Chapter 10: Moving part:1

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Hey! we are back for another episode of my sucky writing, let's freaking go.

I stood awkwardly next to him,

"So the old hag wants you to come over to 'congratulate' us or some sh*t." He finally grumbled.

"Oh, okay." I said.

After the long ride back to the apartment complex that was nonstop of awkward silence between us only pierced by the occasional wolf whistle thrown my way which stopped after Bakugou glared at them. For once I got past Mitsuki's Chiyoko-dar thanks to Bakugou who distracted her by their usual argument while I slipped past them. Closing the door I was greeted by Aki almost crashing into the counter as he ran at me,

"Hey Aki! I missed you so much today," I cooed.

I scooped him up and set him onto my bed as I grabbed a towel and slipped into the bathroom, stepping into the warm running water I picked up my shampoo to wash my hair and found myself staring at the blade I kept under it as I remembered my promise to both Bakugou and Izuku. Finishing with washing the suds out of my hair I wrapped a towel around my body before getting dressed in one of the dresses Mina got me, specifically if was the pink one with the turtle neck white shirt. I swiped the blade from where I had placed it on the counter and walked to the balcony, I cocked my arm back to throw and used my quirk to launch it as far away as possible. Checking the time I grabbed my phone looked to find Aki sleeping and slipped out the door to the Bakugou's, knocking on the door lightly it swung open and I was attacked by a blonde.

"Oh, I'm so happy for you! Even if you don't get in, I'll be happy wherever you go." Mitsuki smiled.

"Mitsuki-san, I can't breathe." I groaned.

She let me go and I stepped into only to be attacked by Thirteen,

"Chiyoko, I'm so proud of you. You did so good at the entrance exam," She congratulated me.

"Oh, thank you." I said.

She pulled away and Mitsuki brought us into their living room where I kinda js sat ther awkwardly as Thirteen talked to Mitsuki and Masaru,

"So, I heard about you getting custody of our Chiyoko here." Mitsuki commented.

"Oh, yes!" Thirteen smiled.

"Well we're happy as long as she is," Masaru commented.

"Oh! Speaking of which, Chiyoko before I forget do you want to come see the house tomorrow? there's someone I want you to meet." Thirteen asked.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah sure." I answered.

They were talking for another half hour or so occasionlly asking me or Bakugou questions about the entrance exam or just to prove a fact.

"Oh, look at the time. I hope you all like soba, we have some left over from dinner last night." Mitsuki commented.

"It's fine with me," Thirteen and I chorused.

We moved into the kitchen as they kept talking about whatever they were talking about cause naturally I zoned out at least 20 minutes ago. We sat down at the table after Mitsuki served us, pulling up my sleeves cause I'm incredibly clumsly and a pair of eyes fell on me. I stared at the pomeranian who's eyes were glued to the scars givng me an upturned eyebrow, 'I stopped' I mouthed at him. He didn't seem to convinced as he ate his soba, ' I threw my blades ' I tried that got his attention and he stopped for a second before mouthing ' good '. I mean I kinda lied, I only threw one but as long as I hide them well or use my quirk he doesn't have to know that. After dinner Thirteen walked me back over to my apartment,

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