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VIVIAN: Hey Mom I'm Back. *Enters the room with a sad Face*
*Noah looking at VV walking in*

NOAH: *shouting* Mom It seems your Daughter is going through a break up period (Giggling)

VIVIAN: Not so funny. *hits Noah head*

NOAH: Mummmyy Your Daughter is hitting me. How many people have actually Dump you VV (giggling)

*mom enters the room with some tea and snacks*

VV MOM: phew- your sister always make that face when something is on her mind. Maybe she met up with Betty and Natalia and talk about that so called BULU or whatever that guy name is.

VIVIAN: It's not BULU mummy his name is BLOOooo...*pointed lips* and don't refer your Future son-in-law as Whatever You know his name.

NOAH: Find yourself a Decent Guy instead of wasting your time on BLOWW *pointed lips*

VIVIAN: shut up kiddo. Oh by the way I forgot to ask you How many flicks did you get today (smirk). If check-up is needed, let me know I'll be in my room I have some project working on so byeeeeeee *sticking tongue out*


*sitting near the window looking out the window Vivian is lost in her own thought once again thinking about how Bloo's doing? Whether he checked her DM or not.*

VIVIAN: It is such a nincompoop of me thinking I'll meet him someday. When we're living in two different world. One day he'll get married to his own kind, he'll love her dearly and he'll upload his family pictures . Oh my gosh! Wake up ViVi you have lots of assignment to complete (hits her head)-

*putting on the earpiece playing LAY ME DOWN-Sam SMITH*


*wake up bro we've reach*-owen
*Bloo rubs his eyes, gets out of the car*

LOOPY: Wow Welcome back bro. Though you'were gone. Come on Give me a Hug. *Hugs Bloo and Owen*

NAFLA: Welcome Bro (Hugs)

OWEN: I did a good job bringing him here today. He was alive only physically, his apartment smells of a dead soul *smiling*

BLOO: Stop exaggerating. It's just that I wanna be alone. But meeting you guys feels great.
*starting the BBQ fire*

*After Dinner they sat around the campfire, and they started talking about how their lives used to be*

LOOPY: The smell of this meat brings back memory, when I earn only few bucks a day working at a BBQ place. Phew-Life was indeed so hard.

NAFLA: Busking at the middle of the cities where only few people were watching us...

LOOPY: Because of our hard work we've reach this level. We send Monthly Pocket money to our Family Seeing them happy makes me want to work more hard.

BLOO: That's why we need to work harder Brothers.

OWEN: What's with the atmosphere Folks...Lets have a Drink
-Cheers to us who have come this far with sweat and tears- *Clinksss*

NAFLA: Bloo are you working on your new album?

BLOO: Yes,its one hell of a work tryna release it by next month. Fans kept on asking about the CB Album. My passionate Fans..*Smiling*

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