"

Ignoring Ibis's honest requests, Valerie stormed out of the room and down the stairs, (to where Brook could only imagine that Prim was washing up the stolen dishes).

Huffing Ibis rolled off her hammock, "She's no fun. No fun at all."

Not much happened after that and Brook spent a lazy afternoon exploring all the rooms, with the help of Ibis of course. Each room was identical to her own, with a few much smaller rooms that were cramped and so dark that Brook couldn't even see in them!

On the east wing there was a sort of open room that had a fire place and mismatching battered armchairs that were in even worse condition than the ones downstairs. It seemed to be a dumping room for anything too broken to be of use. A wicker chair with a ripped seat, a stool with a broken leg, a table with deep scratch marks ...all things crowded into the useless space.

Along with some crates, there was a rickety staircase leading to the roof top, that Brook had no hesitation to run up. Ibis followed her and unlatched the small door. Bursting out into the fresh air, Brook sprinted across the slate tiled roof (slipping a little on some puddles that had formed from the misty clouds that had decended on the house).

From this vantage point, you could look up the steep sided valley and up the rolling hills to the open sky that was grey with forboding rain.

Ibis watched as Brook danced around the roof top, making sure she wouldn't slip and admiring the view.


Hewo! This chapter is a thousand and fourteen words long. O.o

Taken me a lot longer to wrote than some of the others, so I'm sorry if the end is a little different to the rest of the book so far. :>

Anyways, scroll for the next part. 😊

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