Chapter One: Start Of A Friendship

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One  peacefull night while the stars shined bright two girls were on their phones  on the internet like always. "Lomiwi, Crystal. Have you packed your bags yet?'' said Mrs.Willow. "Yes, mom.'' said Crystal. ''uhm, mom. I got my period just now.'' said Lomiwi who had gone to the bathroom in the meantime. ''You tell me that now?'' Mrs Willow takes her purse and pulls out a pill. "You can take this. Hopefully it stops it tomorrow if not then you wont be able to swim.'' '' sure, mom. By the way can I take my tablet tomorrow in case my period doesnt stop.'' said Lomiwi . "Sure.''


''Lomiwi, wake up. everyone's up already and working. Help around. Or do you wanna stay at home?'' said Mrs. Willow. ''yeah, yeah I'm up.'' mumbled Lomiwi and started getting ready and helping around. like usual her mom was grumpy from the stress and calmed down while they were on the road. After a long while they  arrived at the holiday resort where Arilla's, her cousin's daughter's birthday would be held.


Lomiwi was just casually helping unload the car when she heard an unfamiliar voice say. ''안녕하세요'' [hello]. looking around to find the voice, confused. But then just shrugged her shoulders and continued her task ''안녕하세요!'' she heard again and this time spotted a guy in the water next to her cousin, jumping and swaying his arms like a mad person. Curious and with a raised brow she went over to him. ''Hello.'' said Lomiwi.''Hey! you're garroth's cousin, right?'' said the boy. ''I'm MaoSae. You?'' ''I'm Lomiwi. nice to meet you.'' said Lomiwi with soft smile. They continued talking a little untill she went back to helping her parents.


She went to sit in a hamock to read a harry potter fan fiction since she couldnt swim  due to her period. her mom brought some fruits for her. If you want to eat theres food under that hut.'' her mom said pointing to the hut and left after Lomiwi nodded her heard. ''yummy.'' said lomiwi enjoying her food and putting the plate on the floor continuing to read in peace. Then a strong breeze of wind passed her. ''No... my precious food!'' said catching the plate before it turned over. ''Phew, my food's okay!'' while Lomiwi was peacefully enjoying the story she suddenly heard Agust D playing, catching her attention and pulling her out of her little world.


Once again curious she tracked down the source of the music and saw MaoSae and her family members. Surprised she went over to them and saw the song playing from his phone. "You know BTS!?'' she said. ''Yup. You too?'' he said while eating. She got exited to meet an army. ''yup!'' she said with cheerfully and chatted with him while eating too. ''yay! I finally have a friend, who's an army, outside of school .'' thought Lomiwi with happiness. they got along well and were quick friends. They talked about bts and their interests untill he asked if he should dance Mic drop for her. She said and watched him get ready. He was a little off but good nonetheless. she stood against a tree, watching him move while smiling to herself.


They walked and spoke with each other and watching videos on MaoSae's phone. Everyone could see the smiles on both their faces and the happy enegry they gave off. When they finally seperated Lomiwi asked ''Wheres the other ARMY friend?'' to her cousins. "Sureee... friiiieeend...'' said Crystal. "What are you talking about?'' said Lomiwi with a raised brow and was about to go do her own thing then MaoSae came back and started talking again. ''Ok, I'm gonna go swim now.'' said MaoSae laughing. ''No~... Dont leave m...'' said Lomiwi pouting a little. ''Aww c'mon now you're making me feel bad...'' he said jokingly. ''Kidding! You can go.'' said Lomiwi laughing but then put her hands on MaoSae's shoulders. "Wait. no.'' she said stopping him in his tracks. He was about to say something but then she cut him off saying ''Joking, joking. you can go for real.'' she said laughung while hinting towards the water and they went off to do their own thing.


While MaoSae was swimming and having fun with the others in the water, Lomiwi continued reading in peace checking if her period stopped from time to time. Around 2 o'clock it finally stopped. She put away  her tablet and changed into her swimsuit then running of to the water. ''Finally! I can enjoy the wonderful cool water.'' thought Lomiwi hapilly and conversed with the others especially her new friend. While talking to him she turned her attention to her cousin (Arilla's mother) who asked her if she could play with her colleague's daughter in the water. Lomiwi happilly excepted and took the little girl in her arms and started talking to her, smiling.


''She's so cute!'' said Lomiwi and looked at MaoSae. ''Do you wanna hold her?'' ''Oh no thx, I'm bad with kids.'' he said laughing. ''Oh c'mon hold her~ It cant be bad~'' said Lomiwi laughing. ''Ok, fine.'' said MaoSae stretching out his arms. Lomiwi smiled and let him hold the little girl. ''See~ you're not bad.'' Lomiwi said laughing at MaoSae who was smiling and playing with the girl like a child on christmas eve. Little did she know that he was slowly melting her defenses with his kindness and energy eventhough she only saw him as a friend. They stood next to each other playing with the child together untill they had to cut the birthday cake.


They all came together to sing for Arilla and then cut the cake. Arilla turned 3 and just wanted to play with the other kids by the sand near the creak. Lomiwi helped serve the pieces of cake and not long after she was putting food on a plate while talking to MaoSae. ''Not to be rude but why do you speak so much english? It's not exactly normal for someone to speak english here.'' said MaoSae. ''Oh that!'' said Lomiwi and laughed ''It's normal for me I guess'' *shrughs* ''Its like second nature to me, really.''  So they ate and spoke together again untill it was time to go back home.


MaoSae at the time moved in with her cousins due to personal reasons. They were still talking but this time while helping clean up and load the car. ''Aunt she likes the same music as me!'' said MaoSae. Arilla's mom just nodded and motioned for him to get in the car. The both of them smiled at each other and said and waved bye. Lomiwi went into her moms car and went back to reading temporarily forgetting about  the boy. Lomiwi and her friends always tell eachother about eachothers lives so she excitedly talked about this day to her friends who were surprised to see their best friend talk so much about a boy

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