Day 3 -Jingle Bells

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Marinette set the bags of decorations on the couch, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. She glanced back, seeing Adrien taking his apron off and hanging it on the wall of the kitchen.

"All done?" she asked, rifling through the decorations they'd bought to see where they should start. She took a look around the apartment, thinking about where they could hang things and where they needed to add a little bit of life. Quiet Christmas music played over their speaker on the coffee table, and the air felt so warm, making her smile.

"Yep, the brownies will be done in about 45 minutes," Adrien answered. She heard him walking over and felt a hand come to rest on her waist, turning to smile at him.

"It'll smell great in here," she said, kissing his cheek and making him smile brightly. He glanced down at the couch and pulled out a string of bells that they'd bought to hang on the doorknob. They let out a light, twinkly noise that made her nostalgic. But it also reminded her of something else.

"Just like the little bell on your suit," she teased, poking the spot on his chest where it would be. He flashed her a smile, leaning a little closer.

"I must be a Christmas kitty then," he teased, and she laughed, taking the string of bells and placing it around her neck like a scarf.

"Now we'll match," she told him, watching him gasp playfully and back up a little to get a better look at her.

"Look how pretty you are!" he gushed, and she kept laughing, jingling the bells gently with her hands. He laughed with her, making the whole room feel brighter.

"Now I'll always know where you are," he commented, stepping closer and taking both her hands in his to kiss them. She raised her eyebrows, feeling playful.

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?" she asked, seeing him look confused.

"What?" he asked, chuckling and bringing her hands to rest on his chest. She smirked at him in anticipation.

"Hide and seek. Right now," she said, watching his eyes widen in disbelief.

"We have to decorate!" he replied, glancing back down at the bags and then back to her, his eyes almost pleading.

"Please!" she drew out, pouting. "Just one round!" She gave him the eyes she knew he couldn't resist, just wanting to have a bit of fun with her boyfriend after a long week of work.

Adrien narrowed his eyes at her, his lips pressing into a firm line.

"Fine, but you know that if they show up and the place isn't decorated, they'll never let us live it down, right?" he asked, holding her hands again. She bounced up and down excitedly, making the bells jingle and grinning.

"Yay!" she exclaimed, moving his hands to his eyes and making him laugh.

"That's not something I'd be excited about, but okay," he mumbled to himself, and she laughed, pressing a kiss to his cheek before taking one step towards her hiding place.

"60 seconds, please!" she asked him, hearing him grumble lightheartedly. She giggled, pressing her hands against the string of bells to keep them as quiet as possible. She tiptoed to their bedroom, sliding open the closet and stepping inside. She moved to where her long skirts were, pressing herself against the back wall and crouching down so her head would be hidden. She slipped her feet into some of Adrien's shoes so that he wouldn't see her feet, and she couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

Marinette waited in silence, hearing him yell out that he was done counting. She knew that he would come into the bedroom first since it was pretty much the only place to hide, but she hoped that she would succeed that time.

"I wonder where she went," he sang out, making Marinette press her smile flat. She heard him moving closer, and then the closet door slid open. She tensed, holding her breath. He pushed through some of the clothes, but when he saw that she wasn't where he was looking, he withdrew, leaving her with a dropped jaw.

He stepped away, and she heard him drop onto the floor, probably checking under the bed. He let out a small sigh, and she smiled.

"I could have sworn I heard her come in here," he said to himself quietly, and Marinette held in her laughter, staying as still as possible so she wouldn't disturb the bells.

She heard him walk out of the bedroom, and a few seconds later she recognized the sound of the shower curtain being pulled open.

"What?" he asked aloud, and she couldn't help the small laugh that came out, though she knew he wouldn't hear that. But he would hear the sound of the bells that rang out just a little when she moved quickly.

Her eyes widened as his footsteps came closer again, and she stared forward, wanting to smack herself.

"I heard you," he called out, and she tensed up again when she heard how close his voice was. But he didn't move to the closet again, and she narrowed her eyes, making one of the bells jingle quietly. She figured that maybe he needed a little help after all.

"Oh!" he exclaimed excitedly, rushing over to the closet and starting to search again. Yet again, he didn't look thoroughly, and when he couldn't find her, he breathed out a sigh.

"What?" he asked himself, and she bit her tongue in a smile, jingling all the bells loudly and snickering.

The clothes in front of her parted within seconds, and her boyfriend's confused expression came into view. She grinned, rushing forward and tackling him backwards onto their bed, hearing him yell out in surprise. They both laughed as she laid on his chest, the bells jingling as they settled.

"How did you miss me twice?" she asked, and he scoffed, shrugging.

"I guess you're just too good," he teased, smiling at her warmly and making her heart beat a little faster.

"Even with my bells you couldn't find me, smart guy," she said, reaching up to push some of the golden hair away from his eyes. He caught her hand before she could bring it back to his chest, his eyes softening.

"Well I have you now," he said, his voice so warm and deep. Her heart fluttered, making her inhale.

"Oh do you now?" she asked playfully, beginning to lean down towards him. He blinked at her slowly, let out a short chuckle.

"Mhmm," he hummed, leaning up a little and catching her lips with his, kissing her softly and making her blush. They brought each other closer, the bells jingling between their chests and making the air feel light.

The doorbell interrupted them, their lips breaking apart slowly. Adrien sighed out, unable to take his eyes off her for a moment. They both got up reluctantly, walking hand in hand to let Alya and Nino into their undecorated apartment.

They never did live it down. 


thank you all for reading! i'm loving the peaceful vibes that writing for the holidays gives me <3 I hope you're all enjoying! 

mel x

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