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Luke is pacing the room when he hears a knock on the door. "Come in," he calls and his voice cracks in a horrid way. The door swings open painstakingly slowly and his fingernails cut into his palms when he realises it's Ryan standing in the doorway.

He looks worse for wear. Luke can tell he's been rubbing his eyes by the way his eyelids droop. A tuft of hair sits the wrong way and Ryan blows air out of the corner of his mouth to fix it, but it remains stubbornly out of place.

"You look awful," Luke utters in an attempt to lighten the awkwardness in the room.

"You don't look so hot yourself," Ryan counters without missing a beat. He's not wrong. Luke imagines his hair looks worse and his nose is probably red.

His eyes remain locked on Ryan as the younger enters the room. He walks a wide arc around Luke to lean against the wardrobe. His eyes flicker to Luke's before he folds his arms across his chest. "I'm sorry about everything that happened," he starts. "My impulsive side came out and I'm really ashamed of the way I acted. It was immature. I should have let you talk."

"I wish you had."

"Well, I'm here now, if it's not too late." The last part is barely audible and Luke has to read his lips to understand.

He takes a deep breath before he begins talking. "I guess-," he puts his hands in his back pockets as he thinks, "I guess I couldn't say anything because I wasn't expecting it. You were really straight up and I freaked. How was I supposed to tell someone I've been crazy about them for years?"

"I think you just did," Ryan smiles, amused.

Luke's whole face feels heats like a fire. ", I-"


"No! No, not no."

Ryan is standing right in front of him now and his head cocks to the side as a smug smile plays on his lips. Luke can't quite identify what is going on behind those pretty eyes. "I see. You're getting a little flustered, Toonzy. What exactly do you want to tell me?"

"I think I can show you better than I could tell you." He cautiously brings his fingers to Ryan's chin and tilts his face upwards, anticipation in the shorter man's features. That look in his hazel eyes is all he needs to take the plunge.

He kisses Ryan softly, putting every word he couldn't say into the connection between their lips. Ryan's fingers thread themselves around his neck, pulling him closer and Luke does the same, encircling Ryan's waist with his arms.

He tries to pull away, his lips still millimetres from Ryan's. "This is how I feel. About you, and you only."

"Shut up and show me some more," Ryan breathes into his mouth and he pulls his face back. They fall onto the bed, a mess of tangled limbs. Luke rolls them over until he's lying on Ryan and cups his face, kissing him more, as he'd asked. Ryan's hands trail down his chest and sneak up the bottom of his shirt, stroking his waist and making his stomach flutter. He pulls Ryan's bottom lip with his teeth.

Ryan gasps, pulling away, and Luke can only panic.

"Oh fuck, did I hurt you?"

"No, no." Ryan laughs, touching his finger to his own lips. "It's just- call me crazy but I feel like we've done that before."

He looks to Luke for confirmation of his insanity but he shakes his head. "You're not crazy."

"Ha ha, you're funny." When Luke just smiles at him, he narrows his eyes. "You're saying we've actually kissed before?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying, buster. It was when we first got here. You got wasted at the club and I brought you back. You're really adorable when you're drunk, by the way." He chuckles when Ryan rocks into his shoulder, rolling his eyes.

"And I kissed you while I was drunk?"

"You did."

Ryan groans, tugging a hand through his own hair. "I'm so sorry," he cries.

"Oh don't be, it was entertaining, especially because I nearly let you do more."

Ryan arches an eyebrow. "You can't resist me even when I'm shit-faced is what I'm hearing," he smirks.

Luke doesn't let the teasing affect him. "That's exactly right, Ohmie." He brings their faces together for another kiss, softer than before. "I like you," he mumbles.

Ryan's eyes sparkle and his lips turn up in a smile that could power a city. "I like you, too."


They spend the rest of the day in the living room talking with their friends, who'd sighed with relief when the two had appeared from upstairs, hand in hand. Ryan had been forgiven by Evan for kissing him but a little persuasion was needed to get Jonathan to forgive him for the slap. It was an awkward moment when he'd had to explain to everyone else what has actually happened before Tyler had unknowingly come to his rescue.

He's definitely learned his lesson about jumping to conclusions now.

He sits by Luke, whose hand rests on his leg and draws lazy circles with his thumb. Ryan already misses Luke before they've even left LA. He regrets the time they wasted not being together because he could have had all of this earlier. He clasps Luke's hand and traces his veins with his fingers.

"What's up, Ohm?" Luke turns away from the TV and looks at him.

"I don't want to leave," he whispers.

Luke sighs and squeezes his hand. "Me too. But let's not think about that now." He leans forward and kisses the top of Ryan's head.

"Is it me or is it really gay in this room?" Brian says, fanning his face with his hand.

Ryan quickly looks over to find Evan and Jonathan shamelessly making out, undeterred by Brian's comment. Nogla slaps Brian, grinning widely.

"I think it's fucking adorable. And can I say now," David continues, raising a finger, "I'm the captain of the ship, seeing as I started it."

"Yeah, whatever," Brian sighs, rolling his eyes. Nogla cocks a head at him, lips pursed.

"You got a problem with gay, Brian?" he taunts.

"No, of course not. It's just a bit overwhelming to have to witness this." He gestures to the men on the other couch, faces glued together still.

"Leave them be, it's their first and last day together for a while," Brock chides.

Just when he's forgotten, Brock reminds him. Ryan sniffs and clenches his teeth against the emotion threatening to take over. They still have a few hours. He climbs into Luke's lap, pulling him closer and nuzzling his face into the older man's chest. He inhales deeply and overwhelms his sense of smell with Luke's earthy scent. "I miss you already," Ryan breathes, his eyes stinging.

Luke laughs half-heartedly, the sound vibrating through his chest, and he feels Luke's hands on his back, holding him closer. "I miss you too, Ohmie."

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