Chapter 2: Realization

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(Galm's POV)

I entered the room I was supposed to share with Smarty, I see his stuff is already there and I hear him in the bathroom, I sit on the bed that's not taken and sigh, I did what the guys told me to do, I got a stress ball and everytime Smarty ticked me off I would squeeze it and I felt better.

"Hey Galm.." Smarty says walking out of the bathroom messing with his hair.

"Hey Smarty.." I say smiling, he smiles back. It's cuter in person.. Oh not this again. I grab my stress ball and start squeezing it.

"That is because of me.. I knew it!" He says pointing at the ball.

"No Smarty I've just been streesed lately.." I try to cover.

"No! I've noticed that each time I piss you off you use that! Well I'm sorry that I piss you off so much!" He yells at me.

"Smarty.." I try to say.

"What did I do this time to piss you off?" He asks.

"Nothing! It's not because of you!" I say.

"Then what?" He asks.

"I thought something that I shouldn't be thinking of. Okay? Because if I think like that.. It means I like a guy Smarty and I can't like a guy! I'm not gay or bi.." I say.

"G-Galm I'm sorry.." He says.

"Whatever.. I need to think.." I say and leave the room.

"Why am I thinking like this?" I ask myself.

"I don't like Smarty like that.. I can't.." I say. I start thinking about him. His stupidity, his weird personality, his cute smile, his big brown eyes, his cute stutter. Wait.. No.. Dang it.. I like Smarty..

"Dang it.." I say then I run to Chilled's room.

"Chilled!" I bang on the door, I here a groan and then the door opens and his hair is very messed up.

"I'm kinda busy what?" He asks.

"You finally told Ze you loved him?" I ask.

"Yea.." He says blushing.

"Good.. But.. I have a problem.." I say.

"You realized you like to ruin the best moment ever?" He asks.

"No.. You were right.." I say.

"Hey! Ze I was right! Wait what was I right about?" He asks.

"I like Smarty.." I say.

"I knew it!! Ze! I knew it! I told you it would happen!" Chilled says.

"I ship it!" Ze yells.

"Shh! He can't hear you.." I say Chilled nods.

"Ze Shut up.." Chilled says and I here another groan.

"I wasn't interupting sex was I? Cause we have to leave in like twenty minutes.." I say.

"No we were just making out.." Chilled says going red.

"Well get ready to leave.." I say then I turn to head back to my room and freeze.

"I don't want to go back in there..." I say.

"Go!" Chilled pushes me then slams the door shut. I walk back in there and Smarty is sitting in the corner rocking back and forth I go to him and shake him.

"Smarty?" I ask, he doesn't answer me.

"John!" I say loudly, he looks up at me.

"What?" He asks.

"Why are you in the corner?" I ask.

"I freaked out.." He says.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I should be.. I just can't be alone for that long.. I'm sorry.." He says.

"Don't you live alone?" I ask.

"Yea but usually I have a friend over or I go to a friends.." He says.

"I'm sorry.. I wont leave you alone ever again.." I say.

"Thank you.." He says, I smile he starts smiling and I pull him up and drag him out of the door.

"Where are we going?" He asks.

"We're leaving soon.." I say then I bang loudly on Chilled's door, more groaning is heard.

"We're getting ready!" Ze yells. I go to Tom's door and knock he walks out smiling.

"Jordan is so funny!" He says happily.

"Good.." I say.

"Why are you two holding hands?" He asks.

"I promised him I would never leave him alone again.." I say.

"That was nice.." I hear Chilled say.

 "I have a friend.." I hear Smarty mumble, I squeeze his hand telling him I heard him and I see him smile.

"Come here you butt.." I wrap my arm around him and we all walk to the car.

"Food!" Ze says happily. We head to go get dinner.

"This place is nice.." Tom says looking around. We order our food and drinks and they come and we start eating and talking I'm talking to Tom when I notice something from the corner of my eye, Smarty is trying to take food off my plate, I smirk and raise my fork up and pretend to stab his hand he pulls it away and gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Next time ask.." I say and he nods.

"Can I haz a piece?" He asks.

"Yes.." I say and he takes some.

We share food for the rest of the meal then we go back to the hotel and I lay in bed.

"If you start freaking out you can crawl in bed with me okay.." I say he nods and we go to our own beds after shutting off the main light then I shut my lamp off and he does a bit after I do, I start to drift off to sleep, I hear Smarty making noise.

"John?" I ask.

"Yea?" His voice is shakey.

"Come here.." I say, he gets up and crawls into my bed.

"I'll stay over here.. I promise.." He says.

"It's okay if you do end up over here.." I say, he nods then we fall asleep.

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