A Plushie Heist for the greater good

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“Time to wake uuppp!” Maxwell exclaimed. “Ha, I've never thought I'd be so happy to have a human alarm clock. Waking up to you is better than any dream I could ever have.” I said, sleepily. “Right?! I don’t even have to knock on your door anymore!” Maxwell agreed. “Even Lucky Charm is waiting for you.” “Give me 5 minutes, I still feel like we had just defeated Anton.” I said, covering my head with a pillow. Maxwell took the pillow and hit me with it. “Or we could start this morning off with another pillow fight!” He told me. “Besides, that was a little over a month ago!” “Oh, you are so going down!” I replied, hitting him with his pillow. “Noooo! You have bested me at my own game!” Maxwell exclaimed when I pinned him down on the bed and pelted him with the pillow. “That's right! Never mess with a Duchess!” I told him. “My deepest apologies, Your Grace.” “Ha, ha! I just can't believe you’re all mine now. What is better than early morning pillow fights?” “Waking up to you every morning.” “Aw, Maxwell. You're always so sweet.” “Not as sweet as you.” “Hey, remember the time we rode on the Ferris wheel together?” “Whoa, with everything that has been going on I completely forgot!” “You remembered I took you guys to the beach on Arthur's bachelor party, but you forgot our Ferris wheel date! How dare you!” “Who do you think I am? Of course I remember! It's with that cute girl sitting across from me, right?” “Nice save, Agent Breakdance.” “So, are we reminiscing now, Ruby Rose?” “Well, we might have a little fun looking back on our greatest moments now that we aren't threatened by death and had the best wedding ever on September 7th, 2018.” “Ok, so what did you like about the Ferris wheel?” “Hmm, that cute guy sitting across from me.” “Ok, now you're making things up.” “I'm serious, I could look at him all night! Remember when the Fortune teller thought you should've been dead.” “I don't know if I should have been insulted or thrilled that she recognized my thirst for adventure.” “Ha, it's gonna take a lot to bring down the great Duke Maxwell Beaumont.”  “I am pretty resilient. Oh! We should start climbing one of those mountains!” “Maxwell! We haven't finished reminiscing!” “You're right! We've got a million more memories to go through!” “Oh, like when we distracted the press by creating a fake proposal. The look on their faces when they found out about the gelato.” “To be fair, I really meant what I said. Even if everyone thought I was just talking about the gelato.” “Remember when I admitted my feelings toward you and you asked why I told you at that moment?” “Yeah, I do recall something like that. I was kind of surprised... which was why I was pretty speechless.” “So, I want to be honest with you for a moment. I felt like I was obligated to marry Arthur. You and Bertrand wanted me to help save House Beaumont and everything, I didn't want to let you down. When I said I wouldn't want to dance with anyone else, you told me I shouldn't say that and that I was there for Arthur. When I admitted I was in love with someone other than Arthur, you said it complicated things. So, I find it kind of funny that you wondered why I didn’t tell you sooner.” “Oh, I thought you were talking about Drake when you admitted you loved someone else.” “What made you think that?” “Like I said before, who marries the guy with the hippo tattoo.” “If anyone can rock a hippo tattoo, it's you. ” “Really?” “Would I lie to you about anything that involves hippos?” “I'm sorry that we pushed you to marry Arthur. You didn't deserve to be put in the position of becoming the solution to our financial problems.” “I get it, you were desperate and I was your last resort. I forgive you. Besides, we are officially the best crime fighting duo in the entire world. That kinda makes up for everything.” “Watch out Wonder woman there's a new heroine in town.” “Well, I suppose we've done enough looking back on old memories for one day. Let's climb that mountain you've been wanting to do so much. Then we've got to get started decorating our disco room. By the way, what did you do with the peacocks after Bertrand made you deconstruct the peacock pen?” “Bertrand made me return them to that fool who sold them to me in the first place. Those were his exact words not mine.” “Too