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Vanessa offered to help but I didn't want her around for too long at a time because she was already catching on that mum wasn't just sick.

"You have to stop taking the pills. Vanessa's started to notice, it won't be long before other people work it out." I say hoping to scare a little so she at least cuts down.

"I'm fine Mia, there just for the pain." She tells me.

"Yeah and 3 months ago I believed you when you told me that but here we are and your taking them more and more."

"That's enough Mia."

"Mum, please will you get clean. I need you, I need you to just be our mum again." I beg her.

"I can't"

"Let's go to the park Leo." I call and he comes running down the stairs.

"Mia please." Mum calls as I hurry to get both our shoes on.

"No mum, I can't be hear right now. I just want you to stop, I want you to be there for me and for Leo. I want you to actually care about us and not the drugs." I argue before walking out with Leo.

We make our way to the park, Leo took great delight in me chasing him around. He would stop every now and then and go down the slide or play on the swing but he loved me just chasing him. We stopped off at the cafe for lunch.

Thankfully Bob was the one working since he didn't ask questions, if Brenda was working anytime it was just me and Leo she would ask where mum was and I'm sure she was catching on to the fact that it was always me and Leo.

After lunch we made our way over to the little lake by the cricket pavillion, Me and Leo liked to come here because it was quiet. It was a chance for me to get away from the village, since we couldn't walk around for long before questions were being asked.

We stayed out until around 5, I thought I better get back and cook dinner for Leo. We walked back through the village towards the house holding hands, Leo was babbling away to himself which made me smile.

We walked in to the house, thankfully I went before Leo as the image before me wasn't something I ever wanted him to see. Mum was laying on the floor, blood dripping from her head and pill bottles surrounding her. I told Leo to wait in the hallway and bent down trying to wake her up but it wasn't working. The bleeding had stopped but the was a pool on the floor. It look liked she had hit her head on the table.

I rung an ambulance and gave Leo the Ipad to try and distract him and keep him away from the kitchen. Thankfully it wasn't long before the ambulance arrived and I let the paramedics in.

"What happened?" One of them asks.

"I don't know, we came back and I found her like this." I tell them.

They start to look her over and then once they had checked everything they get the stretcher to take her in the ambulance.

"Leo, we are going to go with mummy and these people to the hospital." I tell him. He looks up at me clearly confused by what is going on but once I reach my arm out to him he gets up putting his hand in mine and following me out to the ambulance.

The ride to the hospital was short and once we got there we had to wait in the relatives room, not being allowed anywhere near mum. I decided to call Marlon to come and pick up Leo.

"What happened?" Marlon asked as he came into the room.

"She fell over and cut her head." I say half telling the truth. "I didn't want Leo to have to wait here with me but she should be allowed home after a few more tests." I told him.

"Right, you sure you don't want me to take you back to the village? Or we can wait for your mum." He tells me.

"It's fine, Leo will be hungry we missed dinner. I'll get mum home." I reply.

Marlon hugs me before leaving with Leo. I hated lying to him, he had been like a second dad to me even after him and mum split, However I hated the alternative more. I sat around the hospital for hours hoping someone would tell me what was going on but they were be very vague, just say she was poorly which was pretty obvious.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned as Marlon walked back into the relatives room a few hours after he had taken Leo home.

"I figured your mum would need someone to drive her home." he told me.

"Is there any news?" I ask as the nurse comes in.

"Your mother is very poorly, we are going to have to keep her in for a couple of days." the nurse tells us.

We sit there for a little while before Marlon gets up from his seat.

"Come on, You can stay at mine tonight." Marlon tells me.

"I can't...I can't leave her." I tell him tears rolling down my face.

"We're not aloud to stay, we can come and see her again tomorrow." He tells me.  

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