An Divided Pack

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After he left, I must have cried myself to sleep because when I woke the following morning, I found Sanira standing beside my bed with a pleasant understanding smile. Before I could ask the time, she softly said, "the sun has only started to rise." Nodding, I sat up as she said, "whatever has brought tears to your eyes last night, you must not let it show today." Sighing, I offered her another nod that I understood while she softly, "good, for we shall dry those tears and get a start on the day." Breathing deeply, I moved to push the furs and blankets covering me aside only to have Sanira pull them back for me. Climbing out of bed I started to prepare for the day wishing that Robb had taken my request to heart to direct what anger he felt toward me instead of Jon.

With my face washed, my hair pulled back into a single braid, I quickly dressed in a new gown of deep purple before leaving my chambers with Shadow on my right side while we silently walked toward the Great Hall to join my family for our morning meal.

Entering the hall, I blinked, surprised to find Mother's chair beside Father empty. Quickly glancing about the room, I noticed that Jon was sitting beside Uncle Benjen speaking in hushed tones while Father talked to Robb, who was seated to his left. Looking about, I noticed that Arya, Sansa, Rickon, and Greyjoy sat around them. Keeping quiet, I walked up to the table, sat down beside Sansa with Arya to my left, and quietly began to eat only to hear, "are you alright, Ilyanna?"

Turning my head, I tried to offer a smile to Arya only to briefly notice Robb and Jon watching me as I nodded yes before saying, "I am just worried about Bran little wolf." While she simply arched her eyebrow in curiosity before asking, "you seem more than worry?" I wet my bottom lip while offering a glance to Father before saying, "you're right." A knowing smile began to pull at her lips until I said, "I am also concerned for Mother and anxious about our journey South." Father sighed in relief before saying, "once you are finished, Ilyanna, would you escort your sisters to their lessons?" With a brief glance at him, I nodded that I would before saying, "after I'll stop by the kitchens and ask for a tray to be taken to Mother so she may eat," as he nodded his thanks before returning his attention to his meal. Following his example, I moved to continue eating only to hear, "but Ilyanna." I softly yet commandingly said, "eat Arya." With a huff, she did as I asked as I did my best to ignore the look of confusion on Jon's face as well as the look of sad determination on Robb's.

A few moments later, I felt the table and led my sisters to their lessons before walking back to the kitchens to retrieve something for Mother only to find Jon waiting for me. Nodding hello, I whispered, "morning Jon," before walking around him. I offered a smile to one of the cooks before asking, "can I have some bread, bacon, fruit, eggs, and tea?" The cook nodded and walked away to prepare it as Jon asked, "what is wrong?" I turned my head to look at him only to see Robb enter the kitchen with Steward Poole. Glancing away from Jon, I softly said, "nothing" only to hear, "here you are Lady Ilyanna." Nodding my thanks, I took the tray of food from the young cook, pivoted, and just left ignoring Robb in the process. Hurrying upstairs, I walked down the corridor that led to Bran's room only to watch the door open. Taking a deep breath, I walked over just as Maester Luwin stepped out and blinked upon seeing me. "Lady Ilyanna."

Nodding hello, I glanced around the Maester to find Mother sitting to the left of Bran's bed as I asked, "how are they today?" He stared at me for a moment before glancing into the room as he said, "Bran is still with us, but I think your Mother can do with some company." Nodding my thanks, I stepped around him and entered the room to find Mother starting what looked like a prayer wheel. Setting the tray, I was carrying down on the end of Bran's bed. I turned and kneeled on her right. "Mother," she stopped what she was doing and slowly glanced at me as I blinked upon noticing the dimness in her blue eyes. "I've brought you something to eat. If you would like, I can sit with Bran while you return to your chambers to prepare yourself for the day after you have," only to be interrupted by her saying, "he needs me." Glancing away from her, I stared at Bran, noticing that his chest was still rising and fall before glancing back at her while saying, "do you not think Bran will wish for you to look after yourself, Rickon, and your other children? I am sure he will not mind if you take a mom..." Only to have her yell, "I said no, Ilyanna!" Startled by the rise in her voice, I opened my mouth to try again only to hear, "Ilyanna?"

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