bad, they would have been a great addition to our menagerie.” “I know! I wish we could have transferred them when we first found out about the Menagerie. Bertrand doesn't run Crystalasia. I suppose we could go with the next best thing and play with Cherry Blossom and Moon Light.” “One thing at a time, Maxwell, one thing at a time. Perhaps, somewhere down the road we'll get a couple of Peacocks too. Right now, we still got a plushie heist to plan!” “Yes! Do you think there's a hippo plushie!” “Maybe they do, I'm sure it'll go nicely with your hippo tattoo.” There was a knock on the door. “It's safe to come in, Gladys!” I called out to her. “I've got your breakfast here, Ruby Rose.” Gladys told us. “Breakfast in bed, how can I possibly get used to this?! Thank you, Gladys!” “I know you got a lot of plans since you are starting out married life, getting settled into your duchy, and having completed your task of saving Cordonia, but there is a major problem brewing in Crystalasia.” Gladys told me. “What kind of problem, Gladys?” I asked her. “People are telling me that there is a thief among us.” Gladys answered. “I'm assuming that whoever is doing it thinks you're  preoccupied with your marriage and that it's the perfect time to strike, but that is not all! Kiara, came by and told me that one of her mother's paintings are missing!” “How dare someone try to steal her mother's painting!” I exclaimed. “Looks like this is a job for Ruby Rose and Agent Breakdance!” “Time to break out the good cop, bad cop routine!” Maxwell exclaimed.  “The people are waiting outside to be reassured that their belongings will be restored.” Gladys told us. “Oh, and Ruby Rose… I would like to thank you again for your forgiveness when I betrayed you. I know I didn't deserve it, but you and Agent Breakdance are the best Duke and Duchess I ever had the pleasure of working for.” “No problem, Gladys! Besides, I'd hate to lose you as part of the staff and as a good friend.” I told her. “No Duchess ever befriends the staff, Ruby Rose.” Gladys told me. “Then you're lucky that you've got Ruby Rose as your newest Duchess! You could say the future's looking bright for all of us.” Maxwell told her. “This calls for a bright future, friendship hug.” I said, putting down the tray and gathered Maxwell and Gladys into the hug. “I promise you this, Gladys, you’ll never feel like a servant as long as we're Duke and Duchess!” “Oh! Why thank you, Ruby Rose.” Gladys replied. “That is why we're going to give you a fair share of our breakfast. Right, Maxwell?” I suggested. “Aw, does it have to be breakfast... Couldn't we write a thank you note?” Maxwell answered. “I’m starved.” “We will most certainly split it three ways, it's not up for debate.” I responded. “But first, we've got to address the crowd. We don't want them waiting out there too long.” “I'll race you out there!” Maxwell exclaimed. “Wait! Let me get ready!” I told him. “Fair enough.” Maxwell said. “Don't take too long, Christy. Actually never mind,  take your time. This gives me a chance to eat my fair share of breakfast.” “You better save me some bacon!” I told him. “Of course, my delightful wife.” Maxwell said. “Extra bacon for Crystalasia’s sweetheart.” “Ok, I'm ready.” I said wearing one of my favorite dresses. “You’re as beautiful as ever.” Maxwell complimented. “So are you ready for our first official press conference as husband and wife?” I asked him. “Uh, I've never been the one to make inspirational speeches to the crowd, you know that was Bertrand's job. What if I mess this up and everyone runs in fear?” Maxwell answered. “Remember at the lantern festival, I told you that you should let go of being hard on yourself?” “That's easier said than done especially when one has messed up as many times as I had.” “Well, I believe in you, Maxwell. You already have a talent for making people feel good. You already made a speech at our wedding, if you think about it… it's really not that different. If you're really nervous about talking in front of a huge crowd, just imagine me dumping a huge tray of ribs in a customer’s lap and you will come to realize that you’re not the only one who has the ability to mess up.” “Thanks, Christy, I really do feel better already.” “That's what I’m here for. Now let's go blow them away with our awesome presence.” When we opened the door to face the crowd, the press