Update 1: The job.

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I hate my life.

I fucking hate it.

Still, I wouldn't trade it for any other. Accountant? I suck at math. Doctor? Let's just say my people skills are....erm.....less than stellar. Engineer? Um....math, ew, no. My occupation, which I typically love, is assassin. I know what you're thinking. Oh my god! What a sicko! How can she kill someone and like it?! Well, it's really quite simple. People pay me to kill someone. Namely, supernaturals, from vampires to faeries to mages and shifters. They first give me the target's info, I read it, and decide if the target is more of a "rape puppies and other sick shit" or a "rainbows, unicorns, and not-so-sick-shit".

If the target deserves to be killed, I take 50 percent up front, and the rest after the job ends. If the target shouldn't be killed, then I don't kill them. The entire thing is practically anonymous. My job is actually pretty easy. At first glance, I am heavily underestimated. Mostly, from what I've been told, because I am a girl. Secondly, as much as it pains me to say it, I don't really look like other female assassins. I'm not tall, lean, with a clear 4-pack. Nah, I'm more short, 5'4", with curves. Curves, people, not fat. I'm an Indian girl. Not native indian, but india indian. My biggest setback?

My face.

Ah, my face.

My kiddish, chubby, and cheeky face. At 19, I can still pass for 16. At 19, I haven't had a single boyfriend.


Moving on.

I also, have my team. My family. There's 3 others besides me. Victory, Remus, and Raevyn. Victory, who is not only our grifter, but an elemental. She can control air, water, and metal. A tri-skill. Really rare. Remus, as you can guess, is a shifter. Every shifter can shift into 2 forms. Remus? He can shift into 5. All 5 of his forms can survive in air, water, earth, fire, and all five are mystics like pegasus, unicorns, dragons, etc. He's the weapon expert, and my weapon designer in our ragtag group. That leaves Raevyn. Raevyn is the newest addition to our troop. Let's just say, her and computers? They get along. She can influence emotions, and compel. Sorta like a vamp, but without the blood drinking. That leaves me. My name is Scarlet. My assassin name is....nonexistant. I'm usually referred to as the Devil's concubine. Or heathen. Unlike the others, who came from their parents, I was born in a lab. I also came from a woman, but the woman was artificially inseminated, in a lab. I was part of experiment Alpha-Sup. The experiment to create the perfect supernatural. They succeeded, with one small flaw. See, I was supposed to be able to use all the powers of each species, which I can, but not at once. The current theory is that my soul can't take all of it at once. My body can, the scientists made sure of that, but my soul? Not so much. I can only use one power at a time, and only for a certain amount of time depending on the intensity. If I overextend, I pass into a temporary coma until my soul...recoups, for lack of a better word. Usually, I love my job. Right now? I can't seem to find the silver lining.

"You what?"

"It's not like I had a choice! We need the money!"

"But why? Out of all the lowlife people to get a job from, why her?"

"Oh come on, she's been begging us to do this for ages. This is what we do!"

"Fine," I grumbled, raking my fingers through my hair, growling when they tangled,"I'll do it. Doesn't mean I have to like it."

"No one said you needed to. Besides, she's not that bad," replied Victory. "I mean, she's the one who made you want to be an assassin."

"Yeah, she's also the one who stole my childhood, and more importantly my inheritance. We wouldn't need to live like this if it weren't for her," I retorted. "I mean, god knows that money wouldn't have gone to waste. Right?" I said to a moving crown of brown hair.

"Hmm? Oh, me? Yeah, I could've used to buy some extra equipment. One can never have enough you know." The crown of brown hair rose to reveal a bespectacled Raevyn.

"True, but not what I mean. Do you see where we are right now? I questioned, as I gestured at the expansive sewer."What kind of person likes to live in a place like this?"

"The insane kind," grumbled Remus from the entrance. "Then again, we aren't exactly sane, are we? I brought provisions, by the way. Who wants more canned soup for dinner?"

"I rest my case," I said disgusted by thought of having yet another can if Campbell's best. I paced back and forth on the worn floors and thought. "Wait," I said to Victory,"What job did she give us? Nothing big, right?"

Victory smiled nervously, setting off my internal bs radar. "No, not too big," she replied nonchalantly, "just...." she trailed off.

"What'd you say? You're mumbling."

"Just to....um.....kill Darkwyn." She finished in a whisper.

I stood still for three minutes, before losing my shit.

"She wants me to WHAT?!?!? Kill the last living dragon shifter, whose name literally sounds like 'dark one'? Does she know he's old as dirt? That other assassins don't say his name in fear it might call attention to them? She might as well order me to kill a god!" I huffed. "Damn that woman! I bet she'll continue to torment me to the grave! At this rate, I'll have to make prior funeral arrangements!" I finished my rant and turned to look at the faces of my team. Victory looked scared for her life, not that I blamed her. My face probably looked pretty scary. Remus looked nonplussed. Almost bored. Used to my rants. Raevyn was staring at me in a mixture of awe and fear.

"Is it usually like this?" She softly asked Remus.

"I can hear you. My senses are enhanced as is," I reprimanded. "Victory, head to the training room. You're about to get the biggest ass-kicking of your life."

"Sure boss," she replied sarcastically. "You sure you can beat me?" She asked.
"Bring it on." I smirked.

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