The soccer club falls apart

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Ray POV:
After the little incident, I catch up to Tenma and Aoi as we sit together during the entrance ceremony. As we got there we sat in between Shinsuke but I didn't say his name until he introduced himself, otherwise it would be kinda creepy and weird.

"Your Matsukaze Tenma right?" Shinsuke asked.

"Yeah but how do you know my name?" He questioned back.

"I got your name when they were exchanging players, you are so cool you faced them head on even though your just a first year" he complimented as Tenma blushed.

"And you must also be Ray Fujiwara, the hissatsu techniques you did and that goal were awesome!" He shouts

"Shh" he shamefully lowered himself down as our future classmates turned to look back at him.

~end of the day~

Soon the day ended and during the day I found out that I was in the same class as Tsurugi but I didn't even glance his way. I walked to the soccer club so I could do my entrance exam but as I arrived at the door of the soccer club, team members were desperately trying to go out, wanting to no longer be part of the club. Tenma was desperately trying to stop them with Shinsuke and Aoi standing beside him, staring at him with sympathy. I sighed and said,

"Let them through Tenma, if they want to leave let them leave. It's clear that their love for soccer isn't there anymore and the soccer club is for people who love soccer" I commented as everyone turned to look at me.

"But-" he tried to protest; I shake my my head.

Half of Raimon had quite with only nine player left. Everyone seemed depressed and emotionless towards he had happened today but the 'show' must go on.

~entrance exam~

"All of you will be playing as you are in a real match and that will determine whether you pass or not" the coach explained.

"Hai" we chant

Does three idiots, who were only doing it for the fame, were extremely bad at communicating. I looked as disappointed as the rest of the Raimon soccer team, the ball soon got to Tenma and he passed to Shinsuke, who missed it. Not gonna lie that was an easy pass so he should've got it but I don't judge, the ball was once again handed to Tenma who failed to pass through the captain. So I proceeded to steal the ball for myself, which took everyone by surprise. I then dribble towards the goal dodging everyone like a breeze.

I line myself up with the goal and try to shoot"Dark nebula"

Sangokun used his hissatsu technique (burning catch) but my shot was so strong that it whipped him away as the ball scored through the line. Everyone seemed dumbfounded, whilst Tenma and Shinsuke cheered in happiness, the idiots just whispered things I didn't care about.

The entrance exam was soon over and Tenma, Shinsuke and I had a few dirt marks on us. The three idiots were so clean they were practically shinning like designer shoes, which made internally pissed.

"The ones that have passed are..."

"Matsukaze Tenma, Nishizono Shinsuke, Fujiwara Ray. They are the only ones" the coach said.

"Why only them, you even let a girl pass?" one of them protested as the other idiots joined in

"Yeah, he let a skilled girl pass instead of three idiots, who don't know how to communicate when playing a small game of soccer. Even though that's the first thing that you ever learn about soccer" I added with a smirk as they both glared at me with malice.

The slightly taller one stumped to me like a bear, aiming to grab me by the collar but nope. "You sure you want to try that, my hissatsus can probably cause physical damage you know"

He quickly backed away with his friends and walked away scowling at me from behind. "I didn't want to play with these losers anyway"

"If they are losers than you must be bigger losers for losing to them" Tsurugi smirked as I tried to hold back my laughter.

I don't think the others heard what Tsurugi had commented so I would look like a weirdo suddenly laughing over 'nothing'. Everyone introduced themselves and so did I, Tenma and Shinsuke as well as Aoi, who was a new manager.

As I glanced at Shindou he looked frustrated but I knew why and I wasn't planning on approaching him at this time. Even though I wanted to know if he was feeling any better.

Shindou POV:
"Coach why did you let them pass?!" I demanded as he glanced at me like he was looking into my soul.

"Those three had something special, did you not feel it?" He responded with a question.

"Feel what?" I questioned .

"You'll find out in due time" he simply replied.

Ray POV:
Soon everyone went home and so did I, I walked to my beautiful home. To be fair before I never noticed how spacious my house was and how beautiful the exterior and interior was. I headed to my room and got changed into a baggy jumper dress and shorts,

I then headed to the kitchen, were I cooked myself some spaghetti and meatballs

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I then headed to the kitchen, were I cooked myself some spaghetti and meatballs. The house was infused with my cooking, which was very pleasant feeling. Back at home I lived by myself as my parents had died and my relatives hated me, due to my distant behaviour but I'm pretty sure it was jus a misunderstanding between us. I ate quietly in the living room instead of the dining area so I could watch TV. I eventually finished my meal and I headed to brush my teeth and head to my bedroom.

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