began to ask, “Duchess Christy and Duke Maxwell, how are you planning to address the recent thieving  problem?” “We will personally solve whoever is behind this, no thief can escape Ruby Rose and Agent Breakdance!” Maxwell answered. “Besides if we can clear my name and take down evil assassins, we can make sure your personal belongings are restored to each and every one of you who has had something stolen.” “Well, I know we can put our faith in this team.” Ana de Luca said. “Duchess Christy has proven herself quite well when she helped fight the assassins who appeared in the dressing room on her wedding day.” “Now that I'd like to see.” Maxwell said. “Ha, you should've seen Bertrand take a shot.” I told him. “You would've gotten chills the way he unleashed his Duke of Ramsford wrath.”  “Aw, I missed all the action.” Maxwell said, disappointed. “There's plenty more action where that came from, Agent Breakdance.” I told him. “After all, there's a thief out there who is begging to be brought to justice.” “Christy! Maxwell! Someone kidnapped Merlin and Morgana!” Penelope came up to us. “Now they have gone too far!” Maxwell exclaimed with fury. “Ruby Rose, we have a thief to catch!” “Perfect, we could set a trap for him.” I said. “I hope you’re not suggesting we use Lucky Charm as bait.” Maxwell said. “Don't worry, I'm sure he doesn't mind taking one for the team. Right, Lucky Charm?” I answered. “Ruff!” Lucky Charm replied. “We won't let anything happen to you.” I told him. “Well, if he is fine with it… I suppose we can do it.” Maxwell said. “But what kind of trap are we going to set for this guy?” “I'm going to ambush him with a frying pan!” I answered. “Uh, we’ll need more to go on.” Maxwell said. “I'm kidding! First of all, We need him to lead us to where he is hiding the stolen goods. Which means you and I are gonna need a disguise. We have to embrace our inner thief and convince him that we're looking to collaborate on a scheme.” I said. “Do I hear a plushie heist going on?” Maxwell asked, excitedly. “Yes, this is where the plushie heist comes in.” I said. “We have to really pull this off, so he won't think we're amateurs. He'll probably be wondering why we want to be stealing plushies,  so we'll tell him it's because they belonged to a world famous assassin whose secret life involved stealing plushies to use for his torture chamber.” “Should I be worried that you have the mind of a professional thief?” Maxwell asked. “Ha, ha! In order to beat them at their own game, you've got to think like one.” I answered. “That's pretty impressive, let's do this!” Maxwell told me. “Not without our help, you don't.” Hana said, coming up to us with the rest of our friends. “You don't think you’re going to stop these guys without us!” “I know you and Maxwell are a duo, but you need us.” Drake agreed. “I'm here to make sure you don't do anything foolish.” Bertrand said. “You're too late for that, Bertrand.” Maxwell said with a smile. “Well, come on! We can't keep talking about this outside, who knows how many prying ears could be listening in on our scheme.” Everyone followed us into our castle. “Ok, first we need to create code names for everyone. You know I am Ruby Rose, Maxwell is Agent Breakdance, Drake is Agent Marshmallow...” I began. “Why do you still have to call me Agent Marshmallow?!” Drake exclaimed. “I still rather have something cooler than that?” “Nope, Agent Marshmallow it is.” I answered. “Penelope is Agent Poodle Fluff...” “Ooo! I like my code name!”  Penelope exclaimed. “Of course you do.” Drake said, at a loss for enthusiasm. “You are named after something you care about.” “Sorry, Drake, but I don't think everyone wants to call you Whiskey Man.” I said. “Olivia will be Agent Sword Flame, Hana will be Agent Compassion Panda, King Arthur will be Agent Cordonian Ruby Justice, Kiara will be Agent Francais de fleur, and Bertrand will be Agent Brother Bear.” “Why are you the only one who doesn't have agent in your code name?” Hana asked. “I am the leader, I don't need a title.” I answered. “Even Olivia has a better code name than I do!" Drake exclaimed. "How are we supposed  to keep track of everyone's code names anyways?” “I'll make you study the code names until they're stashed in your brain.” I answered. “Ok, so Maxwell and I will be the distraction. While we do that, Drake and Hana will investigate to find out