Can you not?

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Authors note.
Let's get this out of the picture.
I don't like hating,or comments like this.
"Your stealing so and so's book."
"You suck"
Blah blah.
If your the type that does that. Stop reading.please. its annoying and immature.
I'm not 'stealing' any ones book nor am I trying to.
So you can shut your face and get over it.
This note is not rude I'm just saying.
Back to the story


"Hurry up Eve! Cruz is waiting for us you know." My best friend Zoie said.

"He can wait.I'm trying to get dressed!" I said back.

Cruz is her 18 year old boyfriend. Brown haired blue eyed jock. Zoie is 16 and has natural red hair and green eyes. Not his type. But apparently they are in some type of 'love'. Me on the other hand I'm 16 and a brown. With dark green eyes. My whole name is Elveteca (Elv-et-eca) Lee. People call me Eve,for short.

"ITS BEEN AN HOUR!" Zoie screams at me.

"Ok,Ok I'm coming." I say as I walk out of my bathroom. I look around and see Zoie in a dress and heels. Wow. Um. Ok. "Zoie? Why are you wearing that,we are only going to Starbucks to meet him?"

"I have to be decent looking for cruz tho."

"You make me feel like a hobo."

I'm only wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

"Oh well let's gooooo."


I obviously don't want to go to meet her stupid boyfriend.

I grab my phone and start to walk down the stairs when I trip and fall all the way down.

"Today will suck balls." I mumble under my breath still sitting on my butt.

"Get of the floor Eve. What the crap are you doing?"


"Being clumsy."

"Well stop we are going to be late!!"

"When did you get bossy??" I ask her

"Sorry. I just don't wanna ruin our relationship."

Then I get up and walk twords the car. Get in and start driving.

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