We Told You, They're Not Coming

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David waved goodbye to Nikki and Neil as they got into the car with their parents, wishing them a good drive home and a hope to see them next year. Nikki and Neil waved goodbye and promised to be back. And with that, they were off. David put his hands on his hips and smiled. Well, that's the last of the campers! I sure am gonna miss them! David thought, looking up to see that it would start raining soon. His smile never faltered as he turned around and started walking over to the councilors cabin to help Gwen back everything, until he saw Max and Harrison sitting by the docks together. David's smile dropped as he made his way over to them. As he got closer, he could hear that both boys were sniffling. "Well now, what's going on here? I thought you boys were on your way home by now!" David asked. Max turned around and wiped the tears away from his face and stuffed his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.

"Like I said. My parents don't care..Harrison's don't either.." Max said bitterly. Harrison placed a hand on his shoulder comfortingly. David looked at Harrison with a questioning look. Harrison sighed before speaking. "My parents sent me a letter today. They said that after parents day they had enough and would not be coming to get me. They said that because of me, they no longer had two sons and they didn't care what I did or what happened to me. Max's parents just said they didn't care if he came home or not." David's breath caught in his throat, the rain pouring down harder now. He sighed and motioned for the boys to follow him. Curious, Max and Harrison did just that.

David had lead them to the councilors cabin. He opened the door and ushered them inside. "Oh, David thank God you're finally here. Did everyone's parents get them?" Gwen asked, turning around to be faced with the three of them. Her shoulders dropped and she motioned for them both to come over. Max ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her. Harrison copied his actions soon. Gwen held onto the two boys and whispered that it was okay and that her and David would figure something out. She soon let go of them and lead them to the t.v. "Here, David and I are gonna talk. Why don't you two pick something to watch. If the weather channel doesn't interest you, I have some movies you can pick from." She said softly. Both of the boys thanked her and she gave them both a smile. She stood up and walked over to David. She leaned against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Well, what are we gonna do with them?" She asked in a hushed tone. David ran a hand over his face and sighed. "I mean..neither of their parents are coming, nor do they want them home so, really..I feel like we should take them home with us." David suggested. Gwen nodded looking over to see the two of them watching the Weather channel. It was hurricane season after all. They both looked so helpless, as if they were in the eye of the hurricane themselves. Gwen got up and started walking over to her stuff. "Gwen?" David called out. This grabbed the attention of the boys, who looked up from the tv to look at Gwen. Gwen turned around. "What?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips. "We can't take them home if we haven't packed yet. Now hurry up, maybe if we're lucky we can get on the road and just miss the storm." Gwen said in a matter-of-fact tone of voice. Harrison and Max's eyes lit up upon hearing her words. David smiled brightly too and ran over to his clothes to get them all packed.

In about 15 minuets, Gwen and David got their bags as well as the boys bags packed into the car. They all waved goodbye to Quartermaster and hopped in, with Gwen in the drivers seat, David in the passenger, Max and Harrison in the back. No one said anything and Gwen started the car and drove off. Max would never admit it, not even to himself, but he was happy Gwen and David decided to take him and Harrison home. And, he was kind of happy that Harrison's parents didn't show up either. Not for some sick reason or because he hated him, he had actually become pretty okay friends with Harrison, Nerris and Preston as well as Nikki and Neil. No, he was happy that he wasn't alone. That some one else was feeling the pain and hurt that he was feeling. Someone else who understood what it meant to be hated and unwanted by your parents. Max felt Harrison nudge his shoulder and he turned away from the window to look at him. Harrison didn't say anything, but just offered Max his ear bud with a small smile. Max smiled back and took the offer. Harrison had some early Fall Out Boy playing and Max had no complaints.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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