Chapter 1:A reunion and departure

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The monster who was named Alucard was unleashed. A former human, now turned shinso was ready to fight. This was Tsukune Aono.

He was with his gang

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He was with his gang. More like harem. The shinso Moka Akashiya.

The yuki-ona Mizore Shirayuki

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The yuki-ona Mizore Shirayuki.

The succubus Kurumu Kurono

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The succubus Kurumu Kurono.

The succubus Kurumu Kurono

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The witch Yukari Sendo.

And the single one who wasn't part of his harem, Moka's mother who just revived Akasha Bloodriver

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And the single one who wasn't part of his harem, Moka's mother who just revived Akasha Bloodriver.

Akasha:Let's put an end to this

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Akasha:Let's put an end to this.


Alucard was the most dangerous and overpowered being to ever exist. That's what the students though. But, they were wrong.

Evryone had a same fellings in a moment. Dread, despair, sorrow, darknees. This was because of an sudden aura who was revealed. And Akasha knew very well this sensation.

Kurumu:What the hell is this!?

Yukari:I'm scared, desu!

Moka:What could provoke this!?

Mizore:This felling. Like a incarnation of nightmares.

Tsukune:It's like I'm being swalowed by darknees.

Of course Alucard was a monstous being who they should fear. But there was an existence more terrifying than him. Someone even him feared. And surprise, this existence was a human.

But not a simple human. He was a kafka among kafkas. A minus among minuses. A demon among monsters
A crawling minus among crawling chaos. The single true immortal man Kumagawa Misogi.

Kumagawa:[I knew it

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Kumagawa:[I knew it. You're back. Well, it was damn time! I have waited for you very long Akasha!]

Akasha made a determined look and pointed her finger at him.

Akasha:I'll deal with you later!


Akasha:I need to take care of Alucard first!

And she charged. Kumagawa stayed down with a confused face.

Kumagawa:[Did she just leaved me with the eyes on the sun? It's that how kids say it these days? Well, I at least had a good view.]

He really did. He looked at her back. And those clothes leaved little to the imagination.

After very much struggle and Touhou, Mikodai and Akasha sacrifice, Alucard was defeated. The group morned the death. But, that was short lived.

Kumagawa:[All fiction.]

Suddenly the tree dark lords were alive and healthy like nothing ever happened to them. They cheared.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, yeah. You're all strived for hope. Now you won and because Alucard-chan was deemed evil you can fell better about the fact you all became murderers. Now, can we get in with the fight!]

Though it sounded childish and whining, the crowd said nothing. It just was felling wrong. In fact, his entire existence was like that.

Akasha:Alright. You don't need to throw a tatrum, gezz!

She was the single one who can talk to him like that. The two of them had a history. Kumagawa wasn't really deranged by her or any other monster. Part of that being how inhuman he is.

They began with a sword fight. Than hand to hand. Akasha was regenerating as alwais from the hits he landed. Kumagawa though, leaved himself be hit by all the atacks. He didn't heal, but didn't look affected in the slighest.

That fight put evryoane on edge. It was even more destructive than the previous one. All went well, until a light blinded Kumagawa and Akasha. They finded themselves in a forest,just the two of them.

Kumagawa:[That's unexpected.]

Akasha:Truly. There isn't anyone else here, is it.

Kumagawa:[Not from what I could tell.]

Akasha jumped on him.

Kumagawa:[What are you doing?]

Akasha:You know very well what am I doing. There has been over 20 years from ehen I was sealed and didn't have any stress relief. It's not like we didn't do it before. Or maybe you don't want to?

Kumagawa:[No, ma'm. I'm totaly on the same page as you.]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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