The Enderknights

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Two men walked in the shadows. the hoods of their cloaks concealed their faces as they trekked through the forest. Every now and then, a rustle would interrupt the silence, but yet they still marched on, cautious of anyone who would stop them. a flapping noise could be heard, increasing in volume with every flap. the two men looked around and hid in the shadow of a large oak tree.

Suddenly, the tree bucked with a loud roar! the two men looked up and gazed into two large purple eyes. It wasn't a tree at all! It was an Ender Dragon!

"Run!" one man said, but his companion was already running.

Luna, now the size of a small shed, roared again, and started the pursuit.  Her footstep sounded like thunder as she galloped on after her quarry. One man fell and Luna finished him off with a single bite. she lifted her head to the full moon and roared her success. The last man still ran on into the Dark Forest, where the Dragon could not follow. 

He kept on running until he stopped in the center of a clearing. mist and fireflies hung long in the air. the air felt electric for some reason. the man caught his breathe and was about to keep going when he saw something move in the shadows. He readied his sword looking around for movement. 

Movement to his left! He swung around, but it was gone. he started to move slowly, making his way to the side. He bumped into something. He turned around and his scream was cut off because his head was no longer connected to his body. The shadow looked around, his sword raised in anticipation. seeing no other challenge, he stalked off into the shadows. 

Abigail entered the clearing and saw the body lying in the far side. she picked up the head, looking confused.

Who would be out here with me? she thought. she looked around the clearing, but saw nothing. Luna was floating above the trees, circling, waiting. she had a scent in her nostrils. it was ancient, far older than her Knight. along with it was fear, bloodshed and determination. She huffed. she may be young, but she was ancient as well, she had waited for so many years, waiting to hatch to the right person, like her species did. it was about 150 years since her egg was laid, and now she knew that the Enderknights were gone. but they will come back. she had smelt an Enderdragon on her way here, male, with a male Knight. 

"Let's go Luna. nothings here for us now," Abbigail called up. Luna agreed. she was starting to wheel around when she saw a large black mass above her. She growled at the floating mass, and it growled back. It was much deeper than hers, older and male. She dove to Abbigail, who was just about to leave the clearing. 

Abbigail had heard the low growl, she knew it wasn't Luna. She spun to see Luna in the clearing, head raised to see a floating black object. It had wings, a long neck and tail, and was far larger then Luna. Its head revealed two purple eyes and on its back was someone cladded in Black and Purple.

An Enderknight? she didn't know how many were left, but there were none in the Overworld. The Dragon flapped harder and banking away from the clearing, flying slow so that they could follow. Abbigail jumped onto Luna and they both took off after the Dragon.





After what had seemed like hours, following the illusive Knight, The Dragon started to descend on a small village. Luna followed close behind, careful not to hit the buildings. the other Dragon landed in a clear area near a wheat field and luna landed opposite the dragon. even in the dark, you could see visible scars on the Dragons sides. Its knight slid of it's wing and started to approach Abbigail. She slid off Luna and Luna crept towards the Larger dragon. the knight reached up to it's head and took off the helmet to reveal a young female with brown hair and blue eyes. Abbigail blinked. 

She wasn't the only one! Abbigail reeled about another Enderknight when she started talking.

"Hello Abbigail," the girl said. "we thought we saw an Enderdragon passing and thought to follow it. It's a good thing we did."

"Uh thanks," Abbigail said.

"My name is Emily. I'm the leader of this group of Enderknights. i have direct contact with the Ender people and have been handing out eggs to grow the EnderKnights,"

"I didn't know there where more," Abbigail said.

"There aren't many, but we're steadly growing. at the moment, we are trying to recruite a male farmer called Allister and his Dragon named Thunder. he is an arrogant one, let me say that," 

Abbigail looked over at Luna, who was sniffing Emily's dragon.

"Oh, that's my dragon, Starling," Emily said, following her eye.

"how do you find other hatched eggs?" abbigail asked.

"We use Eyes to find them," Emily said, and pulled out one. She let it float and it floated to Abbigail.

"It finds the closest Enderknight but floating over and marking it. It isn't easy getting them," Emily explained.

"So you need some help with someone named Allister?" Abbigail asked. she wanted to help out.

"Sure, he needs some persuading though, like i said, he's arrogant,"

"Well, when do we leave?" 

"Sunrise. we can't leave now because of monsters. let's go get some rest," emily said, and Abbigail followed her to a shack with a spare bed. she layed down and outside, she heard Luna flop down. She closed her eyes and fell asleep




Not too far off, the shadow had followed the two dragons to the small village. The enderknights were returning, he thought himself, and I need to be prepared. he got up from his croach and began to walk home. a flash of lightning, a clap of thunder and he was gone...

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