Chapter V AGREED

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Maven woke up to a hangover

Her head is pounding she felt like shit after a minute of rubbing her head she notice that she was naked

"What the hell."maven said to herself"why I'm I naked?."

Maven lay back down she close her eye drifting back to sleep that's until she felt an arm wrap around her waist right away she open her eyes and look to her left to see

Larry sleeping peacefully

"The Fuck!"maven shouted startling Larry"

"The fuck?"Larry said rubbing his head"did we-"

"Awww Fuck."both said smacking their foreheads

Maven laid back down covering herself with her cheetah blanket

Larry gets up getting maven's other blanket covering himself

"Why do you even bother to cover yourself I already saw everything?"maven said making Larry blush he ignores her comment still covering himself

he look around for his clothes

"Where is my clothes?"Larry ask as he looks on the floor

"It's mostly on the floor."maven said still trying to go back to sleep"or on the bed."

"How could you be so calm after you found out that we-."he shivers"after we mess around."

Maven Groan she had a huge head ache and just want to sleep

"Oh well."she said"it happen it's in the past."maven turn to her right trying to sleep

Larry was shock that maven was taking this so calm while him he was full of thoughts nervous feeling sick he found his pants and underwears he pick both up and slipping them on he couldn't find his shirt

"I'm going to the bathroom."Larry said making his way to the bathroom

Maven just Groan

"My freaking head hurts!"she shouted to herself

Larry was in the bathroom splashing water on his face

Trying to remember what happen last night

"Ok,I think I remember."Larry said to himself"lets see Body Shot making out and Oh God."Larry sat down on the toilet cover seat holding his head then stands up opening the door to see no one in the room he walks out the room to the living room to see Trey

The only person he didn't want to see Larry back away slowly

"Larry."Trey said Larry walk forward shaking"you guys were so damn LOUD!"Trey shouted Larry breath

"SOOO...."Larry trailed off"you're not going to kill me." Trey chuckled

"No why would I."Trey said laughing

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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