Chapter 2 Keyblade

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3rd person Pov

Later that night you had gotten a text on my gummi phone from an unknown number.

???-Is this the girl from today?
You-Who is this?
???-My name is Axel. Are you (Y/N)?
You-Ohhhh. Yeah im (Y/N)
Axel-Ok. Well when do you wanna meet up?
You-Hmmmm. What about tomorrow?
Axel-Sounds good 👍

"I cant wait for tomorrow! I mean he was kinda cute. Nah. What am i thinking? Welp. Time to go to sleep."

You wake up to the sound of your gummi phone ringing. Without looking you hang it up cause your still tired and whisper "Five more minutes." Before falling back asleep.

Not long after the person who was calling you starts blowing up your phone and calling you like crazy.

You finally decide to see who it is when it turns out that it was AXEL of all people. But then you remember that you guys were supposed to meet up today.

You call him back and he asks you where you live. So you tell him and he said that he was on his way. You quickly get dressed and wait outside on your porch.

Once he gets there he takes you to a place where nobody is and ask you "Hey. Can you take out your keyblade? Just so i can see the damages."

You reply with "Sure." And take it out.

He stares in amazement at how damaged it is. He asks you "So how did this happen?" You say back "Im not really sure. I was fighting some heartless when i blacked out. When i had woken up it was broken like this."

He nods and says "Put it away" You do as he says and you put it away. He then says "Now. Flick your wrist like this and a new one should be forged in your hands." You try and it just brings out the old one.

You keep on trying over and over again but it still doesnt work. So you yell in frustration and throw the damn thing to the ground. Axel chuckles and walks over.

He asks "Do you need some help?" You nod in frustration. So he walks behind you and grabs your arms. You finally realize how tall he is compared to you. You can feel his breath. You think to yourself "He smells so good. Better than i thought."

You finally realize that you werent paying attention and he asks you "So. Fo you get it now?" You turn your head towards him to speak but instead realize how close you too are.

You turn back around and blush really hard. Axel chuckles a bit and realize that your werent paying attention. He this time makes sure your listening and when hes done he lets go and you try it. It worked!

You run up to Axel amd hug him hut quickly jump off stuttering and blushing really bad. He just laughs and says "Its fine." So you nod back and he takes you home.

Later that night he texts you.

Axel-I had fun today with you
You-I did too
Axel-Wanna hang out maybe again sometime?
Axel-What about Tommorow?
You-Why so soon?
Axel-Fine then. If you dont want to hang out you couldve just said so.
You-Wait. I do
Axel-Ok then. Tommorow it is.
You-What time tho?
Axel-Hmmm. What about 2 or 3?
You-Ok. 3 it is.
Axel-alright. See you tomorrow.

You stare at your phone in disbelief and smile. You really excited for tommorow and try going to sleep as fast as you can.

P.s. Sorry i didnt wait until 5 views. I was just really excited about 1 follower and thank you SO MUCH for that. Ill right the next part later. Bye!

P.S.S this is a pasted version of the second one if it didnt work for you or or was written funny :P

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