Chapter 7

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To say the first day of classes was interesting was an understatement. Now that the whole school knew that Harry Potter was officially at Hogwarts, there were lines of students in the hallways waiting to see him. Not that Harry first.

When Harry had joined his first new house table, he was bombarded with questions, mostly asking where he had been. He told the truth for the first few days, then after that, he made things up to make things interesting. It mostly consisted of being picked up off the streets to join the circus, picking up a life of crime, being part of the mob, to being a secret assassin. And they soaked it up; it was amazing what these people would believe. One thing that he noticed was that Hermione was a no-nonsense type of person and would give him a disapproving look every time he told a different story. But he didn't care, it was funny. Some of his fellow housemates realized what he was doing and were also getting a kick out of it and always listened in to see what he came up with next.

It was starting to get old now though, Harry was thinking he may have to start charging people for his time. But it wasn't just his late arrival or the way he was dressed that people were ogling him for, Harry noticed, it was something else. They were in awe of him and he didn't know what for; he didn't get a chance to ask, yet mostly he just didn't care. Let them stare, he was used to it.

The one whose attention he had, that he did not appreciate was one Draco Malfoy. He had been right on in his assessment during their brief encounter at the train station, he was a spoiled brat and a pompous ass too. Malfoy had not forgotten it either and had spent the first few days sneering at him, before actually introducing himself. But Harry just ignored him, it wasn't worth his time to deal with people like that.

Another person he had gained the attention of was Professor Snape, who he was lucky enough to have as a Potions Professor. The moment he had stepped into the classroom, Snape glared at him and tried to make his time uncomfortable. Not that it worked. Snape started in on him as soon as class started with simple questions that Harry was able to answer no problem thanks to his reading but then started to give him higher-level questions that Harry didn't know.

Snape smirked at him when Harry finally stayed silent, "Clearly, fame isn't everything."

"Clearly, you're an asshole," Harry retorted and the class gasped in unison and looked around at each other with wide eyes.

"You will not speak to me like that, Potter," Snape hissed, "10 points from Gryffindor."

"Geez, sorry, but you're acting like one. You know I just got here and yet you expect me to know this?"

"If you spent more time on your studies instead of flaunting around, you would know the answer. 10 more points from Gryffindor."

"Seriously? I literally found out about all of this," he said gesturing around him with a finger, "four days ago."

"That is not my problem."

"Uh, yeah, it is."

"10 more points from Gryffindor for talking back."

"What the hell is your problem? Look, I'm sorry about the other day, but you had that coming."

"20 points from Gryffindor. If you keep this up you will be down to zero," Snape sneered at him.

"Does it look like I care?"

Snape just looked down his nose at him, "Arrogant. Your father-"

"My father?" Harry interrupted in disbelief, "Is that what this is about? I don't even know my father, he's dead. If you had something against him, fine, but don't take it out on me. I have nothing to do with it."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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