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A/N Okay this isn't obviously a big ship or whatever. It's a funny thing I thought of when I was reading someone's fanfic that ran around ZeldaxMarth. While that is like, one of my favorite ships, I felt I needed to do this after I read one part of the story. It's too complicated to explain how I got the exact idea, but I felt it would be something funny I needed to share and stuff. Sooo...enjoy!

Zelda sat quietly at her desk in her bedroom. She was focusing really hard to write a poem letter for her lover Marth. Her quill sat trembling in her hands. So far she couldn't think of anything to write.

"Think think think!" Zelda fussed to herself. "Where to start, where to start?"

Eventually she blew a fuse and flipped her desk over with a terrible crash. Snapping the quill in her hand, Zelda kicked her chair over and screamed furiously. "Stupid stupid STUPID! I can't even write a simple letter!" She plopped onto her bed and started to sob. "I'm so...darn...useless!" Wailed Zelda.

There was then a knock on the door. "Come in!" Zelda cried. She looked to see Marth walk into her room. He seemed a little thinner than usual, and his breastplate stuck out a little more than she remembered, but she ignored it.

"Hey sweetie." The prince said. "What's wrong?"

Zelda sobbed as he sat down beside her. "I wanted to write a poetic letter to you, to be sweet. But I can't think of anything to write!"

Marth gave her a tight hug. "Aww that's so sweet baby!" He said, with a more soft voice than he had. "We'll write one together."

Zelda hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. "But I wanted to send it to you as a surprise..."

"Sweetie," Marth said, rubbing her side. "It's okay. It'll be fun, trust me."

Zelda held his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. She squinted her eyes a little.

"Marth, is there something wrong with your--"

Marth wrapped his arms around her and kissed her a little too quickly. Zelda's cheeks flushed. They slowly separated.

"Marth..." Zelda started. "Your eye. It's...different than the other. Are you okay?"

Marth held her shoulders and nodded. "Yes. It's...er, from practicing with Ike. He landed a good one to my eye and...yeah."

Zelda quirked an eyebrow. "Okaaaaaay?" She brought her hands behind his neck and ran her hands through his hair. Something felt weird. She pulled his hair out a little. It was much longer and seemed to be shoved down the back of his shirt.

"Marth...I had no idea you were growing a...full mane."

"I'm not!" Marth replied rather quickly. His voice was now feminine instead of that "Marth Japanese accented voice" Zelda loved so much. She wiped her eyes of her earlier tears. When she looked back up, with her sight less blurry from crying, she gasped.

"Marth" turned out to have long, darker blue hair, with a more slender body frame. "His" gold band was completely different, and "his" facial features were definitely more female. It took Zelda a second to realize that "Marth" was female. It took her a couple more seconds to realize who it was.

"L-Lucina!?" Zelda said in shock. "W-What are y-you doing here!? Where's Marth?"

Lucina sighed. "He's busy training with Ike...as usual."

"You mean...I kissed a girl!?" Zelda started to cry. "How am I gonna live with this? What is Marth gonna say?" She bawled. "Waaaaaaaaa!"

Lucina gave Zelda's back a little pat. "I'm sorry. You see, I saw Marth was always busy, a-and that you never got to see him. So I...decided to take his place for today...to cheer you up."

Zelda looked at Lucina, tears streaming down her eyes. "You...you did? I...thanks, I guess." She wiped her eyes a little. "But...why did you do it? I mean, it was a kind idea, but..."

Lucina paused for a moment. Then she hugged Zelda tightly. "I-I love you Zelda."

"W-what!?" Zelda said, surprised.

"Everyday I've been watching you. I loved to watch you train and practice magic. How you moved gracefully with each step. You were also very kind and sweet to the others, even when they were steamed up about something. I loved your gentle nature."

Zelda blushed. These were things even Marth never said to her.

"And the one day you helped me practice...that was one of the best days in my life. When you took my hand to help me up everytime I fell, I felt a tingling sensation go through me."

Zelda felt something blossom inside her. Something that made her feel different. She looked at Lucina. "My father doesn't really see my worth, probably because I'm a 'child from a different future than his'."

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Zelda said, rubbing her shoulders. The feeling that grew inside her was now a passionate, burning flame.

"Let me tell you something." She said.

"What?" Asked Lucina.

Zelda brought Lucina closer to her. "You know, I've had some feelings about you too Lucina...now that I think about it." She rubbed Lucina's back as she spoke. "I always admired your commitment to the tasks given, your bravery to face anything thrown at you, your passion..."

Lucina's cheeks flushed. "Really?"

Zelda nodded, feeling happier. "Yes! I absolutely love your willingness to fight and defend others, even if your life is at risk. You're also a sweet girl, with a..." Zelda smirked a little. "...bright future behind you."

Lucina smiled. "Aww thanks! I didn't think my rear was anything special. I felt it was too flat."

Zelda, feeling more elated and joyful, playfully spanked Lucina. "Are you kidding? That booty is big and round enough that anyone would kneel to it!"

Lucina giggled. "You're so sweet Zelda!" She sighed and rested her head on Zelda's breast. "I always knew your breasts were like the softest pillows, but to actually feel them is another thing."

Zelda smiled. "Get up here a little bit." Lucina crawled up Zelda's body to so that they were eye-to-eye. Zelda held Lucina's face and gave her a long kiss. Lucina's arms went and wrapped around Zelda's back. They kissed for a good five minutes straight. Then they parted, with an inch of space between there faces.

"I love you Lucina." Zelda whispered.

"I love you Zelda." Lucina whispered back.

"Wanna snuggle?" Zelda asked with a seductive smile.

Lucina smiled back. "Oh yes."

Both jumped into Zelda's bed, and Zelda pulled the sheets over them. She pulled Lucina on top of her, and pulled her head to her breasts. Lucina purred as Zelda's fingers trailed down her back and started to rub her butt. Zelda wrapped her legs around Lucina's waist. Lucina hugged Zelda tightly and buried her face deeper in Zelda's breasts. Both purred with each other. Then both muttered together.

"Marth's are blue"
"Link's are green"
"But Lucina is mine"
"And Zelda's for me"

Both of them slept and cuddled happily together. For the first time in what seemed like forever, Zelda felt completely happy and loved. She had nothing to worry about, and when something bad would soon come to trouble her, Lucina would be there by her side.

"I don't need Marth anymore." Zelda thought. "I've got Lucina to share my loving with."

Well that's it! I hope you liked it and/or found it as funny as I did. Like I said, this idea came from reading a fanfic with MarthxZelda in it. So thanks for reading! Maybe give me some feedback on it, give it a star or whatever too. Seeya later!!

Zelda x Lucina One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now