PresentMic X Sick Aizawa fluff

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Song above: Stella brown- Jelani Aryeh
This was a request made by ChaoticClownx
Just a heads up this story is in the preceptive of Aizawa, so yeah....hope you enjoy 🥺🥺🥺
(CW: emetophobia also language.)
    *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*
    I turned over annoyed to press my alarm off, I sat up and got hit with a wave of nausea. I ran to bathroom and threw up, "Fucking shit." I thought to myself, I sluggishly walked over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone. I looked through my contacts looking for Nezu's phone number. I eventually found it and clicked his name, my phone rang waiting for a pick up. "Hello?" Nezu answered
"Nezu, I can't come in today. I'm sick." I groggily answer.
"Aizawa, just because your sick of the kids isn't a valid reason to-"
"Nezu, I'm sick." I repeated myself.
"Oh, you mean sick." He said.
"Yes, Nezu. Can you get someone to cover my class today?" I asked.
"Yes I can, but I won't exactly know who since the short notice." Nezu says on the other end.
"Thank you"
"No problem,  I hope you get better." Nezu said, after which he ended the call. I put my phone back on my nightstand and sunk into my bed, feeling worse than I did before. I felt so nauseous and dizzy. I felt my head, I
definitely had a temperature. I started to cough which made my chest burn with pain. I pulled myself up, I wheezed when I took a breath in.
    I rested myself on my elbows to provide temporary relief from the pain from coughing. I then got another call on my phone, "Hello?" I answered, "Yo Shōta, where are you?" Present Mic, my friend said on the other end. "I'm sick. So I can't come in." I said plainly. "Aw man, that sucks." He said. "Hope you get better man.", "Me too." I said. "Is there anything I can bring you?" Mic asked, "lots of cough medicine." I said. "Ok!" Mic said. He quickly hung up. I felt so sluggish, my head ached like I had a hangover. A very bad hangover. It felt like death themselves had taken over my body was riddling it with the most hellish illness ever, needless to say I feel like shit. I just needed to rest but my headache, cough, and general sickness refused to let me get a break. But my eyelids wanted to shut, what could it hurt to just rest my eyes......
        I woke up like 2 hours later with my head feeling like it got fucked upside down with a jack hammer, "Shō! You up?!" I heard a familiar perky voice. Hizashi....I sighed and got up and felt weak, but I forced my body out of my room and to the door. My hand went to the door handle, the cold metal felt amazing against my feverish body. I took in a breath before I had to deal with the loud moth blonde, "Hi Zashi." I said, in my usual monotone dead voice. "Shōta! The hell man you look so sickly.", "Thanks." I retorted at Zashi's unintentional jab. "I brought you the all holy remedy." He pulled out a bottle of Esutakku Eve Fine. (This is a real brand in Japan. It's very common medicine for having a cold.) "Please let me marry you." I deadpanned. "Than you." Then nausea. "Hold on I'll be right back-" I dashed off to my bathroom and began to empty my empty stomach, I felt like a drunk college girl. My hair was held up by my other hand, after all....I wouldn't want to ruin the absolute fuckery that is my hair. "Shō-" I heard Zashi say before his hurried footsteps and the gentle lifting of my hair, "Damn you're really really sick." He said. I really didn't want to puke while Mic was around cause I hate to admit it but I liked him, I really did. And last time I checked vomiting wasn't that hot looking, but yet again I did hold Zashi's hair back when he was piss drunk vomiting back in our 20s. So returning the favor I guess. "Uuugnnnnnn...." I slightly groaned, "I fucking hate being sick." I whined. My lifted from inside of privy and got rid of the fouls smelling content, "I'm so hot." I said moving my hair. "Yes. Yes you are." Zashi laughed while sighing. He let go of my hair as I went over to my sink and washed out my mouth, the cold water....Oh how nice....So wonderful. I wanted to water board myself with it, this fever is kicking my ass. I spit out the water and wiped excess water off with my shirt. Zashi put a hand on my forehead, "You're blazing hot. Let me get you a cold towel-", "No Zashi...It's fine. It'll go away soon." I said. He frowned but did as I said. "You need to rest.", "As long as you do it with me." I smirked. "Horny much?", "shut up you're built like Italian Greyhound." I grinned. He snickered at my remark. "Fine, fine...But you have to promise me you won't get me sick.", "I can't promise shit. If you get sick I get do this exact same thing with you." Zashi just sighed and shook his head. He brought me to my room and laid next to each other, "you're a god send, thank you.", "No problem Shō. It's the least I could do." Zashi said, as we looked at each other. "Hizashi....I gotta tell you something.", "what?" He asked, I could tell he was intrigued. "I like you.", "I like you too.", "No...Zashi....I like you." I repeated making sure to emphasis on, "like." A light pink blush arouse on Hizashi's face, "O-Oh.....", "I know that probably makes you uncomfortable but-" Zashi stopped me from talking when he lightly pecked my lips. My eyes widened, as blush rouse to my face. "I like you too." Hizashi said. I lightly pecked his lips back. "I'm glad we both agree." That almost made me forget I was sick. "I love you.", "I love you too." I said slightly cradling Zashi's face with my hand.
Ok so writing fluff is new to me so I hope that is ok.
Anyway have a good day or night
Bye my little readers.
Word count: 1098

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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