The Begining

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"Mummy" Leo calls.

"What?" She snaps back.

"Food." I see him sign as I emerge from the doorway.

"Come on, we will get breakfast at the cafe before school." I tell him.

We both get our coats and shoes on and head out of the door. Leo looks happy about our little arrangement, I guess you can't beat breakfast out. I dropped him off at school and then made my way to my own school, it was hit or miss if I actually went to school most days but I wanted to get away from mum for a while. I hated her when she was like this, shouting at us all the time.

School went by pretty quickly, Marlon was picking Leo up and taking him to the park which meant I actually had some time to myself for once. I made my way home, I wasn't sure whether mum would have gone to work or not but right now I didn't really care.

"Mum?" I called through the house but I got no reply.

"Finally some peace and quiet." I said to myself.

I made a drink and then went into the front room planning to watch some TV. However the room was trashed, I sighed knowing that mum must of flipped out about something. Then I saw the present sat on the side, the only one open. 'Love Pierce' well that would be why she flipped out, he wasn't supposed to be able to contact her from prison.

"Is mum in here?" I ask sticking my head through into the vets.

"She had the afternoon off sorry." Vanessa replies.

"No problem, thanks Vanessa." I say.

I checked upstairs and entered mum's bedroom, she would often take herself off to bed as the pain killers made her tired.

"oh mum, it's ok. I'm here." I say, mum was sat in the comer of her room, knees pulled up to her chest crying. I went over and sat next to her pulling her in for a hug.

"I'm sorry." She whispers.

"It's ok, he can't hurt you anymore mum, he's in prison. It will just be someone else." I try and reassure her.

"where's Leo." she then asks.

"He's at Marlon's for a bit, come on lets get you to bed." I tell her.

I help her up from the floor and over to the bed. She lays down, I cover her with the duvet and kiss her forehead. I closed the curtains, turned the light out and closed the door behind me.

I continued downstairs, going into the living room I cleaned up the mess that mum had made throwing the broken glass and present in the bin. There was a knock at the door.

"Hey, How was school?" I ask my little brother and he gives me a thumbs up.

"He had lots of fun, they did cooking which is why he's a bit of a mess." Marlon tells me.

"Ok, I will let mum know thanks Marlon." I reply

I take Leo inside and start cooking dinner for the two of us. This is how life had been going lately, me looking after mum and Leo.

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