Chapter 3

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{Jeremy POV}
I woke up with a small corner of my bed.. Full of blood from the horrid night before this one.
The one I got my first friend.. But no respect at all at home.. I'm so sick and tired of this bed crawler of a life.. I read the time.. 5 AM. Somehow, the wound must've been calling out to my body to wake myself up and not kill myself my blood dripping everywhere and place of the room. I heard snoring of a furious bear in the bedroom of my drunk father. Tip toeing, I creaked many floorboards and made loud noises. The rushing anxiety went through my brain, I was finally at the counter, 'Almost outside' I thought.. I honestly wanted to go somewhere safe then this wreck of a home. Sprinting to the door, I brought a backpack of supplies, clothes and supplies. I quickly rushed out of the bathroom so I could get my work clothes on.. Then slowly walked to work.. I know it's only 6 am.. Oh wait no,7 am now, but maybe if I get there early, it can do good for me... Today's shift starts at 9 for some reason.. I don't know.. It's some type of meeting thing.. After 2 hours and finally arriving, I took heavy breaths.. "W-why a-re w-we h-here so early t-today b-boss?" I just noticed, the wound... Showed through the freakin shirt..
Everyone was literally staring at me, a new girl was here, her name was, Layla. "Jesus, Jeremy! You need a fricken hospital!" Mike kinda half yelled.. "N-no I-I'm f-fine.." And awkwardly smiled..
{Mike POV}
Layla was kind of confused of what the hell was going on with Jeremy.. And of course, even I saw the cuts.. And I really felt bad for him.. It's just that I couldn't express it very well... "Okay guys, this is our new day shift worker, LAYLA!" He nudged both of us, and whispered, "smile."
Jeremy smiled slightly.. And I smiled to look like I cared. But really, why would I care. Layla smiled, actually really politely, "I take the job! it would be amazing to see the smiling faces of the children!" I seriously thought she was going to go mad.. Whoa.
{Boss POV}
The two idiots, Jeremy and Mike are just ruining the money I'm trying to make. Jesus.
(no ones POV)
And that day, the two were going through something. Jeremy, stress. Mike... The risk of getting fired and losing his apartment. And hours went by and both men came back to work.. And Mike hardly glanced at Jeremy. But then...
{Jeremy POV}
I was shaking the whole time.. Mike then looked me in the eye. "Jeremy...?" Oh my god.. "Y-yes m-Mike?"

"Why would you do that to yourself. I'm not kidding kid.. Tell me the reason.. I want to help."
I sighed, "I-I c-can't t-tell y-you m-Mike!"
"I'm serious!! Why in the hell would you do that to yourself? You don't deserve to be treated like that! Everyone deserves to be treated the way they treat other people.."
I then lost my temper.."M-Mike! I-I swear! I-I j-just can't t-tell you.."
He then pulled his face into my face. "I want to get you help.. Your the sweetest kid ever! You are the best-t worker here.. You have better tactics then.. Some.."
I blushed like a crazy person because, omg he looked so amazing.. OHMYGOD.
He was blushing as well.... And seriously I had never seen him do that...
"Now before we start the shift.. Tell me what exactly happened before tonight."
I looked around my room, at my toes. "O-okay.. W-well.. M-my f-father w-was d-drunk.. A-and I-I had no-one e-else a-around s-so.. I-I f-felt u-useless.."
"And you cut..."
"Well you mean a lot to me, Jere"
"I-I've only-y known y-you f-for a-a d-day.."
"But your a kid with a ruff life and can get through pain.. Some can't.."
I kept the music box wound up of course. No one was really moving.
The clock turned 6 am, he ruffled my hair.
"B-bye m-Mike!"
Oh no, the Jeremy Ebola infection is spreading.
It makes you stutter 24-7
Layla is Jenna my bffl :3
She made a night Gaurd oc.
Except she works day shift.
We were joking about Jeremike all day omg I stopped breathing 😹
Haha smut lovers
Nothing for u
*evil cackle*

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