where the stolen goods are hidden. Olivia, we need your help to break in. Kiara and Penelope we need you to call for backup and return everything to the rightful owners. King Arthur and Bertrand will ambush them in case the thieves try to get away. Everyone understand what they need to do?” “I don't like this one bit.” Kiara said. “But my mother's painting depends on it.” “Merlin and Morgana must be terrified!” Penelope exclaimed. “Alright, looks like all we need to do is dress the part.” I said. “And everyone will be getting an earpiece to keep in touch.” “So, this is your plan? What happens if it goes wrong?” Bertrand asked. “How dare you underestimate Christy!” Maxwell exclaimed. “Yeah, Bertrand, do you think one setback is going to stop her?” Hana asked. “It's not the setback I'm worried about.” Bertrand said. “I think someone needs a little faith.” Kiara said. “I trust her to lead us through this.” “If anyone can take down a gang of thieves, it's Campos.” Drake said. “Excuse me, it's Beaumont now.” I reminded him. “Now let's find costumes! Where can we find something that says we're the best spy team in the world and we're ready for anything they’ll throw at us.” “Ooo, I know!” Maxwell answered. “Let's go!” We left to the boutique and I said, “I'll go first.” I picked out a purple spy suit and got changed. “Hurry up, Beaumont!” Drake exclaimed. “We don't have all day!” “Ha, you try slipping on a spy suit.” I replied. “Do you need any help?” Maxwell asked. “Well, maybe with the zipper.” I answered. “Duke Maxwell Beaumont of Crystalasia is coming to your rescue!” Maxwell told me, as he came to help me zipper up. “Well, how do I look?” I asked, turning toward him. “You look a-mazing!” Maxwell answered. “In fact you put Cat Woman to shame.” “Aw, that's so sweet, Maxwell.” I said with a smile and kissed him. “You better not be making out in there, we've got a job to do.” Kiara called to us. “Aw, we'll just have to pick up where we left off, later.” I told Maxwell. “Looking forward to it!” He told me. “Save the costume for later as well.” “Ooo! Someone wants to play spy. You got it!” I told him. “Now, you put on your super spy suit and I'll help you zip up.” “We are definitely rocking the spy look.” Maxwell said when we came out of the dressing room. “Yes, you both look great.” King Arthur told us. “I can't wait to see how Bertrand looks in his costume.” I said, smiling. “You can't be serious!” Bertrand exclaimed. “I'm not dressing up to look like a fool!” “Come on, I'm sure it'll really impress Savannah.” I told him. “I’ll bet she'll think it looks cute on you.” “Heh, hem. My job doesn't include looking cute.” Bertrand said. “It does now!” I said, pushing him into the dressing room with his outfit. “I’m suddenly regretting accepting you into the family.” Bertrand told me. “Too bad, I would have married her anyway.” Maxwell smiled. “Now put on that costume!” “We can't risk being caught, if they know we're on their trail, it'll be difficult to find out where they're hiding everything.” I answered. “So don't mess this up for us.” A short while later, Bertrand came out of the dressing room and all of our friends were speechless. “Wow, Bertrand makes an excellent spy.” Hana said, finally. “It's like looking at a spy from the movies.” Penelope agreed. “Your turn, Arthur.” I said. Soon enough everyone was dressed up. “This is really exciting!” Penelope exclaimed. “I love this new look!” “Look out world, get ready for The Jewel of the Earth team.” I said. “So exactly how will we get the thief to come to us?” Drake asked. “Agent Lucky Charm will track them down by using something of Merlin and Morgana to retrace their path.” I answered. “Maybe those two know where we can find who we're looking for. Once we get a location, Lucky Charm will lead them to the museum where the plushie collection will be. We'll tell them that this is our heist and that they should leave it to the professionals. This will get them competitive and they'll want to prove that they are professionals. Next thing we know, they'll want to bring the goods to where they left everything else and we trap them.” “I married a mastermind!” Maxwell exclaimed, giving me a high five. “Aroo!” Lucky Charm popped up his head. “What is it, Lucky Charm?” I asked. Lucky Charm came up to Penelope and wanted her to follow him. “Oh, I think he might have already found