Everybody is Kung Flu fighting

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This is a gift for the lovely Avocado-kun.

I really really really hope you'll like this fic, dear!

Everybody else, please enjoy!

Let me know what you think leaving a comment below and don't forget to show dear Avo-kun the love and appreciation that pure soul deserves!

Until next time,



When the kid sneezed right in his face, Hashirama knew he was going to be sick. He knew it with all the certainty of his whole being, with all the certainty of his medic brain, with all the certainty of the knowledge gained from years of working in the ER, like he knew the sky was blue and the water wet.

Hashirama grimaced, nodded to the kid's parents and sent the family off to be dismissed from the ER. He spent the rest of his shift trying to come up with a plan to face this cold alone since Madara was away for a week-long convention and wouldn't be back for at least other four days. Hashirama knew he had other 24 to 36 hours of freedom before collapsing under the weight of the plague the kid had passed on him. He just sighed.


Hashirama trudged up the last flight of stair feeling the headache thrumming violently at the back of his head, cold and just wanting to collapse in the bed. He fumbled with the keys then sighed tiredly when his phone went off. Hashirama rested his forehead against the still closed front door and breathed deeply before fishing his phone out of the pocket of his jacket.

"Hello?" Hey. "Mads." I'm bored to hell. And the food sucked. But they have ice-cream. Who had ice-cream in the middle of February? Hashirama nodded and cheered internally when he finally managed to unlock the front door before answering "Well, you're in Sand. It's always hot there of course they have ice-cream in the middle of February." Hashirama walked into the kitchen, opened the freezer and took out the frozen lasagna Madara had stocked away, put it in the microwave then collapsed on the stool watching the plate rotating. You still there, idiot? Hashirama hummed and answered "Just got home. One hell of a shift. How was your day?" Boring as hell. They should have sent someone else. Have you eaten? "I'm heating the lasagna your mom made us but I'm not really hungry." Madara hummed from the other end of the line and Hashirama closed his eyes for just a moment.

He snapped them back open when the microwave pinged and his dinner was ready. "Mads?" He asked groggily, phone still pressed against his ear. Still here, idiot. Did you nap waiting for the food? "Yeah. Sorry." I'll call you tomorrow I have to go to the last seminary. "Ok. Love you." Same.

The line went cold and Hashirama shoved two bites of lasagna in his mouth and put the plate in the fridge before trudging to the bathroom. He got ready for bed, swallowed two aspirins then collapsed on the bed face first, startling a very displeased Matatabi; he was asleep mere seconds later.


Hashirama woke up wanting to die; he felt cold and hot, sweaty, his throat felt like sandpaper and his mouth tested even worse and all his bones ached. Hashirama whined pitifully to himself and got out of bed slowly; he grabbed one of Madara's sweatshirt before wobbling his way to the bathroom first and then to the kitchen. While he warmed up some milk and refilled Matatabi's bowl he call the hospital to call in sick; with that settled, he scooped up a spoonful of honey to add to the milk before making his way to the couch and wrapping himself in a burrito of blankets. He sipped his milk slowly, still feeling like dying, but when Matatabi curled up by his side and started purring loudly he started to nod off.

Everybody is Kung Flu fightingWhere stories live. Discover now