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"So start off by just introducing yourself. They'll love you more if you introduce yourself well. Trust me on this, Khloe."


"I do, I do! Chill, Avery."


Avery took a deep breath. "Right. Sorry, Khloe." She gave me a tight smile as I tried to get her to relax. She was typing furiously on her laptop, finishing off the speech, printing it, editing it, printing it again. She finally handed me the perfected copy and I flipped through the pages, staring to practise it.


It was a good thing I was fast at memorising speeches, because we had planned on finishing filming today. Avery had her camera ready. I took a last glance at the speech before nodding to let Avery know I was ready. She started the camera, I took a deep breath, and began.


"Hi, everyone, I'm Khloe Richards. I'm a twenty-year-old girl in University and I live here in Australia, which is often called 'the lucky country'. And I really do feel lucky. Because unlike many, many children around the world who are starving, living in poorly structured homes, with sick brothers and sisters, I lead a life in which I may want a lot, but need not much.


"So today I reach out to you, people of the world who are fortunate enough to even have a computer or phone and be viewing this, to listen. There must be so many videos out there targeting this issue, and mine's not particularly special. But it would mean a lot if you watched this video, took it to heart, and made a difference..."


As I spoke I kept my gaze on the camera, as breaking eye contact with the audience could make a huge difference. I never stumbled over my words and I never paused. Even when I made a mistake I didn't stop, my passion for this issue taking over the nerves. When I finally finished my speech, Avery stopped the camera in awe and said, "Wow, in one go! Nice!"


"I adlibbed a lot, is that okay?" I asked casually, although I felt just as excited as Avery at having finished in one take. Avery nodded. "That makes it more natural. It should be fine. Let's take a look!" She put the video onto her computer and we watched it, curious to see how it had turned out. Luckily for us, it looked pretty good.


Avery uploaded the video onto YouTube, titling it 'HELP THE CHILDREN'. "That's that. Now all we can do it wait for people to view it."


"I doubt a lot of people will watch it, Avi," I sighed admittedly. "And even if they did, would they care enough to try and make a difference? Enough difference to save a starving, homeless child? I don't know, to be honest..."


"Positive thoughts, K," Avery encouraged me. "Positive thoughts. I'm sure it'll all work out, hey? And even it it doesn't, we tried our best. That's all that matters."


I gave her a small smile and we packed up our things. "Hey, come over to my place, Avi. We can have a movie marathon to celebrate!"


I watched Avery's face light up. I had to admit, it was so much fun doing things like this with Avery. Making a difference. Maybe if the video really became widely viewed, we would save lives. Maybe I could really, really help others. It wasn't for the credit, and it definitely wasn't for fame. It was because I needed to help others. I had to.


After all, there had been no one there to help me when I was little. And having been through such a turbulent childhood, I wanted less children to have to experience such immense pain and sorrow from such a young age. These kids should be at school learning how to read and write, not begging on the streets or walking miles for water!


I wanted them to live the life they had always dreamed of. Because since I couldn't live the life I had always dreamed of, I at least wanted others to be able to live theirs.


And I was determined to make it happen.




Just a brief prologue :) I hope you like it, please vote and comment! Thanks so much, I love you all!!

Payton ex oh ex oh

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2012 ⏰

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