Chapter 3

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Everyone is busy listening to Mr. Ramos, their business math teacher. Some students were have their own businesses and doing things that were not related to Mr. Ramos' subject. Some were talking with their friends, and some were busy doing their homeworks for the next subject that they forgot to do in their homes.

The teacher was discussing the fundamental operations when one of his co-teacher came. His co-teacher knocked on the wooden door and he immediately opened it for him and they talked.

The conversation between the two ended.

Mr. Ramos came back in front of the class. "Listen class." He announced.

Everyone's attention went to him.

"We will have a school orientation and we will go to the multi-purpose hall. Everyone, get your valuable things with you and make a line in front of the doors." Mr. Ramos announced.

The girls in the class are putting some face powder and some cologne before they stood up and went to the line outside the class.

Rick and his friends lined up behind the other boys. Meanwhile Shaun was at the last of the line.

Mr. Ramos lead them to the multi-purpose hall and the whole class followed him with no any noises.

When they reached the hall, other ABM class were already there and their section was the last class to come. The newly-built hall has a spacious area that could fit the whole grade-eleven level, the morning shift and afternoon shift combined. The hall has no chairs it's just an open space.

Rick and Shaun's classmates sat down randomly to the glossy and lacquered floor, so they too. Both boys and girls were sitting together.

Rick is sitting with his friends and they are talking random things and waiting for the teaching personnel to start the orientation.

Before the orientation started. All people inside the building have sung the national anthem and they prayed.

The Principal started the program by greeting the teachers and students and everyone greeted her back.

In the middle of discussion Rick and his friends are laughing and prating non-sense things.

Rick was just laughing steadily while his friends are so boisterous and they can't just talk and laugh without moving.

Lorenz and Eric are pushing each other making fun without minding the counselor speaking in front of the stage. They are at the last group anyway and there's no teacher, so they can make noises.

An hour passed by. Every student was dull and bored, listening to the counselor.

"Since we already discussed the program offerings, school policies, academic information and we already shown in front of you our administrative personnel." The counselor walked and came close to the students. She folded her arms and still able to hold the microphone. "This is the last thing I wanna tell you, that you can't do inside the campus. Sex." She breathe out from panting.

Everyone had life and went high.

Lorenz and Eric pushed each other and making clamor. Everyone is shouting in a intense manner. While the others are laughing.

Lorenz and Eric pushed Rick. Rick lost his balance and he lay down accidentally.

Rick landed on his guy classmate with a good biceps that he could feel the muscles. Both of them are lying on the shiny and smooth floor.

And that man is Shaun Torralba. He is just not Shaun Torralba, because he's his worst enemy and a total antagonist of his life. If Rick was batman, then Shaun was joker.

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