Chapter 1: My first customer

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It was a hot sunny day at my store, but no customers, I had opened a new byte store 3 months ago, I called it, Lolbit's byte store.

"Jeez not a single costumer toda-" I was cut off by the door creaking open, I was shocked it was a customer, my first customer yes! I thought to myself. I was shocked to what I saw. Standing in-front of me was a very hurt and injured bunny.

"Hello how may I help you" I said to the very hurt and injured bunny, as I started to get this very strange and weird feeling in my whole body.

"I need something to regenerate" he says looking at me. He had lots of cuts and bruises. I wanted to ask if he was ok, but I didn't know what to do.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Me?" He replied.

"My name is WhiteRabbit, and you must be Lolbit?" WhiteRabbit says. I didn't know what to do, I could feel my face turn a little red, I was embarrassed.

WhiteRabbit had passed out from bleeding so much, I rushed over to help him, he was unconscious, I started to panic and I didn't know what to do.

"Oh god what do I do" I said In a scared and worried voice. I ran to where the regeneration potions were, I got a potion of regeneration and rushed back to help WhiteRabbit. When I got back I could see a black figure, it looked a lot like WhiteRabbit, but it was someone else.

"Hey! What's wrong with my older brother?" The figure says sounding very worried.

"WhiteRabbit is your brother? What's your name?" I asked the figure.

"My name is Rxq, but everyone calls me Shadowbonnie" Shadowbonnie says.

"Well it's nice to meet you Shadowbonnie, now listen carefully, I'm going to help your brother, but in order for me to do so, I need your help" I say to Shadowbonnie.

"Ok Lolbit" Shadowbonnie says to me. I was very shocked.

"Um how do you know my name?" I say shocked. She looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Your name is on the name of this store, Lolbit's byte store". I felt so stupid that I forgot my own name was in the name of my own store.

"Oh right, I'm so silly I forgot lol" I say to Shadowbonnie. She giggled a little.

"Ok can you go to the isle that says, health on it, and get a potion for me" I say to Shadowbonnie in a serious manner.

"Ok" Shadowbonnie says as she runs off to find a potion of health.

I began to bandage up WhiteRabbit to stop the bleeding, I then slowly pour the regeneration potion into his mouth and make him swallow it all. At that very instant WhiteRabbit was beginning to regenerate. I waited about 3minutes until Shadowbonnie rushed back with a potion of health.

"Thank you Shadowbonnie" I say to Shadowbonnie in a kind manner.

"Your welcome Lolbit" Shadowbonnie says to me.

It was about 10minutes later after giving the potions to WhiteRabbit, he was still unconscious, but his sister Shadowbonnie was with him. Some police had walked in to my store and asked me.

"Excuse me, have you seen WhiteRabbit anywhere? We have been tracking him down for a whole day" the officer says to me in a very serious tone and manner.

"What's the matter with WhiteRabbit? He seems like a nice guy, I had helped him just now, he came into my store 20 minutes ago all beat up and bruised and bleeding and had lots of cuts. He is resting now though, and I'm sure their must be a miss understanding or something?" I say worried.

"Well where is he? I will talk to him when he wakes up then" the officer says. I took the officer to where WhiteRabbit was resting.

"Wow he really was beat up badly, I thought he was beating up others, I am so sorry for wasting your time, I guess I'll be on my way" the officer says as he leaves.

That was close, I thought WhiteRabbit was actually the cause of what happened to him, I thought he got himself into a fight or something, but he was attacked by someone.

"Believe me Lolbit my brother wouldn't start fights with anyone" Shadowbonnie says to me.

"Ok" Lolbit says to me.

I still felt weird In my whole body, did I like WhiteRabbit? Either way the feeling was a nice feeling. I started to pat/scratch WhiteRabbits ears, I don't know why, I guess I just wanted to comfort him because I was sorry for him. But then he woke up I immediately stopped because he woke up.

"Aw why'd you stop?" WhiteRabbit says to me, I felt embarrassed.

"Why do you like that?" Lolbit asked me.

"Well it was nice and it was comforting" I say to Lolbit.

I liked it but at the same time I was also a bit embarrassed that Lolbit was patting my ears, because usually I hate it when others touch my ears because they are very sensitive but Lolbit was very careful and gentle with my ears so I didn't mind at all.

"Well ok if you say so" Lolbit says to me then begun to pat my ears again.

My ears usually hurt a lot because as rabbits our ears are able to hear most things that others can't hear, if I really tried I would be able to hear the sound of a caterpillar eating a leaf.

"Did you know a true fact about me is that my hearing is so much clearer and better then most others, because if I wanted to without trying I could hear a caterpillar eating a leaf" I say to Lolbit.

"Wow really? That's very impressive" Lolbit says.

"I'm good at hearing things and sensing things" I say to Lolbit.

"Wait but you wouldn't need to sense anything right? Because you would be able to hear it coming or something" Lolbit says.

"Well I suck as fighting as you can tell so being able to hear and sense that something is coming very clearly it helps me put up a better fight to defend myself, you know what I mean right?" I say to Lolbit.

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