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3 rd party POV

"AMMA ! APPA! WHERE ARE THEY ?! AMM-"  "ssshhhhhh.........don't cry you want some chocolate?" the police officer said hopes of calming down the weeping child. " NOOOO! I WANT MY AMMA ! SHE SAID SHES GONNA - S-SHE-" the small child broke into another fit of tears , frightened not only by the buzz of unknown people around her, but the event she just witnessed not even an hour ago "sh-she said she was gonna come back-k ..she left me alone" 

The officer looked up to the to stretchers , the white sheets starting to stain red "Don't worry ok? i'm gonna take yo to the police station now , your uncle is waiting there " his heart sank as the small child-not a day older than 6 - looked into his eyes with eyes filled  with sadness and fear "NO! TH-THE SNAKE  WILL KILL ME ! I DON'T WANT TO GO ANYWHERE ! I WANT AMMA APPA THEY -" she looked down and with a voice so small said ".....did they die? " the officer hugged the trembling girl unable to tell her the fate of her parents.......

<this poor delicate and fragile and yet has to carry such a burden>

Suddenly the weight in his arms increased and the body of the young girl went limp. Panic stricken, he carried the girl to the medics who swiftly began inspecting her .....concluding that she passed out due to overexertion and heavy trauma ." she'll be fine least physically .....mentally she might have to live her whole life suffering from witnessing the loss of her parents or she might develop amnesia and forget everything she saw today only to be told by the officers........and costing us our main lead." 

"OFFICER HAN!" officer han turned around looking at the person who called him "Anything new?" chief kim asked " none sir-" he looked at the ambulance in which the poor child lay"-except the poor girl passing out" " well I hope she recovers.......its hard enough for us to come at crime scenes which, i can't recon what she went through"

he remembered how he found her.......the pink in her frock barely visible from the red of blood ,shaking as the clutched the blood-stained teddy as if it were the only thing keeping her alive ....barely breathing as her eyes open as wide as the full moon outside.....when he picked her up her body so fragile that he was afraid he might hurt her......not a single sound came from her until he took her outside the house where she just asked for her parents , hoping that all she witnessed was a dream .....

He looks up at the night sky , staring at the  moon as he silently makes a vow ......<no matter what>

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