Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

"I'm going to be late!" The blonde-haired boy rushed out of his bedroom. 

"Sir, you have five more minutes." A man dressed in a sharp black and white suit called out.

"Thanks, Koka!" He called out before running out the door, barely even having his jacket on properly. He ran, only slowing down so he could get into the backseat of one of the many black SUVs parked in front of the humongous house, or better yet, mansion.

"I need to get to today's fitting." The boy said, panting a little.

"Right away, sir."

"Pansy, you do know that you don't have to call me, 'sir', right?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then why do you do it?"

"It's the most formal and appropriate way to address you."

"But we're friends." The boy almost whined. The female, no older than 17, in the front, let a small smile show on her face.

"You know, Denki," She emphasized his first name, and the boy smiled, satisfied. "I sometimes wonder how you're a famous fashion designer with that attitude of yours." Denki gasped dramatically.

"Whatever do you mean?" He asked innocently. Pansy just chuckled a bit before all emotion slipped from her face.

"We have arrived, sir." An audible groan sounded from the backseat. 

"You with your emotionless face..." He grumbled but put on a professional front the minute the car door opened. Pansy cracked a minuscule smile at the sudden change in behavior. 

"Mr. Kaminari," Another man wearing a suit greeted the boy outside of the car. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine. Now, where are the models I will be working with?" Kaminari looked side to side, making sure no one had followed him or was looking at him. He took his identity very seriously but wearing a full face mask with sunglasses doesn't seem like the proper way to greet his next clients.

"They're inside waiting, sir." Kaminari thanked him and followed the man inside, a few more men in black suits piled out of the other SUVs behind him, but they all made way for Pansy to walk next to him. They all knew, thanks to Kaminari's constant requests, that he trusted Pansy the most and was the closest to friends with her. None of them took it personally. They all assumed it was due to their age similarities. 

"I have heard rumors of your age, though I wasn't sure which ones were true. They range from 10 to 50. It's quite fascinating." The first man said. "My name is John Ito."

"American?" Kaminari questioned, this caught the man off guard, but he quickly recovered.

"Yes, my mother was Japanese, my father was American. Here we are." They all stopped in front of a large wooden door.

"How many models will I be working with, they didn't give me any specifics over the meeting, saying that they didn't have everything planned out yet." There was a slight undertone of his disapproval of their sloppiness. To be fair, Kaminari didn't like messy requests, but this was the second largest model agency, so he didn't really have a choice if he wanted his line to be seen more. Ito swallowed.

"Yes, my apologies. There will be three. Two males, one female. Do you want any information on them before we enter?"

"Yes, what are their names?"

"The female's name is Mei Hatsume. The two male's names are Yosetsu Awase and Hitoshi Shinsou."

"Ah," Kaminari exclaimed. He would be lying if he said that he wasn't nervous. He might have a tiny crush on Shinsou. Just a small one. I mean, he's hot as fuck. Could you blame him? Wait, he had a point.... Right! He wasn't here to ogle at his small celebrity crush. Kaminari reminded himself. They were all in the top five male and female teenage models, well, even adults. Shinsou being second and Awase being fourth for the males, and Hatsume being third for the females. "You decided to choose all teenagers?"

"Yes, we thought that people might want to see your clothes on all ages. Not just adults." Kaminari nodded. It sorta made sense.

"Thank you, I have heard of these three."

"It wasn't any hassle."

"Now, can I meet them? It would be easier to fit someone if I can actually see them."

"Oh, yes. My apologies." Ito swung the doors open.

"Hello, my name is Kaminari and I will be the fashion designer that you will be modeling for."


This is the mansion that Kaminari lives in.

This is the mansion that Kaminari lives in

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