Previously on Noah's Story

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Previously on Noah's Story

"On the children's thirteenth birthday, a darkness will rip them from their families and they will be forced to fight The Darkest Souls! Nothing can sever or save them from their fate."

* * *

"There are four phases. The Darkness of Fates, The Darkness of Separation, The Darkness of Hope, and The Darkness of Saving."

* * *

"These books will put you in your darkest fear."

* * *

"Juana?" Noah asked, falling to his knees.

"Who are you?" she asked, not recognizing him. He put his hand on her cheek. She gasped. "Noah?"

He nodded.

* * *

"Noah, this is a test for you."

* * *

Nineteen-year-old Joey awoke in the asylum. He had new memories. He was an orphan. His parents had died when he was very young in a car crash. He had a twin sister, Jess, and a cousin, Crystal.

When they were eleven years old, they met a boy named Henry. He was twenty years old at the time. He was trying to make them believe that they were princes and princesses who were Saviors and that they were cursed. Everyone in Storybrooke was cursed. Henry said that their memories were wiped and they couldn't remember who they were. After a year, they started to believe him. But then Henry fell into a coma. The doctors said that his fantasy was too much for him and his brain just shut down putting him into a coma.

After Henry went into his coma, Joey started to believe him more than ever about the curse and fairytales.

Joey had not seen a living soul for five years except for the nurse who brought him his food and medication. Now it had been six years and he still wouldn't let go of his fantasy.

* * *

Noah woke up from his sleep. The room was lit up in white.

He sat up and saw Doctor Lydgate standing there with Jonathan and Cora.

"Are you ready?" Jonathan asked.

"You're not doing anything to me!" Noah said, getting off the left side of the bed.

Cora disappeared and reappeared in front of him. She ripped her hand through his chest and pulled out his heart.

She put it up to her face. "Be a good boy, and go lie down," she spoke to his heart.

Noah, having no control, went and lied down on the bed. Jonathan put straps on his wrists and ankles, tying him to the bed.

Cora gave the doctor Noah's heart. He put it on a metal tray and took out a knife. He cut through the middle of the heart. Noah screamed out in pain.

"Can I have the potion please?" he asked Jonathan.

He gave him a small bottle of black liquid.

He opened it and poured it in the heart.

Noah screamed as the potion burned his heart. His heart closed and half of it turned black.

Doctor Lydgate gave the heart to Cora, who put it back in Noah's chest.

His eyes closed and a black streak parted from his body. A black smoke came from his nose and covered him.

He opened his eyes and he was standing in a black space. There was a bright light shining. He was no longer in control of his own body.

"Welcome Evil Noah," Jonathan's voice boomed. "We have many promises to give to you and you will get much gratitude for your service if you help us."

"What do I have to do?" Evil Noah asked.

"No!" Noah screamed.

"You have to overlook the torchor of the Saviors, kill Princess Natalie and give your warm ideas as to how I can make this mission as dark as possible."

"And in return?"

"You will get all the revenge you want."

I'm in!" he said.

"Then go to the light."

* * *

"Let's get to work. We have kids to kill."

They entered the room that the boys and Natalie were in.

Natalie gasped. "Noah!" she said. "I know you can hear me. Stop him. Have hope!"

Evil Noah hit her on the head. He and Juan laughed. They went to the girl's cells and saw them on the beds, being raped. Some of them were being beaten. They both laughed at the wonderful sight.

They walked down the halls to Dream's cell. Juan opened it and they both walked in. Dream was on the stone screaming and crying, struggling to break free. They both stood there and watched. Noah lit a fireball and threw it at the chains.

Over the next three years, Juan and Noah spent a lot of time together. They had a lot of fun planning the Saviors' demise and torturing them. Beating up the girls and cutting the boys. Noah even set them on fire with permission from Jonathan.

* * *

"The hope of Princess Natalie and Dream is not fading at all. We need to do something," Jonathan said, at the annual monthly meeting of the Souls. "Do you have any ideas?"

"I do," Noah said.

"Let's hear them," Juan said.

"When the fourth phase comes, we move all of the Saviors to another cell. As for Natalie, I can torture her for years. Beat her and put her in the electric tank for over a year. She will get at least a few minutes of a break each day? Maybe each month. It'll take a bit more time to kill her but there's no rush right? On your command, I will take her out of the tank and beat her. After let's say a week, I will put her back in and she stays there until she dies. No breaks. Just being electrocuted."

* * *

"Noah, please, don't. Stop. Fight this! Please! I know you can!"

* * *

"I love you."

"I love you too!"

"Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams," she said, cupping his face.

He gave her a kiss. "May Princess Dream give you a vision of the future."

She chuckled. "Natalie told me about Dream's new saying."

"It's perfect for her."

"It really is!" They laid down and fell asleep.

Novella 1: He's Still a Little BoyWhere stories live. Discover now