a lead!” I exclaimed. “Let's see where he's taking us.” We rushed out and followed Lucky Charm back home. “Why did he bring us here?” Penelope asked. “Oh, No! What if whoever is behind this, is trying to frame us!” I exclaimed. “Don't worry, they won't get away with it.” Maxwell said. “We'll catch them.” We followed Lucky Charm to one bookcase. “They found their way into one of the secret rooms.” Olivia said. “It must be one of Anton's goons.” We all looked around to find out where it opens. “I found it!” Hana exclaimed, pulling a book out. “Come on, gang. We've got a mystery to solve.” I said, getting caught up in the moment of being a detective. “Wow, it's a whole lab in here! Tell me, which Duke or Duchess happened to be a scientific genius?” “That's the least of your problems now, Beaumont.” Drake said, pointing to a corner with the stolen goods, and a cage that held Merlin and Morgana. “There you are!” Penelope exclaimed, unlocking the cage. “I've missed you both so much, how could anyone think of keeping you trapped like that?!” “How could they sneak all this in here in one night? Did they start sneaking in when we were on our honeymoon?” I asked. “We've got to talk to Mara and ask if anything suspicious had been going on.” “If it's like my home in Lythikos, they probably got in through a secret path that even security doesn't know about.” Olivia told me. “We should take a look around, so we know where they're sneaking in from.” Lucky Charm had already sniffed his way toward Kiara’s mother's painting. “Oh, mother would be so happy to get this back!” Kiara exclaimed, picking up the painting, only to find a secret door behind it. “It looks like this must be where they came from!” “But how did they set up the painting when they had to close the door?” Hana asked. “One of them must've snuck out through the front door while no one was looking or they left through another secret door.” Drake said. “How do we know we can trust Gladys? She could've turned around and betray you all over again.” Olivia asked me. “Believe me, I wouldn't want to betray Ruby Rose a second time.” Gladys said, showing up in the room with us. “Oh, yeah? Then why are you even in here?” Olivia asked. “Are you planning to lock us in this room?” “I'm sure Gladys feels terrible about what happened on the night of the wedding.” I said. “I know I shouldn't have any reason to trust her, but…” “Christy has a good heart and is not willing to hold it against her.” Maxwell said, coming up to Gladys. “But if you do betray us again, I’m not going to be so nice about it. I'll be watching you.” I laughed and said, “Easy there, Agent Breakdance. I love that you're willing to protect us, but I think we're good. Gladys, have you heard anything unusual lately?” “Well, I did hear a few noises during the night, but I assumed it was Lucky Charm.” Gladys answered. “But he didn't seem to get into any late night snacks.” “And I know how much Lucky Charm loves his snacks.” I said. “When this is all over, we're going to need to securely block that secret door.” “That sounds like that would be wise.” King Arthur said. “Gladys, can you help us bring everything back to their owners?” Penelope asked. “Is this what you wish, Ruby Rose?” Gladys asked. “Well, we could use all the help we can get.” I answered. “Would you mind helping out Kiara and Penelope?” “You're asking me?” Gladys asked. “Well, no. I don't mind at all. I'm always happy to help you in any way I can.” “Arff, Arff!” Merlin barked, leading the rest of us out to track down their dognappers. “Looks like the guys we're looking for must be nearby.” Hana said. It was a short while later when we found… “Hey, it's that guy with the glasses who was tracking our wedding.” I said. “Merlin, Morgana. We need you to stay out of sight. We can't have him see that we cut you loose.” Lucky Charm ran up to the guy and barked at him. “Phase two, we need to get to that museum ASAP.” I said as we ran off. “Hey, it's that dog from the wedding!” The man with the glasses called to his partner in crime. “Do you think he knows something?” The other guy whispered to him. “Don't be ridiculous, he's just a dog.” Glasses guy answered. “Let's get him.” Lucky Charm followed the direction we headed so he could bring them to the museum. “Where is that dog going?!” “He knows we're chasing him. You weren't expecting him to stay still, were