Setting rules

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Aislinn pov

We were sitting around in the human's living space as she came out of her room wearing just a towel 'How shameless is this human I mean the boys might be innocent to the human world but  the only thing I seen that is the same is our general body function like the need to rest but then again I could be wrong about that' I thought while observing the human closely

"Okay if i'm going to be your prisoner we need to set some ground rules" The human exclaimed I rolled my eyes a little

"As a prisoner you don't get to make rules" Asch said

"Whose the powerful sorcerer?, that's right me" the human said with sass 'You don't seem powerful' I thought

"Sorceress, and Aislinn is actually way more powerful" Pierce corrected while glancing at me 'The only reason he said that is because I beat the king in a sparing match so everyone in Daemos has respect for me but that was seer luck'

"Wait really" The human asked while looking at me I glared at her slightly staying silent before nodding, she flinched a bit before turning back  to the others

"Just-pfft ugh, why are you guys coming through my walls" The human asked impatiently 

"Once  our home is linked to a surface we can enter from any place at will in close proximity" I said while looking out the window

"So, you guys can come in from anywhere in my apartment at any time?" The human asked

"She literally just said that" Lief said

"Okay alright I can fix that then" The human said before walking back into her room then coming back out and headed towards the wall 'is that paint?, or a form of ink' 

"This is my magic spell wand called Cra-yo-la once I mark this door you are bound to only use this spot to enter and exist if you don't use this door you will die" She said while looking at us I raised my eyebrow a little

"What" Asch said in shock

"Now we're talking" Leif said happily 'I sometimes wonder if Lief is a masochist'

"NOOOOOOOOOO" Noi exclaimed 

"You can't do that" Rhys said in shock

"I just did, now the next thing stop calling me human sorcerer I have a name" The human said

"Ava" Pierce said

"H-how did you?" Ava asked confused

"Your friend at the sacred mall said it" Pierce said

"Okay, first off Lorelai is not my friend she just yells 'friend' at me and I reciprocate because I apparently am enabler, second-" Ava got interrupted by Noi

"Do you know our names?" Noi asked I chuckled 

"I doubt she does" I said smirking at Ava

"I-I kn-know th-that is Rhys and-" I cut her off before she can continue 

"I am Aislinn, the one with the white horns and ring on his left horn is Asch, the one with blue horns is Pierce, the green horns is Lief, the one next to Lief is Noi, and finally as you said Rhys" I said while looking at Ava she looked shocked as I smirked again, Ava went to speak before I teleport in front of her and covered her mouth with my hand

"And before you asked no me and Pierce nor are me and Rhys related to each other we just have different shades of blue horns" I confirmed before walking and standing next to Asch with crossed arms

"I-I knew that I was just testing you" Ava said flustered 

"Wow Aislinn you passed" Noi said smiling at me I smiled back a little before staring at the human blankly

"Now we need to talk about personal space" Suddenly we heard a ring

"Right after I answer the door, you guys in the mean time put these clothes on" Ava said walking to the door

"But we are not sure how-" Noi said before getting cut off

"Figure it out" Ava said continuing making her way to the door I snarled a bit

"I can't stand that human I would have rather killed her by now then stay in the same place as her I have tired to be nice but all she has been doing is treating us like children" I said bluntly glaring at the place she was

"Soon Aislinn we will be back on Daemos but for now we need to blend in" Asch said looking at me 

"Fine but don't blame me if she ends up dead because this whole thing got delayed by feelings or she pisses me off" I said shrugging before walking towards the bag and giving everyone their clothes

"Aislinn later tonight i want you to report all the things you seen the human do with everyone" Rhys said while walking into the wall I nodded in understanding before placing the clothes between my arm, Rhys then came back out this his human clothes on 'Not gonna lie he looks handsome'

"Wait HOW DID YOU GET THE CLOTHES ON" Noi exclaimed I shook my head

"It's easy Noi" Rhys said before looking at me I smiled

"You look very handsome Rhys" I said with a closed eye smile as Rhys blushed at my compliment 

"No fair I want to be praised by Aislinn" Noi said

"Come on Rhys help us out" Lief said sounding a bit desperate as Rhys shook his head and walked to the door as Pierce  followed him

"Ava look I figured out how to put on the clothes" Rhys said

"No one saw him do it and he won't tell us" Pierce exclaimed 

"That's because it's a test from her and I passed just like Aislinn" Rhys said proudly

"Go away" Ava demanded as Rhys and Pierce walked away

"Rhys I demand you tell us how you gout the clothes on" Asch demanded as Rhys shook his head again Asch then walked back to the door 

"Prisoner get over here now" Asch said before I quickly grabbed his wrist

" Sorry Ava and hello Misses Oates" I said bowing before pulling him back into the living room right after Ava followed after me a little bit after

"Rhys how did you do it" Noi asked

"It's really simple" Rhys said again

"But the sorcerer- I mean Ava said they are magic clothes from the sacred mall" Noi said

"Use your brain" I said as ruffle Noi's hair

"You guys suck" Ava said as I roll my eyes 'Childish much'

"Excuse me" Asch said darkly 

"You heard me 'Your majesty' it's bad enough you guys are taking over my home but now I have to imagine sweet Misses Oates like- ugh and she thinks i'm ugh" Ava said angrily 'Damn go off girl'

"Don't speak to me like that" Asch said I glance to see a shadow 

"Make me stop then" Ava demanded as Asch put fire close to her face

"Your majesty stop" Rhys said I made a quick hand sign as the shadow pushed both Ava and Asch apart.


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