"Dancing with a stranger✨🤭"

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Olive came to the ball with her boyfriend Chad but ended up losing him in the crowd. She was searching for him until she had seen that he was with some other girl and all over her. She was hurt but more or so alone tonight. She had went up to chad and told him it was over. Chad not caring said he didn't care and was using her for her body, he than threw his drink on her and walked away. Olive was pissed and hurt but more pissed then hurt. Luckily for it was water and wasn't going to stain her dress. She walked up the steps to the balcony and looked over the beautiful lights of jersey. She couldn't help but smile at this marvelous sight and cry. She couldn't help but feel alone and to be quite honest she hated that feeling. She soon left the balcony to leave but bumped into someone causing them to fall.
~End of Narrator~
Olive: I'm so sorry. I should've looked where I was going. Are you ok?
Persons thoughts: tonight was horrible, I got dumped and cheated on. A drink was thrown at me and got punched on. So no I'm not ok.
Person: yes I'm fine but are you ok?
Olives thoughts: No I'm not ok. Tonight is just not my night. Ex boyfriend was using me and cheated.I just want to leave this ball and be somewhere else but home and here.
Olive: yes I'm fine.
Person: Why do I feel as though you are lying to me?
Olive: Fine I'm not ok but it's ok because I'm leaving.
Person: Well if your leaving then so am I.
Olive: Why? You don't even know me.
Person: That may be true but that doesn't mean that I can't get to know you.
Olive: I don't even know your name
Person: My names Derek, Derek Trendz and yours?
Olive: Olive, Olive Perez.
Derek: well how about we ditch this ball?
Olive: didn't you come here with someone? Don't want to take you and leave the poor girl you came with alone.
Derek scratches the back of his neck and says it's actually the other way around.
Olive: Your kidding, right?
Derek with tears in his eyes explains his whole night.
Olive: your not alone on the cheated train then. Cmon let's go.
Derek and olive run over to olives Jeep and drives off to lord know where.
(Play song here)
As olive was driving Derek had turned on the radio and started to sing dancing with a stranger. Olive had turned it down a little bit to ask Derek where are we going? He replied with a simple "anywhere" and with that olive decided to take him to her favorite spot. She might not have known him well but she feels as though she can trust him. Derek loosens his tie and undid the first four buttons to his button down shirt. I pulled into a little gas station and told Derek we're going to have a competition to see who can get as many snacks as possible. After I did the count down, me and Derek ran in the store grabbing whatever we wanted and liked. As I was paying, I seen Derek staring at me a little bit with a small smile on his face. As I paid the cashier, I felt nothing but butterflies erupt in my stomach after catching Derek staring. We went to the car, put the snacks in the back seat and drove to my favorite spot. As we pulled up close enough to see the lights of jersey shining, I opened my trunk, put the blanket that I always kept in my car out in the trunk and placed the snacks all over the the trunk. Derek and I were sitting in my trunk, eating snacks and enjoying each other's company when I got a brilliant idea. I got up and ran to open the drivers seat door and connected my phone to my car. I started playing dancing with a stranger and walked back to Derek debating on how I was going to ask him to slow dance with me. I stood in front of him and asked him as quick as possible, " would you want to slow dance with me, Derek?" He replied with "of course I would". As the song played, I lays my head on dereks shoulder as his arms lightly wrapped around and his hands were together. I hugged Derek as we slow danced over the beautiful lights of jersey. I felt like Peggy cater and Derek was captain America. I guess I really am Dancing with a stranger but at least I'm comfortable with it.
After that night that was the start of a beautiful relationship. As for the others of this story, there wasn't so much of a beautiful ending.
Chad: Now has five kids, caught aids, got cheated four times and has failed 12th grade three times.
The ex girlfriend of Derek: gave bitch to five kids, gave someone aids cheated four times and has kicked out of school for not passing 12th grade after failing six times.

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