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A week later...

It was mid-afternoon, and Sunhee was in the main office building of her father's companies. She sat at her father's desk finishing what her father had left, struggling to keep her eyes open. He thought her well she knew exactly how to run everything as he did and she didn't want to let him down. Jaehyun who was sitting in front of her caught her dozing off. He smiles softly standing up walking towards her.

"You haven't had a good sleep in a while. You should go home and rest. I'll take care of everything here," Jaehyun tells Sunhee kissing her forehead and lifting her chin to look at him. "I'll try to finish up quickly so I can make us dinner," He smiles at her placing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"No need I got it, " She smiles standing up and grabbing his arm making him sit.

"Actually I should just drive you home," He tells her worried that she won't be able to drive herself. She's been working all day none stop.

"No I'm fine baby," She smiles at him reassuring him. He still was skeptical about it but she seemed really sure of it.

"Are you sure," He questions making sure as she stands in front of him as he was still sitting.

"Yeeeees," She chuckles before leaning down and kissing him.

"I love you," He smiles at her looking at her with sparkles in his eyes.

"I love you too," She smiles kissing his forehead before grabbing her car keys leaving the office. The past week has been emotionally draining for her. Her parents have been killed and her little sister has been kidnapped and she doesn't have a clue why or who would do this. Her parents didn't have any enemies they are caring and friendly people. The only enemies would be her father's side of the family, they always looked down on her father for not sharing his hard work with the rest of them. She knew they wouldn't be capable of such a thing but she didn't know who else would do this. It drove her crazy but Jaehyun managed to keep her calm and he was always there for her no matter what it was. Even if he couldn't tell her everything it killed him on the inside but he's afraid to lose her if she finds out. He's afraid that she will see him differently.

"She's walking out of the building now actually," Minho says over the phone to Chan watching Sunhee walk to her car. Their car was parked in a blind spot he and Felix had a good view of her.

"Don't lose her out of your site. I want her here today," Chan tells him sitting at his desk in his office waiting for them to come back with her. He hung up leaving them to their work.

"What are you going to do with her once she gets here?" Changbin questions him, he was sat across from him. Chan only looks at him for a second before looking back at Sunhee's family background. "You can't just demand her companies or kill her for them. She is most likely watched. If we step one foot in that building with her she could easily signal someone and then what?" Changbin questions Chan, a bit concerned that he only did this because he's pissed off.

"I got it, okay," Chan tells him raising his voice so slightly.

"Just listen," He says grabbing Chan's laptop causing Chan to glare at him. "See here, her father wanted her to marry a man that can run the company. Whoever marries her gets the CEO title of all the companies. You can...

Chan shuts the computer sliding it back towards him. Changbin rolls his eyes leaning back in his seat.

"Go make sure the guys are prepared for her arrival," Chan tells him and Changbin got up leaving him.

Sunhee drove out of the parking lot taking the opposite way of her house to Jaehyun's place. She has been staying there for the past week she didn't have any family in the city.

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