you?” “Ugh, the two poodles were easier to catch than this.” “He sure can run!” The other guy exclaimed. “I can't keep up!” “Try! We've got a dog to catch.” Glasses guy said. “We need to take down that Duchess and that clown they call her husband.” “Grrrr!” Lucky Charm growled at him. “I think you made him angry.” The other guy told him. “You better not say anything bad about his owners.” “Forget about what makes him angry, just get him!” Glasses guy said. Soon enough, they got to the museum and saw Agent Sword Flame trying to break in by picking the lock. “Who are you supposed to be? Framing Duchess Christy is our job.” The other guy asked. “And you don't look like you're part of our team.” “You're such an idiot!” Glasses guy exclaimed. “Ha, Agent Sword Flame works for no one!” Olivia exclaimed. “Leave this job to the professionals. My team can certainly do a better job than a couple of wannabe criminals like yourselves.” “Wannabe criminals? I'll have you know, that we have been doing a fine job on our own.” Glasses guy replied. “Oh, yeah? Prove it!” Agent Sword Flame told him, getting the door open. “Team Jewel of the Earth, we're in.” We came out from our hiding spot, since Drake and Hana no longer had to find out where the other stolen goods were, they had to help us on the heist. We had King Arthur and Bertrand wait for us in the secret room back at our estate, so they'll be able to ambush these guys when we get back. “Bonjour, Monsieur. Is there a problem?” I asked, disguising my voice in my best French accent. “I believe that this is our heist. Some famous assassin collected plushies to use in his torture chamber long ago. We're going to be the first team to take them over and use them as our own little museum. That'll be a five dollar viewing fee.” “Ooo, I want in on this!” The other guy exclaimed. “How about this instead, you help us take down the Duchess of Crystalasia?” Glasses guy suggested. “Whatever we steal from this museum we'll use to frame her.” “Why should I help you, amateur? What do I get out of it?” I asked, still using my French accent. “The Duchess is no threat to us. That's how skilled we are at going on heists, we could never get caught. Your mistake is getting too close to your target. Did you know that’s the easiest way to get busted and land you in prison?” “Ha, they still don't know they have been getting things slipped in from under their noses.” Glasses guy said.  “Besides with that fool of a husband she's got, there is no way they could catch us.” “Don't get too cocky.” Agent Sword Flame told him. “Désolé, but didn't I hear that the fool of a husband you mention happened to bravely fight against Anton?” I asked. “Actually it must've been really hot to defend his wife like that.” “Don't believe everything you hear, there is no way they could defeat Anton.” Glasses guy said. “They are still alive, non?” I asked. “And Anton is enslaved behind bars?” “Ha, he’ll be back. Don't worry.” Glasses guy replied. “I hope not, that guy was a piece of work.” Agent Sword Flame said. “Can you imagine having him as a King? Putting our entire home in danger like that? He ruined our plot to steal the crown because he almost got us killed with all those assassins.” Agent Compassion Panda said. “I didn't know you were on a heist during the ball!” The other guy exclaimed. “Why don't you scream it from the rooftops, why don't you.” Agent Sword Flame said. “Do you not know the meaning of being undercover?” “Enough with all this small talk, we've got a heist to do.” Agent Marshmallow said. “I already took care of the security.” “Let's split up and find out where the plushie collection must be.” Agent Compassion Panda said. “I’ll go with Agent Marshmallow.” “Come on, Agent Breakdance, let's go with glasses guy and sidekick upstairs. I'm sure the assassin would want his collection on the highest level of the building.” I said and then whispered, “We need to keep an eye on those two. I think they believe Anton will be making an escape and they don't know when to shut their mouths.” “They do talk too much, don't they?” Agent Breakdance said. “You really think defending you from Anton was hot?” “Most definitely! Especially when you said You mess with my wife, you mess with me.” I answered. “If it wasn't a life or death situation, I would have been kissing you.” “We better maintain our secret identities, but