Tegan ; I'm going out
Dad ; we are aswell
Tegan : have fun
Aster : we will
Tegan : a bye bye
Dad : bye

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to daniels picking him up

Daniel ; hey
Tegan : hi

He kisses my cheek

Tegan : where am i going
Daniel : don't know the name but i know the directions to diner Corbyn jonah and Christina are almost there
Tegan : ok I'm going

I drive to the diner

Daniel : yo
Corbyn : sup
Christina : finally anuther girl
Jonah : we could of acted like girls
Christina : would like to see that
Daniel : me to
Corbyn ; no i wouldn't act like a girl
Jonah : u would if i did
Corbyn : maybe
Christina : an atchal girl is better tho I've been stuck with Corbyn zach and jack them all playing fortnight
Tegan : ew fortnight
Christina ; i know
Tegan : poor u
Christina : thank u and fuck u Corbyn for making me suffer with u and your fortnight
Daniel : oh damn
Corbyn ; I'm sorry
Christina ; good u bitch
Jonah : just getting violated
Corbyn : i know i feel the love
Christina : good
Jonah : wait i just relised I'm surrounded by couples I'm 5th wheeling
Daniel : welcome to my world that what i always do
Jonah : its lonely
Tegan : thought u had a girlfriend
Jonah ; i do but shes not here so like 5th wheeling
Daniel ; enjoy bro
Corbyn : can't rember the feeling of being single
Christina : i can make u rember

I let out a little laugh

Jonah : well shit
Corbyn : did i mention how much i love u
Christina : not today
Corbyn : love u
Christina : love u too

Daniel and Jonah both start gaging

Corbyn : shut the fuck up
Tegan ; its cute
Christina ; cringey
Tegan : cringy but cute
Jonah : so dude as u now have a girlfriend we got u precents
Daniel ; I'm scared
Christina : enjoy
Corbyn : this is from me

He hands him a box of small condoms and he shakes his head quickly handing them to me

Tegan : why do i want them
Daniel : u have a bag i don't hide them
Tegan ; ok

I put them in my bag

Daniel : we know thoeses aren't big enough
Christian : i don't know this but I'm scared if they
Jonah ; shut up

This women comes over taking our orders

Jonah : this precent is from me
Daniel : no no more
Jonah ; yes

He hands something i didn't even want to say

Jonah : its more for u then him not unless u guys get experimental in the bedroom

I cover my face and puts in my bag and there all laughing

Christina : i knew what Corbyn got u not Jonah i feel sorry for u
Tegan ; please say they done this to u when u and Corbyn started dating
Christina : no they didn't really know each other when we started dating
Daniel : why us
Corbyn : because we thought it was funny
Jonah ; your faces were funny
Tegan ; daniel your taking this home
Daniel : hell no
Tegan : yes
Daniel : no your welcome to it
Tegan ; i have a 3 year old sister who goes throw my room if she found that thing she would ask my dad what it is no chance in hell
Daniel : please don't make me take that thing home
Jonah ; its for her so she should
Corbyn : yh
Daniel ; your taking it

I shake my head

Christina : hey aleast if he can't do the job right u got soemthing
Corbyn : woah
Daniel : I'll be able to finish the job
Jonah : can he
Christina ; don't ask that
Tegan : wouldn't know we haven't
Corbyn : shut the fuck up
Jonah : biggest load of bs ever
Daniel : she's not
Jonah ; bruh you've been talking ages amd its u how the fuck have u not...well fucked
Tegan : keep it down
Christina : was a bit loud
Daniel : we just haven't now can u leave us alone
Corbyn : no promises
Daniel ; I'm sorry
Tegan : its funny don't worry
Corbyn : ay your chill
Christina : if i was u I'd slap them
Jonah : no were nice
Daniel : fuck off are u
Tegan : your so loud
Daniel : sorry everyone

Me and Christina look at each other

Christina : feel like we should just leave them and go shopping
Tegan : yh maybe we should let them get kicked out
Christina : yh
Corbyn : no don't leave us
Christina : behave then
Jonah ; ok mom
Daniel : u wouldn't leave me
Tegan : mhm
Daniel : would u
Tegan : who knows

Our food then arrives and we eat

Christina : good food
Jonah : stuffed
Tegan : food coma
Corbyn ; yes i could sleep
Daniel : u can always sleep
Jonah ; no word of a lie he can have a 2 hour nap wake up and then to back to sleep for another 2 hours
Tegan ; how
Corbyn : I'm growing man who needs sleep
Christina : u can call it that
Corbyn : i will
Daniel : we should go
Christina : yh i gotta film
Corbyn ; i gotta sleep
Jonah : ok see u all around
Tegan : bye
Christina : bye

We get up walking out and me and daniel get in my car

Daniel : sorry about them
Tegan ; its totally fine its funny
Daniel : your taking the stuff home
Tegan : fuck off am i u are
Daniel : throw it were throw it
Tegan : ok
Daniel : so something to ask
Tegan : ok
Daniel : do u wanna stay at mine tonight
Tegan : i have school tomrrow
Daniel ; u can still go to school
Tegan ; ok
Daniel : yay i won't be alone
Tegan : I'll quickly drive to mine get some stuff then go your
Daniel : yh ok

I drive to mine getting some things and then i drive to daniels

Daniel : home
Tegan : sleep

I lay down on the sofa

Daniel : tomrrow don't wake me when u leave for school
Tegan ; I'll be as quiet as i can
Daniel : good
Tegan : or maybe I'll be mean and accidentally wake u
Daniel : no leave me to sleep
Tegan : fine
Daniel ; be nice to me
Tegan : i will I'm not that mean
Daniel : debatable
Tegan : fuck u
Daniel : see mean u said fuck u
Tegan : fuck u daniel james seavey
Daniel : ouch that hurt
Tegan : aww I'm sorry
Daniel : should be i get hurt easily
Tegan ; oh no
Daniel : meanie
Tegan : I'm sorry
Daniel : u aren't forgiven
Tegan ; oh damn
Daniel : I'm gonna cry your so mean

He starts fake crying and i start laughing

Daniel : u don't care about me
Tegan ; i do
Daniel ; no
Tegan ; i very much care for u
Daniel : sure
Tegan ; oh shut up
Daniel : mmm

I kiss him and he kisses me back and he pulls me onto his lap and i wrap my arms around his neck and he swips his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . He pulls my shirt off and i pull his off and he starts kissing my neck

And u know what happend

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