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The puck slid across the shiny surface of the air-hockey table and a shout of excitement erupted when it veered into the hole on one side. "Goal!" Jungkook let out, arms in the air, and heard Taehyung groan, rolling his eyes.

"How the fuck are you winning this??" Taehyung grumbled in annoyance, and Jungkook laughed airily, humming in delight upon seeing the big red letters flash 6-10. Jungkook had 10.

"Maybe I'm better than you." Jungkook said, and Taehyung scoffed. "Someone.. being better than me? Not a chance." Taehyung said, in a clear sarcastic tone, and Jungkook started laughing.

The game ended there, and Jungkook received an overflow of tickets from the machine. He giggled, and Taehyung walked up to him. Jungkook got all the tickets and pulled them out, standing up and bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Someone's excited," Taehyung snickered, and Jungkook let out another giggle. Taehyung reached his hand to the small of Jungkook's back, turning him around. "Calm down, Kookie. It's just tickets," He whispered the last one near his ear, and Jungkook blushed.

"Well I won." Jungkook pointed out, and they walked to the DDR machine. "We'll see who wins at dancing," Taehyung said cockily, and Jungkook grinned and they both climbed onto the machine.

Jungkook. Jungkook won at dancing.

"I fucking hate you!" Taehyung shouted in anger, kicking the stupid machine. Jungkook started doing some dumb dance on the machine and Taehyung just climbed off.

"Oh come on, V- don't be a sore loser. I'm just good at dancing." Jungkook reassured, and Taehyung looked at him, sneering.

"You're good at dancing, good at singing, good at art, really good at studies, good at football, and you're pretty. What's something you can't do, Jeon?" Taehyung said with a small smirk, and Jungkook blushed.

Not have feelings for you, Jungkook thought, but ignored it.

He climbed down from the machine and nudged Taehyung's shoulder lightly. "You think I'm good at football?" Jungkook said with a big smile on his face, and Taehyung turned around instantly.

"I didn't say that."

"Yes you did! You admitted that I am good!"

"Okay fine! You're... decent." Taehyung said, and Jungkook pouted. He walked over to Taehyung, holding his many tickets. Taehyung turned to him, and sighed.

"Do you want me to go buy you something?" Taehyung asked, and Jungkook got a little blush on his cheeks.

"B-buy me what?" Jungkook asked in a small voice, and Taehyung shrugged. "Like a teddy bear or something."

Jungkook looked at Taehyung slowly, couldn't help feeling awfully.. shy and pliant around him. He couldn't help it. He had a fat fucking crush on Taehyung, and it's not his fault!!

"Okay." Jungkook said, and Taehyung took the tickets from him. "Should I come with y-"

"No no, that's alright. Y'know what, just wait here, I'll get you something, and then we'll go have dinner." Taehyung said with a smile, and Jungkook nodded, not knowing why Taehyung was being so.. nice? Doing something for him? Call Jungkook hyping the bare minimum, but this was crazy coming from Taehyung.

Jungkook saw Taehyung turn around and walk over to the ticket counter thing with many gifts behind it, and decided to stand against the wall, letting himself cascade his eyes over Taehyung's frame. His.. wide shoulders.. grey hair.. red bandana.. oof, Taehyung was a walking buffet. Jungkook doesn't know why Taehyung finds him attractive.

Jungkook bit his lip. Taehyung was being nice. This was a change. This was.. good, right? Maybe it meant something. No, don't look into it.

Okay Jungkook totally looked into it. Taehyung was being nice, and it set Jungkook's heart beating rapidly. He got a small smile on his face, until-

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