Sneak Peek

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"I can't do this, Jimin!"

He did not reply. He probably wasn't even paying attention to what I was saying. I was a bunch of papers and water bottles and fans and suddenly, I realised that I could not even see my hands!

The guys were huddled over JHope. Everyone was frantic. There were phones blowing up, murmurs of vibrations against the wooden stage and all I could feel was my world crashing around me. I'd wanted this job to death. But it did not seem like a great idea, then. I wanted to breathe some fresh air, break out of the complicated mess my head was in and never get involved with these men, ever! But all that looked like a far possibility right then.

I'd to choose between slogging off twenty hours a day or feeling like death for all of my existence, and while the former sounded better, I'd been there and it wasn't so pretty.

Four steps above me was a massive stage with blinding lights and some terrifying number of people in the audience. I was supposed to walk up that stage and say something that nobody would've liked to hear, except for Jimin maybe. My knees felt weak just at the thought of it. I could already hear the music filling in and the fan chants getting louder by the moment.

"Jimin," my lips quivered.

At some twenty degrees, I felt like I was drowning in an icy pond.

Somebody pushed me aside and I barely managed to hold my balance. I could hear RM next to me on the phone.

"What is taking you guys so long?" He shouted. "Get the fucking doctor!"

For a slight second, RM met my gaze but he quickly looked away, almost like it physically hurt him to look at me.



Before I could figure out who it was, I was pushed up the flight of stairs, my eyes blinded by the sudden lights flashing. The fan chants suddenly died and I bit my lips so hard I could taste the blood.

Jimin's voice kept echoing in my head, "Please, you've to do this. There is nobody else who could do this."

It was a very bad idea. I knew I'd be in the front page of every entertainment daily the other morning. I could kiss the normal life goodbye. Of course, people would not remember it in the next two years, but how was I supposed to live through those two years?!

But I was already on the stage and even if I planned to not do what Jimin wanted me to do, I'd be still on the pages of newspapers and I'd still be thrown out of my job.

"Ah, fuck, here goes nothing!"

When I looked to my side to motion somebody for a mic, they pointed out that I was already holding one. I hadn't realised it until then.

The audience was getting anxious by the second.

"Uh-" The mic crackled. "I've an announcement."

The nerves were kicking in. I could barely stand straight. This was what I'd wanted all my life - the limelight. And now that I'd all of it, a shitload of it, I did not want it anymore. I wanted to go back to living the average life of a college student seeking odd jobs to pay off her student loans. Beyond the glitz and glamour of working for one of the most successful bands in the world, there was a world that would probably never accept me. But I was beginning to get sucked into it without having any other choice.


Suddenly, somebody grabbed my hand and pushed me further to the center of the stage.


It was Jimin. Shit.

"Hello there, everyone. This is-"

Stop. Stop. Stop. Make everything stop, please.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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