Only The Beginning. And End.

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Annyeong~ This is my first One Shot! Maybe if you guys want I could possibly put special chapters! Kyahhh! And the picture up there^ is my first fan fiction! It is brand new! It's under some work. So if it's boring inform me! And I will do my best to fix it! I am editing out and replacing pieces little by little. ~ BTW this One Shot isn't going to be short! It's going to kinda 'explain' better keke. Maybe I could turn this into this into a book? Now for the important part...

I dedicate this One Shot to my Dongsaeng Michelle~ Michelle I hope you like this saranghae~~~ keke xD


Michelle POV:

"Eomma!" I shouted

"I'm sorry Michelle but we have no other choice, besides you are half korean!"

"But mom! I know but I still look foreign! I will be bullied!"

"Mianhae, Michelle but we need too. You know why we need to. It's not like you're alone. We have family in Seoul too!"

"Fine!, Fine! Fine! Fine!!"

I stomped away to my room.

I just started to pack..very slowly. I don't know why I agreed to this! Aish. I ruffled and pulled my hair in frustration. Why is this happening to my family?!

After I was finished half of my packing I layed down. I will finish the other half tomorrow because I need that to get ready to leave. I already said my good-bye's to everyone.

My flight is 2pm tomorrow.

I fell alsleep.

Next Morning..

I got up. My face fells puffy. Did I cry last night? Hmm. Oh well. I got done what I needed to, then packed the rest of my things.

My mom called me down for breakfast. Honestly I don't have an apetite. I just sat on my bed, thinking what would happen once I got to Korea. I'll be staying with my aunt and uncle. I know they will be excited to see me but will I? No. Not even a little bit.


I'm finally in Korea. My Aunt and Uncle picked me up. My room is so pretty. They said I'm starting school as soon as possible so my education isnt affected. I go to bed feeling scared.

In the morning I got done what I needed to get done. I left my hair at a pretty wavy straight. Put on some light make up. Dressed up a bit but not to much. To finish the look I wore high top converse for some style.


As I reached school it wasn't as I thought. Some girls dressed slutty. I got some dirty looks already. Mostly from girls. Some guy greeted me, which made the girls angrier.

When the first bell rang it was time to go to our Resource classroom. Of course I had to introduce myself. After my introduction. I got some smiles from guys. Glares from girls. I think they're jealous haha.

I had to sit by the girl 'kinka' as they called her. She didn't like me. Obviously.

After school I saw Kinka with a group of girls. They walked up to me. Some were saying nasty things. Some said they didn't like me. I'm a foreigner. Said I was fake, because it was 'obvious'.

And they don't even know me!

I just walked away.


This kept happening for over two weeks. I became depressed and very stressed. I was paranoid that if I go anywhere I will see them girls and they would do something to me.


One day I didn't care what happened to me that day. I accidently bumped into a guy and fell over. I guess I hit my head pretty hard because I passed out.

I woke up in the nurses office as I looked around the room then I saw a boy sitting in a chair bowing his head probably thinking about something.

"Who are you?"

"Oh! You're awake!"

"Who are you?"

"Oh sorry, Jimin imnida. And you?"

"M-Michelle imnida"

The room got silent. Until he broke it.

"Why do you look sad? I seen you around school you're very beautiful. But why did you change? Look. You're wrists. They have cuts. Why?"


"I'm not taking that as a answer"

He said it seriously.

"I got bullied really bad by kinka and her group, because I'm a foreigner"

I bowed my head down.

"I will not let this happen anymore okay? Besides' you're much prettier than those sluts."

His words...

"What are you saying?"

"I'm going to protect you.."


It's been 2 years since I met Jimin. He actually did protect me. He was sweet and kind. He acted like a brother. He stopped the bullying. He threatned those girls that if they didn't stop he would expose them on what they do and what they've done.

Ahh..I actually kinda developed some feelings...I always wonder if he feels the same. (I wrote in my diary)


That same night I got a text message from Jimin

From: Jimin~♡

Hey, can you come to the park? I need to tell you something..ppali! Before I change my mind keke.

To: Jimin~♡

Ahh. Ne. I'm coming. Wait for me! Cx

I quickly got changed and put on some light make up. Went to the park. I saw him on a empty bench, I sat by him.

"Hey? You wanted me to come here?"

"Ah yes. Ne."

"What do you need to tell me?"

"Michelle-ah..We have known each other for almost 3 years now.."

"Yes? And??"

"I-I like you Michelle, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Jjinja?! Me too!"

I paused. Why did I yell?

"Ah mianhae, anyways. Yes I will be your girlfriend hehe"


Me and Jimin are Married now. After 3 years of dating- Wahh~ we are a strong couple huh?


Being married for 3 years, we have 2 kids. 1 girl, 1 boy. Their names are Park Minnie and Park Taewoo.(We wanted their names to be unique ^_^). I can say that Taewoo is 7 and looks a lot like Jimin especially his cheeks and smile. Minnie is 5 and has my smile and eye smile

As our children got older. We got weaker. We promised to never stop loving each other. Young nor old. Until our last breath.

The End~

A BTS Jimin One Shot(GttkLovee Contest)Where stories live. Discover now