Pretend part 19

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Should I go? Of course I should

Chanyeol: Why'd you stop?

Y/n: I'll be there just go up without me ok?

Chanyeol: Why?

Y/n: Don't worry I'll be right there just go

Chanyeol: Ok but if you aren't there within 10 minutes I'm looking for you

Y/n: Ok thank you

He went into the elevator and I went into the cafeteria to see him. Jungwoo waiting for me.

Y/n: Hey Jungwoo what's up?

Jungwoo: Nothing much I just have to ask you something important

Y/n: sure go ahead

I smiled at him

Jungwoo: You and Chanyeol. You guys aren't dating are you?


Y/n: What do you mean? Of course we are

Jungwoo: Are you sure?

Y/n: I think I would know Jungwoo

Jungwoo: I don't know if I should believe you. I mean. I'm 99% percent sure that you just agreed to help Chanyeol so he wouldn't be humiliated infront of everyone.

Y/n: Why are you doing this?

Jungwoo: so it's true?

Y/n: Of course not. Are you stupid Jungwoo? Why would we take our relationship as fake?

Jungwoo: he would've told us ages ago about you. But he never did. He told us about a girl but it definently wasn't you


Jungwoo: He said she has long blonde hair. LOOK AT you. You have short black hair. He's described you in so many different ways than you actually are Y/n you guys aren't dating. And why wouldn't he let us meet her?

Y/n: Jungwoo. We started eating not too long ago they girl he was talking about is his ex-girlfriend

Jungwoo: Well when did you guys start dating

Y/n: Like 3 months ago

Jungwoo: Y/n. Is he forcing you into this?

Y/n: No Jungwoo. I love him.

Jungwoo: I'm sure you know by now that I like you.

Y/n: Yeah but I don't like you like that Jungwoo. Why are you still trying? I love Chanyeol

Jungwoo: Yeah I know that. It's just...I've seen how you're with Chanyeol and I want a girl like that.

Y/n: So is that why you're forcing yourself into thinking we aren't dating?

Jungwoo: no it's not. I just don't believe you. Even if you guys were dating, I'm so much more better for you Y/n

Y/n: Jungwoo please. We're friends nothing more ok?

I put my hand on his then left to go back to my room. That was just wow. I had a feeling he liked me but..him thinking we aren't dating scared me.

Chanyeol: Hey where did you go anyways?

Y/n: Just needed to tell one of the staff Some thing

Chanyeol: Ah ok you're ok then?

Y/n: Yeah of course

Chanyeol: You sure?

I stood on the bed and jumped on Chanyeol making him carrying me, his hands around my thighs and my arms around his neck

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