Chapter 9 - David

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Lieutenant David Roland felt a rush of excitement as the squadron raced above the flat Texan landscape. There was a hint of fear of the unknown in him as well, but mostly he was feeling the anticipation of blasting these things into oblivion. He thought of them only as insects he was about to squash. He did not know what hell they were or where they came from, but he was going to send them back to it in a blaze of fire.

"We'll be at the target location in ten minutes," Colonel Brady called out over the communication link. "On our approach, Alpha flight will take the first run, followed by Delta then Echo. Aim all fire at the center of the building. Keep your attack altitude at over fifteen thousand feet."

"Roger that," replied Captain Tracy Collins. David tightened his jaw muscle as he heard the voice of his flight's captain. David had been part of her flight ever since he completed his training about a year ago. At first, he did not like the idea of serving under a woman. When he grew to know her though, his doubts disappeared. He found Captain Collins to be a better pilot and leader than anyone he had ever known, and trusted her with his career and his life.

"I have visual of the target," Colonel Brady called out, bringing David's mind back to the present. He adjusted his flight pattern to see the ground ahead, and adrenaline kicked in even more. David was at the top of his class throughout flight school, and he was a gifted marksman with any gun he touched. In every simulated battle, rather it was in the air or on the ground, he always excelled; but this was his first taste of actual combat. He always felt he was destined for greatness, and was determined to prove any doubters wrong about his classroom abilities transferring over to real life.

'This is it,' he said to himself as he got his first view of the huge translucent dome on the horizon. 'This is where you start your legacy.' He followed tight on Captain Collin's flank as she moved the flight into position, then watched as Colonel Brady's flight descended to make their run.

"Delta Flight, go!" Colonel Brady billowed over the communication link. David followed Captain Collins in the assault down over the dome in the same path the previous flight took. They were in position before the first round of bombs even had a chance to detonate. In perfect precision, their team unloaded half of their payload and moved on to allow the third flight to follow suite. Echo flight followed the same path just as quickly as the first two, and the first set of bombs finally started to detonate at the same time the third ones were released.

David watched as the bombs plummeted down, already picturing the explosion in his mind. To his surprise however, they all detonated on the dome itself about a mile above the ground. He observed as the blast faded and the half-globe was left completely intact.

"Ok, new strategy," Colonel Brady called out with a hint of annoyance in his voice. "This time around, we each come in from separate directions, and instead of targeting the center of the dome, target the ground directly at the point of its base. I will come in from the north, Delta flight you approach from the southeast and Echo you from the southwest."

"Roger that," David heard Captain Collins say in unison with the leader of the third flight in the squadron. David followed as Captain Collins banked hard right to put her team in the new position. A few seconds later, the third flight was in position as well, and Colonel Brady called for all teams to approach.

David pushed the throttle forward, and positioned his thumb above the button that would release his payload. Just then, he saw a flicker from the dome ahead, followed by a flashing white light rushing straight for him. Before he could react, it enveloped him, and as it swept over his jet all power was lost. David looked around the cockpit frantically, but all lights were out and nothing was working.

"Captain Collins, do you read me!" he yelled out. He waited for a response but heard only silence. The engines of the plane were out, and he was falling to earth at an alarming rate. He felt his heartbeat quicken as he tried pulling back on the throttle, but nothing happened. Nervously he reached for the ejection button, but it was unresponsive. 'I'm going to die in here!' he thought to himself as his fingers frantically pressed every button in the cockpit. The ground was coming for him fast and there was nothing he could do.

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