Chapter 6: On the Road to Reinhallow

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A loud knocking, remisinent of all the innkeepers collecting gold, burst through the room.


"Gods, Kal. You don't have to shout so loud. The door is thin," grumbled the half-elf as she shoved herself off the bed.

"Hurry up." He said, his voice much quieter.

She pulled off her sleepwear and put on her clothing, a green long-sleeved shirt and dark trousers. She buckled on her belt and filled it back up with weapons. Gle'inn tossed her bag across her shoulders, shoving open the door way. Kal took a few steps back. He still stood awkwardly holding his injury but it seemed to have healed a bit, he was wearing a shirt so she couldn't see the wound.

"Are we going to head out now?" She asked, looking up at the Tabaxi.

He shifted his bag as he moved his weight to a different foot. "Yeah, in a few minutes. I need to say my hopefully-not-final goodbye to Sev. Got anyone in town you need today bye to?"

Gle'inn sighed, looking down at her feet. She should have expected this question, but when it hit her, it hit her hard. Without Geo, she had no one. No one at all. It didn't matter the goodbye, it mattered all the comfort knowing if she ever got caught she would have someone to bail her out. Knowing that if she ever needed someone to talk to, she would have someone. But now she didn't.

"No," Gle'inn looked up, then turned towards the steps to the tavern area. Kal followed along.

"So, you're really going this time, huh?" Sev said as they reached the bar. He was cleaning a glass.

"Yup, and this time I wouldn't delay the journey by getting stabbed." Kal's voice was cheerful, even with the grim nature of his words.

Gle'inn looked around the bar as they talked between themselves. It was early, a few travellers were eating their first meals of the day before hitting their respective roads.

A Tabaxi caught her eye. It was uncommon enough to see one in this area, but two? He was grouped with quite a few interesting looking individuals. Two half-elves which was odd to see in this area, a tiefling which were usually shunned as they were 'unholy' from their demonic appearances, a goblin which was a very odd and ugly sight, and a dwarf which wasn't too uncommon but uncommon to see in such groups.

A different figure tore her eyes from the interesting group. A cloaked man, she couldn't tell if he was elven or just human as a hood obscured his features. He sat in the corner, as all the shady types did. He just stared over at the trio by the bar. Gle'inn gave a small wave and smiled.

The figure stood, Gle'inn put her hand down, her smile fell. The cloaked man grabbed something from off his table then turned tail out the door.

Gle'inn frowned down at her hand, she hadn't scared anyone away with a wave in a while.

"Do you know that guy?" Gle'inn looked over to Sev.


"The one in the cloak who looked shady that was sitting in the corner a second ago."

Sev stared at her for a few seconds. "Maybe, I see a lot of shady guys pass by."

Kal surveyed the tavern, he gave a shrug. "No idea."

Gle'inn sighed, leaning against the bar. She listened to the chatter of the town, occasionally joining in. They talked of little schemes they had pulled. Kal looked out the open door of the Tavern.

"The sun is rising, we should go."

Gle'inn nodded, she adjusted the bag on her back. She gave a quick wave to Sev, he returned the favor. Kal did the same, a sad smile lacing his feline features.

The bag on Gle'inn's back felt so much heavier as they exited the tavern. She really was leaving, wasn't she? This place wasn't a home to her, it never had been. It was so small, she was going to have a chance out in the big world. Not just comments about the length or her ears and half-elf self. Maybe some blacksmith would come around and teach her more about how to make daggers and swords. Just like Geo had... but then Gle'inn had refused, thinking she had something better to do. But now all Gle'inn wanted was to make a sword with Geo.

A mournful sigh of times long past fell through her lips as the companions trekked out of town. Kal didn't speak, he stared off into the distance, most likely thinking of whatever had brought him down this road they walked.

"I came in Deinmore for this way." He pointed over at the gate they were to leave from.

"Oh, so you came from the North? What part?" Gle'inn looked over at him as they got closer.

"Hey! That's the one who stole from me!" A gruff voice shouted from behind them. The two locked eyes.

"Run." The both whispered simultaneously. Then they booked in. Heavy footfall clinked across the world behind them

Gle'inn's bags thudded against her back as she pushed herself to go faster. Kal's running looked pained from what she could see from the corner of her eye. It was still slightly faster than her with his obviously superior build for running. His expression looked just as panicked as hers.

Their feet sprinted across the gate opening, marking their exit of the town. The loud clinking of town guard boots slowed to a halt.

They were out into the world, the real one. Gle'inn was no longer trapped in that hellhole of a town. She was on her way to Reinhallow. But more importantly, she was on her way to get Geo back.

And that's all the encouragement she needed.

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