Love, Q

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"Now that I've acted in your fantasy can I have my ship back?" I said firmly. Acting in that scene was draining, but I just needed to stay collected. Showing my wear wouldn't help me have the upper hand in this situation.
"Let me think, hmmm... no." I'd done all of this for nothing? I can't say I'm surprised considering the shit Q's pulled in the past.

"Sorry to disappoint. You look tried, you should rest, mon cheri." Did he just call me honey? The white void changed into a dark cozy bedroom. I couldn't just go to sleep when Q was still in the room. Whatever trick or game Q was playing was cruel. I was too tired to figure out what the trick was, there was always a catch with Q. What harm could lying down really do? I lied down in the warm soft bed.

I was halfway to sleeping when I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I didn't have to open my eyes to know that it was Q. I shoved him away as hard as possible, I felt him fall off the bed. "Captain?" Q whined. I opened my eyes to see Q was sitting on the floor. "Get your own bed." I closed my eyes and tried to get to sleep.

"But it's so warm next to you." He said in a sing songy tone. I could feel him get back on the bed so I used my foot to push him off again. I heard him hit the nearby wall. "Ow." If he was human I'd be concerned that'd he hurt himself, but he wasn't human. He was probably only saying it to get me to gain sympathy from me.


I woke up to Q standing over me. Was he watching me all night? I sat up, rubbed my eyes and stretched. He handed me a booklet like the Star Wars one but red. "Here's your script." Q said coldly, was he still angry about last night? I don't know how he didn't expect me to kick him out of my bed. I wasn't going to let him lie next to me while I was sleeping, who knows what he'd do.

"Good morning to you too." I joked but he was not entertained. Q didn't respond, he just glared at me. "Are you really that upset?" I asked him. I didn't really care if he was actually upset or not, I just didn't want him to be so upset that he destroys the ship. I just need to try and keep him calm. "Yes." Q pouted.
"I apologize, I was just doing it out for my own protection." I tried to explain but it only pissed him off more. "You're playing Simon, we'll start in a bit." He said before leaving the room.

I looked down at the script to see what today's movie was. Love, Simon it said on the cover. This one I hadn't heard about at all, I guess it was another movie price of media lost in time that Q happened to dig up. The scene was a lot longer than the last one so I started to try and memorize.


I sat in a ferris wheel and leaned on the safety bar waiting for Q to start. There were all these people around the ferris wheel, they were mentioned in the script but it was weird that anybody would want to watch two men kiss. How much longer was this insanity going to go on? Wouldn't it be easier just to straight up kiss me then putting together all these scenes? I'm not going to like it either way but at least if he just kissed me I wouldn't have to memorize lines.

"Place everyone, Action!" Q yelled. I leaned back and got ready. I wish somebody could make this stop, I don't want to act. I just want my ship back. "Can I sit there?" Q asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. I pushed the safety bar open. "I was kinda waiting for somebody."

"Yeah I know." Q said as he sat next to me. "It's you." I replied, every line felt painful but I resisted the urge to wince. "It's Me." Q was smiling like an idiot, at least somebody was enjoying this. I continue the scene while halfway zoning out, what kind of movie is this? "Are you disappoint it's me?" I snapped out of my half inattentive state knowing we were getting close to the kiss. I wanted to say yes, but that's not what the script says. "No."

I leaned over and kissed Q, I closed my eyes and tried to pretend it was anyone else. The people below cheered and clapped for us. I pulled away and looked at the people cheering. If only they knew what was happening, what Q was forcing me to do or the fact that they wouldn't exist after this scene. I looked over at Q who was pleased with himself. I never knew if he was enjoying my discomfort or the kiss itself.

I had to kiss him again, that's what the script asked for, but I refuse. I could barely kiss him one time let alone two. Q leaned over and I leaned away. The scene quickly faded going back to the white void. I wish he'd at least take me someone instead of this weird void. "You didn't follow the script." Q looked pissed but not in a scary sort of way but in a toddler having a temper tantrum kind of way.

"Isn't once enough, Q?" Maybe I should've just kissed him again, I probably would have my ship back if I just did what he wanted. "It would be if that's what the script said." Well at least I know now he enjoys the kiss rather than my reaction. He should be lucky he gets to kiss me at all. "Can we just drop this? I haven't eaten today."

"Fine!" The white shifted into a dinning room. The table held several dishes. I knew how likely this could be a trick, but I needed to eat. I grabbed on of the dishes and sat down. I didn't know what it was but it was incredible.

This fanfic is probably one of the better things I've written

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