I wouldn't be opposed to some kissing later.” Agent Breakdance told me. “Oh, I'm counting on it.” I said, as we went up the stairs after Anton's goons. “Oh, I found it!” Agent Breakdance exclaimed, a short while later. “Agent Sword Flame, Agent Marshmallow, Agent Compassion Panda… can you hear me?” I asked, speaking into the ear piece. “Loud and clear, Ruby Rose.” Agent Compassion Panda answered. “Good, follow these directions and we’ll see you up here…” I told her, giving them directions on how to find us. “Agent Cordonian Ruby Justice and Agent Brother Bear, we are at the location of our heist. We'll let you know when we will arrive at our target destination. How's everything going with Agent Poodle Fluff and Agent Francais de fleur?” “They just got the remaining items to the rightful owners.” Agent Cordonian Ruby Justice told me. “Everyone is happy and Agent Francais de fleur explained what happened.” “Good, see you soon.” I said. “Over and out.” “Now, leave this to me.” Agent Sword Flame told us, getting into the exhibit and stuffed the plushies in a bag. “How are you doing this without sounding an alarm?” Glasses guy asked. “I told you that we are professionals.” Agent Sword Flame answered. “Now let's go before security comes back from their wild goose chase.” “We got the perfect place to keep them.” Sidekick guy told us. “Remember when we said we're going to frame the Duchess? She has this secret room that we kept everything we've ever stolen.” “Wow, no kidding? Show us where to find this place.” Agent Compassion Panda said. “Our headquarters is undergoing massive renovations.” Agent Breakdance agreed. “We could use a temporary place to keep these in the meantime.” I said. “If you see security chasing us, don't worry it's part of the effect.” Agent Marshmallow whispered to me. “Good thinking! We wouldn't want these two guys finding out security is bad at their job and we'll also prove that we're good at ours.” I replied. “Hey! You guys, put your hands up!” Security told us. “You won't take us alive!” I exclaimed, pretending to fight the security guards, giving the rest of my team time to escape. “Thanks for the help.” I whispered to the guards. “Anytime, Ruby Rose.” They told me. “Agent Cordonian Ruby Justice, we're on our way.” I said through the earpiece. “Get ready for phase three, putting these creeps behind bars.” “We're ready for them, Ruby Rose.” Agent Cordonian Ruby Justice told me. “Just be careful.” Agent Brother Bear added. “Arf, Arf!” Agent Lucky Charm barked from the outside. “It's that dog again!” Glasses guy exclaimed. “I've had about enough of you!” Lucky Charm ran home with us following behind. Once we headed into the secret room, Agent Cordonian Ruby Justice and Agent Brother Bear were waiting on each side of the door. When the two guys came into view, King Arthur and Bertrand grabbed them and brought their hands behind their backs. “We’ve just been led into a trap!” Sidekick guy exclaimed. “Busted!” I told them. “Never mess with the leaders of Crystalasia.” “You're really starting to get on my nerves.” Glasses guy said to me. “Good because I could say the same about you and Anton.” I said as King Arthur and Bertrand started taking them away. “You know, you never cease to surprise me. Great work, Ruby Rose.” Bertrand said. “I really must learn not to doubt you, Christy. As for you two, you better not mess with my brother and his wife.” “Yeah, we get it. We're in way over our heads.” The glasses guy said. “We would've gotten away with it... if it wasn't for that meddling Duchess and that Royal Jester.” “Oh, and guys say hello to Anton for me when you meet him in prison.” I said, laughing. “We did it!” Penelope exclaimed. “Everything is right with the world again!” “Oh…” I said feeling lightheaded. “What's wrong were you poisoned?” Maxwell asked, panicking. “It's probably nothing, maybe I'm just exhausted from too much excitement between Anton's attack on us the day of our wedding and his goons trying to frame us recently.” I answered. “Besides I don't think being poisoned would  have taken this long to kick in.” “I think you need to get checked out just the same.” Kiara said. “Anything could have gone wrong.” “I'm fine, don't worry about me.” I told them, and suddenly everything went black and all I felt was the ground beneath me.

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