Chapter 10.

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Aizawa's Pov

I would never say it aloud, but Bakugou being lost in the sewers makes me worried. Seeing how depressed Todoroki is, I wouldn't doubt Bakugou being the same.

Me, Snipe, and All Might walked down the dark tunnel, flashlights aluminating the black water and buildup of trash and rotting food to our right. We walked down the sidewalk, shoes clicking as we walked in silence.

Hearing a faint roar echoing off the walls I put my hand up as a signal to stop. We stood still and listened to something splash down into the water, it being muffled by the waterfall of black water ahead.

"It sounds close. Let's move." I said, beginning to walk again. I shine my life on the ceiling, seeing nothing I pointed it down the tunnel the roar came from. I squinted to get a better look at the hunched over figure.

I assumed it was trash at first till it moved.

3rd Person Pov

Aizawa hopped over the railing, splashing into the water. The figure moved slightly, two more splashes followed as All Might and Snipe followed the dark haired teacher.

"What is it?" All Might asked, squinting himself.

"Bakugou?" Aizawa called. The figure flinched and looked back, seemingly glowing red eyes peered back at them.

"Aizawa?" His voice echoed, sounding somewhat raspy.

"Young Bakugou! There you are! Come my boy, let's get you out of here!"

The blonde crept forward, coming into the light more, he stood up straight and that's when they got a good look at him.

Tattered and ripped clothes, soaked with the dirty water, his shirt ripped off and tied around his left bicep, his ribs and spine showing a bit, his face had dirt caked on his pale skin, his hair a dark brown, matted down.

Bakugou was shivering as he began scratching his head, scratching some of the dirt off his face as well. Aizawa was surprised and worried about his students condition.

"Let's go, you, first of all, heed a fucking shower and probably the whole damn pantry to eat." Aizawa stated, hopping over the railing again and waking toward where everyone else was waiting.

"I-is Shoto ok? I-is he still alive?!" Bakugou asked looking up at his teacher.

"Yes, he is alive and physically well, extremely sad without you though." Bakugou sighed out of relief.

All Might kept glancing at Bakugou, he took his water bottle and tapped Bakugou's arm with it. The blonde looked back, and spotted the bottle.

His eyes widened as he snatched it and crouched down, ripping through the plastic with his teeth and gulping it down.

"We need to get you food, and fast." Snipe said, pulling Bakugou to his feet again.

They walked for about an hour before seeing sunlight coming from the manhole. Bakugou hesitated but followed the pros out. Hearing gasps and whispers erupt from other pros.

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