Final hours

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*Natsu's point of view *Lucy's hospital room *

I can't take this if Lucy wakes up within the next three hours she stays one more day in the hospital then comes to my house the doctors said since they told Lucy's dad about the situation and his reply wasn't too good Lucy's life with him wouldn't be possible so she had to stay with family and they said I was to see if my dad would allow it he naturally said yes but it means Lucy has to stay in my room while I sleep in my mums old room or the couch in my room whatever side tracked again Lucy has. Three hours to wake up or they will take her away for brain surgery I don't want that I don't really know what it involves and I don't want her to be hurt the guys have all just walked in cause it's visiting hours and they all looked as worried as I thought they would be it is scary we all want Lucy to wake up so she doesn't have too have the operation if the guys are here it means there's 2 and three quarters of an hour left till the times up the guys have an extended visiting time today because they begged the doctors and nurses everyday the visited too see if Lucy would wake up we all hope she does I guess

* Normal point of view * Lucy's hospital room *
All of Lucy's friends walk into the room ( gajeel , levy , Jellal , Erza , Gray , Juvia , Laxus Evergreen and the Strauss siblings ) they said hi to Natsu who was like Lucy's body guard and never left her side through the whole time in the hospital and they all started talking like they were at the oak they were talking to Natsu and Lucy making sure they knew what had happened and trying to persuade Lucy to wake up there was only 1 and a half hours left when their normal chatter started to turn more worried in tone as they hoped Lucy would wake up would she wake up that's all they cares at during this moment will Lucy wake up

*Lucy's point of view *

I could hear them.all talking about school and what Natsu and I missed I heard one of them mention the time and their tone all changed more frantic and worried I wanted to open my eyes I heard Natsu start speaking to me " Lucy I know you hate me I don't care I love you and I have just admitted that in front of everyone of our friends I will never hurt you again even if you hurt me but please wake up in the next hour and a half cause if you do I can attempt to say this to your face I love you Luce I don't care what you look like wether something you did brings back my pain from the past or if you hate me I will always be your knight in armour I will protect you and never hurt you just please wake up if you don't you will be going into a surgery I don't want you to go into cause it could hurt you so wake up please Lucy please wake up if not for me do it for the rest of your friends like Gray Jellal Laxus Gajeel Lisanna Mira Levy Juvia Evergreen Elfman and Erza there all here waiting on you to wake up so you don't need to go to the surgery please Luce wake up I don't want you to stay asleep any longer so please wake up " all of my friends were silent and shocked like I was but then each one of them said a little speech and tried to wake me up I need to figure this out how can I wake up I only have a little time before my surgery

* levy's point of view * Lucy's room *

After Natsu's speech i was shocked but I wanted to say something to Lucy as well she was my best friend after all I started out almost whispering load enough for only Lucy to hear me " lu-chan Natsu may be an idiot but he is right you need to wake up and fast your my best friend I have thought that since before your mothers death and I still think it now I know you can actually hear us I know what your like remember the time I collapsed and you helped me stand again and helped me get stronger it was the first and last time I collapsed from my weak immune system and because of it I could go to normal school Lu-chan you remember right because of you I got too meet so many people and have so many friends but you were always my best friend if you would let me I will help you get stronger and we can stop the bulling and the pain you've went through I know your past i know who your first crush was and who your crush is now let me know how to help you wake up lu-chan I don't want you to go to the surgery i. Love my best friend i know about your rough life and the self harm I don't know if everyone else knows your story but I do and it CANT END LIKE THIS " I started to yell a bit at the end hoping everything would be okay

* Erza point of view *Lucy's room*

I saw Natsu flinch when levy mentioned self harm I know he knew about it but me levy and Lisanna knew the whole story Lucy told us all and said she trusted us enough and we were the best friends she could have asked for and I started to shake my head and speak in a clear voice but I was talking to Lucy not caring if the rest of them heard what I had too say " Lucy wake up I know your story so does levy and Lisanna we were once told that you stopped self harm because of your first and only crush you never said who to me and Lisanna but I know it was my cousin for one reason I know both of your pasts and I saw you talking to him after the teacher showed up at the oak if you didn't admit to Lisanna it's fine I know you don't want me to scream and thanks to you I have been able to show that I can be kind and not always wrap my heart up in armour but Lucy if you don't wake up I will go back to the way I was cause the girl that got me to changed made a promise with me you said that you would help me overcome my fears and troubles and you wouldn't leave my Side i trust you remember this cause you also said it would help with all aspects of my life if I took of the cold armour surrounding my heart your right it did but if you go to surgery I won't be able to take the pain and the armour will come back and won't be able to leave again so wake up Lucy i don't want one of my best friends to go away from me you promised you would help so wake up please Lucy " as I stopped speaking I had tears running down my face and everyone looking at me more shocked than they were when Natsu spoke but Natsu didn't tell anyone and I didn't tell anyone that my cousin was him and when I said what I did earlier Natsu started to cry as well making everyone realise what I meant by cousin and Lucy's crush but I don't care I just want her to wake up hopefully me saying that will get her awake and fast there's only half an hour left

* Normal point of view *
Natsu Levy Erza Lisanna Laxus Gajeel Mira Evergreen Juvia Elfman and Jellal have all said a small speech-like. Thing to Lucy trying to get her to wake up "there is 30 minuets left before she has to go into surgery and Gray is the last one to speak to Lucy will she wake up after him speaking or is she doomed to go in to the surgery " everyone is thinking along these lines in their heads wondering will Lucy really wake up in time

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